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Show MAKING MONEY ON THREE ACRES farfaer Dwvot All of Hla Tim in Situs!! Tract and Find It frofltatil By Thomas M. Clsel. know man who la making money ea tar acrea of laud. Thai waa hi share of the old home plica Wben th land wa turned over M htm h bad only lb on small OilJ alto no buildings. To first ysar be planted moat of to ground to garden truck. One half ger ss plauted In small fruit and strawberries. From till first year' crop gioney wa secured to make the Ot knprovement. I built a storehouse for keeping products In winter and used all par l"o and uiouey In enriching Ike sell. Usiure wa bought at the (table h naaf'by town and In three year th sntlro three acre had been covered cov-ered with pleuty of (tuble manure tub but a small outlay of money. No be Is growing fine crops of potatoes, po-tatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage and beans, besides other garden crops. He kna built a bouse and olhor buildings, has small greenhouse, several tanils of bees, a few chickens, fruit ,nd shade trees In fact a beautiful, tall-kept borne which la hi owu. I K gives all of bis time to this small f.iriu and Is making money and a good ! living- Tbe same can bo done In almost al-most I? county or state, but It takes ,tudy and Industry. in almost every state land can be had l" amall lots at low prices. These !land re broken too much for grain fariulug and usually can be purchased 'jUt trotu 18 to 1B per acre, aud there Is go plac more suited to the building o beautiful couutry bouea than these I hill lands, and the man with 1300 or 1400 could soon have a home to b proud of. As much of this land (till baa some Umber left, true It would be a bock-wood bock-wood Ufa for a few years, but the time la not far dlatant wben lb change will com. Much of thla hill lajld belong to people who give It no care. They came there to work In the timber for the rallroaila; they bought the land for the timber, worked It up and are now glad lo part wltb It at almost any price, as they are not lulled to farm life. A man doe not have lo own a large farm to make a success of farming. Tbe middle west I fast becoming a truck growing country and th small form of from three to twenty acres 1 more often found than lurgre one, and crop of this kind are bringing higher prices each year, |