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Show HOME Bi' NEWS I Wlio will not rend 'I ho Christmas Tlinoa? Turkey were In gri'M cli-umml thii wick. IIt yon litvent iK'ited tin- nirrll of font on the farm? II llinlnip Win. Z. TVrry wh nil K dun viallor luHt Saturday. Found Kr-y, Owner can have am by paying for thin adv. Mrs. Cnrl Alllanii apinit Ttiiinka. KItIiik (lay li'T" witli rtilativa. E. L. lli'iiHon wanli torn inure horses to winter, l'rlces rlKt- The orilcrn aru i-oiiiImk In fur Tim Xmhm Tim km. llnve we yuura? The B. V. A. M. Co. aoM thn-v Unlvernnl raugo laat Saturday. For Sal. Cheap. A banjo and 40 Irlngn. Kniiilrf nt this utile. V W. Alll'tl U llOlllf tl) apnllll ThnnkKivlti( day wllh hie pariiiit. (JinirKH lorrela hit! movi-d hla hoe luip to I lie old pontolllce H. Mr.Conrad Sinlry anil two daugli-Inr daugli-Inr were down from Upton Mon-dnr. Mr. Win. Front and Mm. Henry Wlldu returned from Salt Lake on the lHlh. Mini Amy linydin wnt to Cent.r-He Cent.r-He Sunday to attend the fuuoral of her cousin. The Co-op received a carload of flour and one of sIiIukIbs and lath on Tueeday. Thninaa Beard has oin fine cel. ry for al at hla home. AUo car-rota car-rota aud catiliaire. MIm Victoria Carr of Orus Creek waa th gu.st of MIm Kdna Beard the forepart of the week. A inodnt of Irrigation The U,l ' ' '"1l'C';y ' Yiilt" r"-J Mm. W. W. duff returned to Salt J.akn on Tuimday after making- a pluHBiit visit In Coalville. Mm. K. M. Ilrouiluy Ima at Kelio about UK) nanny Annum Kt for aale. Wrltu for partloulitm. Mm. I..K. Kldrmlre rotiirnml Hun-day Hun-day from Suit l.nke whore aim han been vialling for about two wn-ka. Mm. J. I,. Hoyden left Wednea- day fur a week' vlall witli relative and friend In Salt Lake and tKden. K. I,. Ilonnon ha for dale one of the beat hotel at the beat location, ill the het town of I'tali. Mia Mao ltraucli left Wedneaday fur Salt Lake, where ahe will vat turkey and vlall with friend until Mondny. Since readiiiK "Or. Tnne on Ventilation" Ven-tilation" we have decided to wait a while before putting ill new Klaa In our front window. Prof. Terry report nearly aixty pupil enrolled at the Academy. Tliat I aliuut the number that wa enrolled hint year. We expect to ee a big- repreaen-talluii repreaen-talluii ef I'ark City In the Cbrlatma Time. They will have to hurry tbo, to beat Coalville. Herbert Clark who recently mid hla ranch In Upton, ha purcbaaad two fnrin In Cluff ward from John Wllaun and John Lord. Chaa. Farnaworth left for Halt Lake Tuesday, where be will eat turkuy. Nevor mind dar girl, ho will return neat week. Our teacher apent Wednoday at the Salt Lake public Kchoola looking look-ing up K"l point for ourlown, that' the way to Improve alright. Our rnpreeutatlve, Mr. Thoina. had a nice chut with the i'ark City Uncord while at I'ark the other day. The editor hn the amu "Quaker Oat" am I to. Mr. and Mr. O. H. Arnold left Wednesday morning for Carlln, Nev., where they will vlnlt a couple of week with their daughter, Mr. A. K. Jacknn. The largent order for Job work received re-ceived from out of town. In a long time, wa received from Win. F. wmnrt 1kT tr)t. Mayor Prank Croft waa calbd to CenUtrvllle, Sunday, on account of tliu death of hi brothor'a daughter, who had been III aeveral week with rheumatism of the heart. Wo have a great big briquette ready fur the next man who Nllck hi bond In the dour and tell u It In Muddy. It waan't our turn to tip tbo weather man, no there. I A bunch of home from Kimball llroa. livery liarn at I'ark City w ed Ihmiigh town Monday on ti" way to K. .. Ilenaon' ranch in Fl-ton, Fl-ton, where they will be wlntereit Carpenter Frank Kibpon I p-ting p-ting In mine up-to-date shelving the Hiimmit Furniture A Mer. Co-atore. Co-atore. riiln will give more much-needed much-needed room to tbl growing ludi-tullon. ludi-tullon. - The annual meeting of the lieajth oftloer will be held at Halt La al the oily and county building Wn Nov. 8U. It I expected that all health oillcor In the date will t preaent. V Mr. C. M. Johanvon I vlaltliif ill Ogilen Hie gueat of her (laughter, I Mr. Tlllle Anderaon. Uefore roi turning home aim will vlnlt In Mnr gau with he daughter, Mr. Joaepli. William Jr. Leo Myer, formerly of Kvauelen but of late engaged in the electric picture bualnea at Coalville. Utah, in now occupying the ponltlon ol aaaiatant bookkeeper at Itlyth A Fargo'. Kvaunton I'r. Mutt Wlndaor leave today for Nevada where ha will work during the winter. He leave behind on ad heart not far from hero. How-aver, How-aver, hu will rejoice In the awet pringtlino when Matt return. Notice There will bo a atock holder hold-er meotlng of the Waoahlp, Rock-port Rock-port A Hoytavllle Itange Co. held at Wannhlp ward houaa Deo. xl, 1900, at III a.m. to decide on putting aheep on the range, Irwin Crittenden, tfec. ltertie If. Parton and Mia Mary (iraham, both of I'ark City, were granted a llcenae lo wed laat Saturday. Satur-day. They were married the aauie day by Justice of th Peace N. J. l'eteraon and lent on their way rejoicing. re-joicing. , While at the Park City hotel two of our teacher beard a gentleman In the next room throw down hla hoa with a load bang, and thoy atayed awaka all night waiting for blin to throw the other an they Mr. aud Mr. K. L. Henaon were called to Hurley, Idaho, Wedneaday Wednea-day on aooount of the aerloua lllneaa of Mr. Heiion' mother, Mr. M. A. Savage, who ha been III will typhoid fever the paat four wenke, and her life I deapared of. The Kvanaton Pre nay: On Sunbay laat Mr. J. J. Cro ol North Kvanaton wa the victim of ptomaine poisoning, being evenly even-ly ill for aevoral hours, but being atlouded promptly by llr. Sober rallied and baa now fully ro- ed. m. E. H. Coleman of Thatcher, 4nna. I vialling her brother, "'y F.van. Mr. Colaman In-,Nld In-,Nld to apend the winter here he) thinks the climate her too '"te. She haa Buffered a aevere "k of pneumonia aliue coming tjiriah while vialling In Lehl. 1W Hoytavllle baaket ball team natVueaday evening, Nov. St. and Wd the following olllcera: Man-W Man-W O. L. lluhsun; aecretary and I tKairer, K. J. Hrown; captain, J. ''latin; member of the team: Sprigga, K. J. Hrown, Heher Ssant, Ille Hrown, Andrew i ikon, Alfred Drown and (I L. l'Vn. ThMugli our "peep atone" " Munch look bard to beat. at.ther Industry I to te started talvllla befora many days. Mr. violin Olddaldof till oily, a flrat-si flrat-si m harnoaa uiak.r and ahoe re-P re-P ir. ha rented the two rmuna In thCwainaton building next to the Sutult Meat Co,, and will make aepair harnoaa, saddles, and rn-piixhoe rn-piixhoe In flrat cla workman-iJand workman-iJand at reasonable price. Mr. Uiioid will open up on Deo. 1st, a aiolialta a ahare of your patron-a.J patron-a.J Watch Coalville grow. Ikveaouatomerf.H'.li. .ollowlug: 4. 4oow. Jldrlvlng home. I'.oua. and lot. unall building to be removed, imall farm within I'.' mile of til. Iluiry farm In Summit county. !iaoral purpone farm, ngo land for two eheep herd, it your property with K. I,. uu It you want a quick sal. ItM about till time laat year win sick lien began to allow itaulf. l i. tn careful till year. If you h tympunn of anything eon-lajt-ma ceo tha d iotor iinmodlataly Hti ,ir jour noluhlxir troublo. Jfl.Tuii nyu n.i tbo children. Tio Duu't avnd your children to laenoot If you have caua. to iruspl-clan iruspl-clan auythlng dangerou. Proven-linn Proven-linn la bettor than cure, anytime. Of cuurao wa do not any thla to find fault but Junt "lent wa forget." Krina I to have a bank. Articles of Incorporation of the Kama State Hank, thla county, were tiled with the oouuty clerk on Wvdiieadny. The corporation will continue in ihiinluea for a period of UU year un-'lens un-'lens aooner (Unsolved aecunllng to lw. John II. Hoyt Is pronldi-ut and Irector; tauiiiel V. Stewart, vlco-irenldent vlco-irenldent and director; It.W.Haruea esxliler and director. The remainder f the dlreulor ara Setli C. Jouea, John Pack, K. L. King and John U. M. name. The capital stock I lJ,IXM), with nharun at I(A) each. Watch Suinii.lt county grow. Every lino in a nownpaper coat it owner aomeihlnir. If 11 la for th benefit o' the Individual It luuat In paid for. If the grocer were asked ask-ed to contribute grocerlea to one abandanlly able to pay for them he woald refuie. The proprietor of a nevapaper niunt pay for the free adnrtialng If the beneficiary doen not, aud yet It I one of the hardest thing to be learned by many that a ntwapaper ha apace ill It column col-umn to rent, and must rent the aiiNto live. To give away rent fur anything lea than living rate I an fttal to a newspaper a for a landlord to furnlah rent true, line of the Kadilent allalr In the hlnwry of our city waa the ilenerl-ing ilenerl-ing of a hUNbaml and live children, the youngest two year old, by a mother, lant Saturday. Tha hue-hand hue-hand went to work aa usual Hint morning, - but Hie light of that little family on returning from work waa heart-rending. The two-year two-year old babe nut yet dreasod, the tire out an J house cold, and things scat tered about I lie house. If that mother could but bear the baby calling for "iimmma" and knew the feeling of the stricken h unhand and family, she would spare no lime in her return. Name aro withheld 111 the hope that nhe will return. We aunt the plcturen of the lead-1 in men In Summit county for Tub Xma Timca. Scud in your plo-ture, plo-ture, and ahow yoar friend the edition. It will bu out on the UHh of next month. ' l( |