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Show siV 1 1' THE PLAN..... I We aim to give each town in the county a fair and im- W partial boost in the Xmas Times. To do this we must have the hearty support and co-operation of every citizen. If you $ have a business to advertise, let us know; if you have any- j j thing to sell worthy of honorable mention, see that others kuow about it. Don't wait for us to hunt you up. You may have just the thing that others are looking for. The benefit will be mutual if you mafe it known. To towns we suggest the following plan: ' I. Let a committee be appointed (of live "boottert") to tee that the town it well represented. ,1 II. Let them secure pictures of the leading men, church buildings and leading industries, and tend them in. We pay for the cut, to the charge will be reasonable. Ill, The County Superintendent thinks it would be a fine idea to have pictures of all the school houses, to show what the county is doing in the important line of Educa- & lion. Send these in together with reports of what hat been done during the last year. Vf Now, SEE that your school is among them. Vl Sit IV, Send in all orders immediately, at everything points to a big demand. 1 1 TIMES XMAS EDITION 1Z -a , -a. After j La Grippe "I had MifTcred several weck with LaGrtppc. Had pains iu my head and eyes. It felt though there was a heavy weight on the top of my head, until it seemed that my brain wouldF burst. I was so nervous that , I could not rest or sleep. Whetu I dozed off I would awake wills sudden jcikiug of my whole body. Dr. Miles' Nervine, Heart: Remedy and Nerve and Llvei-I'ills Llvei-I'ills cured me. A number or friends have since realized the? same benefits." MRS. ALVIN II. LOCKS, Seabroolc, N. II The after effects of LaGrippe: are often more serious than tiier disease, as it leaves the systems . ' in a weakened condition that ' t Invite more serious troubles. ,'1 sucb at pneumonia, etc. i Dr. Maea Restorative Nervlna ' " j' should be taken for some time i---". "I to '. ihoroiiKhly , restore nerve '"' .. ' . guu. ' II ihs nrM koto. SMa'eot bmsntl J your druggltt WIU rsutra your monny. MIUIS MSOICAL CO., Blkhat. laaV . ( Fresh Candies The sweet tooth be j gins to assert itself: J with llie season. A box of these: ( I Candies daintily packed makes au very acceptable gift. First-clots Meal ! Quick Service j Fresh Bakery Suj,c f "Royal" Bread. j E. Swainston, Jr- JOSEPH BARKER, n BREEDER OF ' ' V Jersey Cattle-Berkshire and Duroc !. j Jersey Hogs. : Has for Sale Choice Registered Jersey Bull ' Calves from $50 to $ 1 00 each. Also some: , ') choice young pigs at $25 per pair. , Secire the test from Utah's Greatest Stock Farrft.1. C Give Us Your ! Order Early B For a Turkey for Thanksgiv ing. In the meantime remember : we can serve you the best Meats,. : Fish and Vegetables. ;;v' SUMMIT MEAT CO., BagneM & Ball, Props. ' ' ! ..... ft |