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Show QIVE UP ALL HOPE. Man Entombed In Coal Mine Art Undoubtedly Un-doubtedly Dead. Cherry. 111. Hclcncn and dnapera-Hun dnapera-Hun hava greatly chocked tha fire that muffed out 3(10 Uvea III tho tit. Paul coal inlno. Mnn bruved the tlre-iwept liinuula on Krhlay bi bring the dead lo the eurfucn. Charily haa laiurnd aid Into huniea ci( aulturlng aurvlvoni. Hut all of thla could not aubdiio Um grief of Cherry'a Inhabltanla when tho aight ot the ili ud, lifted from Iho tomb, IiIuhIihI 'heir hoiu-a that thu men might hu n-acued nllve. There la now no Iiom that any of the liuprlnoueil men are uMvu. |