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Show if-rnt m ai-k or-- iiiyACMNTH. THE GRCAT AMERICAN TURKEY . . . 0n la turn ! 4lah ft If a fclftf. . . Mem abu1 your ilr - I il I , . . If ytMi ar thinking f omthlfi fctt-ff I w utroa a e)rwl of atr MalmM, 4 Colanal KniN ar Prrmh. i f awraa hartfly 4iatirte4. i SALT LARS lilt Ulan THE "NEW" NOVEL "Hnvo you rend my laat book, Mr. CiMidchild?" "Well, no or tn tell tho truth, my mother won't allow too to." RECIPE FOR CATARRH. Furnished by High Medical Authority. Qlvea Prompt Resulta. The only toglcul Irentiiient for catarrh ca-tarrh la through tho blood. A proscription pro-scription which has recently proved : wonderfully I'ffectivo In hospital work Is the following. It la cnally mixed. "Ono ounce compound syrup of Rarsapnrllla: ono ounce Torls com- 1 pound; half pint flratclnss whiskey." These lo be mixed by shnklng well In I a bottle, anil used In tablespoon doses before ench r.ienl nnd at bedtime. The Incredlents rnn be gntten from any well stocked druggist, or he will gel llicm from his wholesale house. BTATS or Cmirt Cm ev TnLSTXl. J fa J. l-uaasv malm ealh thai as fe) sraae p.-r ut lha nr.n ot I. J. luiui a IX... U..U.S fi.,.lnr Si I ha I iij. .S 1k.l... (..iiniy ai.d aula if-Tr?1'! Mnfo' I'lYta'?' 'slh r11" u tmm of C.I.HI.S thai cwlilail be tvmt liruasad UaLL'a laiaaajl i'tas. rnxvg j citrvt v Hwnrn le brrrs m anr MjtMa-rlUr.1 hi tuf iMrsanea. Ifaw lilt day irf OvcanlMS. A. U IMS. I '' 1 A. W. llt.KASOX, I " ti I MuTAST ll'SUO. Itali a Catarrh Oira w lahHl hitn-nallr and arts dlrariir I I. l....l a.l n..tr.ia auilaras ol U mm ' VTTil! sn" co.. itiasM.o 0..ld hr all Uruavtala. T'-r. Isas Uail raiut.r I'loa tm SDnallpalaia. Naught But Abuse. "They nil aald I would mnko aplen did candidate." "Well?" "Ho I became a cnndlduto." "Agnln well?" "And now look what Ihey any about me!" 1-outi-vllle Courier. Journal. f ost'e Descendant In Poverty. Tho present wnvo of ogltatlun fur the amendment of the llritlsh copyright copy-right law la gaining strength from the discovery that a great-grandson of Itoberl Hums Is now making a pre carious living aa a mender of pota and pans. Important to Moth ora. Eisnilnu careiully every bottlo of CAHTUHI A, a aafe and aure remedy for Infanta and children, uud sue that It Dears the is Signature of C&ffi&&&U In f'so For Over .'Ml Ycnra. The Kind You Have Alwsys Bought. Her Observation. "Love," remarked tho romantic young man, "la said to brighten the eye." "I don't know about that," rejoined tho practical maid, "but It hns a ten duncy to dlnnrrungu one's hair." 8hsks Into Your Shoe Atlsn'e Kont-Knae. the antiseptic powder. Il inukea tlslit or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure fur sweating, callous an. I hot, nr. . I, n.iilng f.'.t. Always uae It I.. Hreuk In new ali.u-s. Hold hy all Prum-Mata. Trial pin-kauri mulled Tree. A.l.lraaa Allan II. Oliualtd. lltuy. New Yurk. Tho grandest tlinu a man lias la de scrlhlng to hla wife exactly how an election la coming out nnd the busiest explaining why II didn't. Pettlt's Eye Salve for 25o. Relieves tired, contrcalctl. inllumed and sore eves, quickly slops eye schca. All druggists or llowurd llros., llullulu, N. Y. What bus become of the old-fash-loned boy who would rat her Bthy home mid work Ihun go to school? Al t KN I. I'M) 111 KXt wilt ears i.i ,,i.lr a fi.-.h ,-..l.t. hut ,,u ihoasatnlw bum .-...lall.a Uial u.ually li.ii oD for nuUUI... llsUlalaudliuivaltaeunb. she. last suu II JJU. Not to alleviate If we can all that needs alleviation. WANTS HER 1 LETTER PUBLISHED For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills Minneapolis, Minn. "I wns a great auflerer from fenmln trouble which I caused it xvenklicsa ssa.'V . ami broken down -sKaZrS condition of the f j syslein. 1 read so '' DT iiiiicliorwlintl.vtlia V lf.t v- I'lnWIiuurg Vei?- J F ' lalile Compound ' ' litol doo for ot her t; -fT aiitliTiiist women I v.'s felt sum It would agy,"sii. help tile, ntld 1 must jTi-v ,. aay It did help nio 'ii' wotidertiilly. My a ' ,us nil left me, I :rcw stronger, mid v. It hin tim e moittbl I wna a perfectly well woman. "1 want tills letter in i.lo public to) allow the Is'iielit women nay d. rlvo from J.vdin K. rinklmin's Vegeliilda ('omp .u'nil " Mrs. .Iimin (1. Mih.ua v, Vll.'i Second St,, or!li, 2iliiuciipolia, .Minn. 'I lioiisauds of unsolicited ntirt penn. Inn teatimiiiilals like the iiIhivu iirnvo the rllicleiicy of I.y.lln K. l'lnkluim'l Vegetaliln ( oiiisiiiiid, wliiiii Is muda exclusively from roots nnd herbs. Women who sillier fmui thoso tils, trussing tl's peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of ttteso lacts or doubt tlie ability of I. villa K. liiikliam'a Yctrctublo ConiiHiiiiid to restoro their bt-ultlu If yon xx nut apodal ndvlocxvrlfo lo Mrs. I'ltiriliiini, nt I. ynn, !lus. Mic will trcntyoiir let toriisHtrliily conllili-iilliil. 1'or "(I yeiira alia' llllS) iHTtl lll'IplllHT Hll'k WllllH'll In thla way, free of cliuruo. JUon't LtslUito WTltO ut UUVsh 11UWI3 'llpj Regard Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment as unrivaled for Preserving:, Preserv-ing:, Purifying and Beautifying Beau-tifying the Skin, Scalp, Hair and Hands, for Sanative, Sana-tive, Antiseptic Cleansing and for the Nursery. rVild ifamiiatrwnit tho world IVf-tlr I nndtiti. TT, n.ariiii- K.i . 1-4 fl. A, Itlt ! U I'rtll. Autr-II., Autr-II., ( lu-.n i, Cm, r-y.in.y. Intlift. I K. I'nul, flnnu; I hlO. II. trig Kulltt Iifti fu.; Jni-an, Hnivft. I.l-I . Tnki.. l(uif.. i.ffrin. Uww fa. i Afri.-. Irrnm.n. I td . .1- T-n. Hf . I 1- A, SICK HEADACHE s iPoalllvely cured b CARTERS h-iHi.pnu. t J ITTl r llsafn.iulyauep.l,l I I S a I r-w .llin-alli.il and I',-. It.arlf II I Ut K Ksllna. A parfael rria. E 1 b 11 ii '"' """" II rlLLas ae. Dmalii.aa, Had ft Bi TsatelntlisMoiilh.Cuss. ff eissaf I 4 Tunsue. l'slu In the "'"' lau- S'. .nmn I.11KIL Tbajr rcirulsts His UoWcls. Purely Vasatsbla. SMALL Pill. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. PADTrrjcl Genuine Must Bear 1 LArlltKi Fao-Similo Signature I pYlL8R. W I EU 1 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, 1 Best for Children CURE ; Gives instant relief when little throat , are irritated and sore. Contains no opiates and b ai pleasant lo take at it it effective. taa |