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Show Vessel Sunk 35 Years Ago Sandsucksr Btssmsr Lost In Orsat Storm Unearthed In Chicago Sewer Boat Identified, Chicago The sanilnui'ker Dispatch, which disappeared during a storm In IH7I, waa discovered the other duy by workmen engaged III digging a aewer lit Fairbanks court and Kuat Krle ntreet. The woodwork and engine of the boat were unearthed 15 feel underground. un-derground. The Identification of the missing Imrge wus made by dipt. K. It l.ew-I l.ew-I la, former master of lh missing boat. The vessel was sunk lu October, lS7t. during one of Hie worst storms Hint ever ruged on Uike Michigan. The boat ran aground aud C'apt Lewis and four sailors escaped by swimming to the shore. "We were pumping sand about a mile from shoro when the storm came up suddenly about four o'clock In the uftcrnoon." said Capt. Lewis lo relating rela-ting hla experlencea. "We headed the boat fur the allure, but the machinery broke and w wore driven aground qultu a distune out. 'The storm was on of lb fiercest on the lake up to that Hu. It lasted for 13 days. I gave my llfo preserv er to a man who was my guest on the boot and who was Inspecting tb0 pump. I hnd difficulty In swlmiulu, to shore. I sunk once, but I Dually sue-ceeded sue-ceeded In Touching laud. "W tried tu rulso the boot later but were unsuccessful. The storm had nlmoat covered It with sand d we decided It would be loo r-ipeiirv to raise It. Uter the lake In that vlcln Ity wa. filled In. When I learned that the skeleton of a boat had been fou.,,1 underground there I thought j, , my old boot aud I went out Huro ami tdentllled Iho remains." |