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Show j ye Teach W dA?."."'.,t'h!I ! Inlrraallonul (7irrrn'rart Scboob ' vjT t-i l- v. ho in n, . In M, VfMrtld, ft. tl v'.i'.V '.' " .1 iw-'ik-it tXJwTTT-) ; ..."., !..... II..U-, ( -- JjvlVi. Aiibxad Di.l. 'I.1..U M.fl 5um. S iirl.,1,1 rntiirt tt'i""1 "i'T' M," '-" ! XI. I 0r . 1". . ' . -". -C -C ' "? t 1 COa'- I ? Weber Coal spells economy. IV Try a ton. It will do a $j ton's work. Do not take IN1 ' any chances this season in the Vjf matter of fuel. Coal that t , 2 produces the greatcsl amount $ of heat; coal lUal burns to - (IM f; the last ounce; coal that is all Jj! V coal, and the ash of which is lj evidence of its heat energy-- jy, M . that's the kind of coal we sell ( ! I WEBER COAL CO., f ). itJ Acs o COALVILLE, UTAH. I I ' I l . iZ .vv ...v-5. ."V . .v C-4r KING OF THEM all! ! I BALLARD S SNOW LINIMENT ii. IIhk In I'll Crownad with Fhanomlnai Succatu nlni'o Ivll, itml M f: i. i. ...lay I In' !! Houaehold Ll.ilmnt nn Inn iinirkrt. t 4 f CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN, H I'S s-mm iririr NEURM OIA. imIH. CUT. IkRUKES, BURN, Ol O i V M I I 1HS nRtl. nCALOl. I1ACHACHC. tUMUAQU. Tirr ioini. Q c Ki WLJIxLwO CONiKrno Miinci.fj. PrtiNin ankiii, runN Bl f v HUktitft PRAIH'0 WHISTS. FROtTCU IUI, CORN, Ji . V . .INK, ANO ALL INFLAMMATION. H if J and $1.00 Rofuas All Sub.tilul... B . iNOW LINIMENT CO., V,'.?. ,u"0, I . ' If rth tcond lrct, ST. 10IIIS, MO. 1 . Ihrbmimmb .ulinilidrommndrd i vUD tTJOaJnaSnJ i . 1 John nojiloD A Bon. IHot Soda-Try Soda-Try One! JOHN BOYDEN & SON. I 1 i , Thcr.c Clothes Look New as Long' as they Last A suit lli .r sull look Mivnrt ami ImKl shape until it's worn out is n-nrti 100 fn-- c rt ti:i" tv". 'Ii;i: K- iksshabby and out oi i-lupe as ;i.i;n as iiic newness wears olf. Isn't that so? Ciothcraft All -Wool Clothes will wear out in lime. lint until An.l t!u v rn t nn more dun Ihctt int i,iy, liny will h. 1,1 tln'ir om rliiiiio SHI to $25. Thtf .ii ami ilu-ir ;'i.. at lit OSL Y utMranUtJ fin Tht-y ate ililMh an.! hom-stly " .',"' ""' ni uli- on! i( nothing Imt '": -l"""'..!. ilnih. 'l int's wliy ilu-y l.i-i Innn If every man in this town knew and l.xik will as Imiii a tl lal. linw tliesc wnnilerfnl rlnthef La' h mil rarriei a bignr.l liit:ir,i't- are, we wnnlil li.ive to ilmilile the y tli.it imuifl you a;;i'int diap- me t.f our Mote. Yu can linj out pnititniint, how nx)il they are hJ,iy, Cojilvillo C( )-of) A Household Ncces;?. ' - B BALLARD'S I H0REH0UND SYRUP J 1 COMI'OL'M). 1 A oup.f.s Co..s-. r v',,r.,,-;; r . r.-r--. 1 A cliitis, boro IlfC'tt, iioaiavKja, I . j J Tha Favorlfa .' n r" s. 11 ' ' .1 I -wiiif 1 -1 'in I ..I.I. II. l i I-. f :.-.. ar: . ;, '.Vtc- j!IC:..,i ci'1 H 4 ColJa. I jl W..Cantn, t'cSma-.-l. V . fH- - r ; . ' . ' I S ' Flico ZRc. 50c uo.l fl 00 ftcfu... All Silli.tilillr.. ! M BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., IT. LOUIS. MO. S ?lsn?wr'vTxr;rs-oui oun i.'ooiT.r...r...ri ivi.i'-iMi?i.tiur '.'tin 1'iiv.i.n. ivn i j ,.t. n-ff ,t 4,,t ,VIJ ,.,.....,....,...: -in-!"- JJSfSS SS thread febeFRBB"l '''V '"Shuttle willi yoiir eyes shut I HTTSi a Shuttle of The FREE Scwtng Machine, you N I ivV4;;.-vS:.yJ $ can shut your eyes put it in any way cith- fA f' l .'.liTT' Ljiv ' f - $ erend first thread over or under. However m m :V--iihf youdoitjrjfiht This is but one of the m 'vrt--;.-;v " many impiovemcnts on !" '." - ,-- k Sewing Machine y which ir.u!:s ii the Simplest, the Lightest Ri!nrirvj. the Easiest to operate, and the ii Fastest Sewing Machine in the world. ; When vc became the Exclusive Agents for The TREE we told Mr. Wm. C. Free, its inventor and president of the Free l ? h Sewing Machine Co., that there was bt;t one objection to The FREE it is so j;, f j wonderfully perfect that you can't tell the people the truth about it without seem- !j in to exaiycratel p I He Replied: "Ask them to come and see it." j k t "Let them see with their own eyes its marvelous "Rotoscillo" movement, its eight 1 1 i sets of Hall-bearings, its Automatic Shuttle Ejector, its Automatic Locking Draw p crs, its French Leg Design, its Rotary Spool Pin, its Needle which can't go in fi ! Ji wrong, its Automatic Tension Release, etc., etc" i Ij "Then They Must Believe" j So wc want every woman in our city to come yl''s and see The FREE for herself. KAiV ; The ITtEE Attachments are the best. Our rrice is ritjht. iXI I SUMMIT FURNITURE ISiwV ; . j! i &lullAtt |