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Show I Wante to Fill D at a Shoee. ! Mexico Clly. Over nluhi a nnw ! cailillilllln baa been apl lllli; fur Ihn I prenldelicy of Mexico. II la Al'ornev llnrbeito lliirroii. roriuer lunmher nf j Ihn chlllllber of ilcpnllnn. laler a purtl nan of tleunial Helen nil- Hi" lee I preHhlelicy, anil now vMilm. New I York. Large poaior primed In red ' Ink. beai hi't the aniinuueeuieni nr Hat'. ' run n a cainl'ilun lor Hm Ih-m-c paitv fur pri'xldi-ot. aivmaie I mi hens.. I liullilllo-.a ami lilllhiianli all ever thn ! city Wcilticii.lav miirullo;. I le- mi ' llouileeuielil creuleil much evi l' - meiit 'Ullit luiilH criOVilH ilUctlHHiil III. Iiei niovn of the runner lm-lulu - r n' ihe 'Circle ol Krlenda" of ihe piet-hl. nt. |