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Show Man Who Succeeded Charlee A, Dana Called by Death. Nnw York William K. I.affnn. pub-llnhnr pub-llnhnr of tho Nuw York Hun. illml Krl-day Krl-day nt hla homo In Uhih lnlund. fob lowing nn operation fur npKmllcltla perforiumt ou Motulay. William l.af-fun l.af-fun aaa thn aurcmiaor of thn lain Ct. urine A. liana In ilia niunuicnmnnt of tha Nnw York Hun, mid thn publisher pub-lisher of lhat nnwapapnr for Ihn Iuhi tuenty.flva ynara. Hla home waa In liiwrener. 1, 1. Mr. Iilfan waa born lu llulillu. lialnud. iUty-two ynara agu. i ..i..irJu...J. 1 - i , .. " |