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Show ATTEMPT WHOLESALE MURDER. ' Austrian Officer Sent Deadly Polaon (: Under Oulte of Medicine. Vienna An exlraordlmiry atltmpt ', at wholnanle poisoning among milt 1 tury ofllcnra her baa caused a annsa-tbm. annsa-tbm. A large number of ofllcere Just promoted pro-moted to be cnpinlns on the general I staff have received through the malls sample bnies of pi Ms. These wnro i accompanied hy a circular recom- mending them for nervous debility. i Ciiptaln Madnr took minis of the pllla and died almost Immediately. An ' aiitonsv revoulcd Hi" presence of cyanide nf potassium. thn nil lha Pill" contained ernntdo of potassium In large quantities and also that many flrat llniitnnnnta attached at-tached to the BtafT. but not promoted, had not received pllla. Thn circular were algned "Charle Francla" and bore a false address. |