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Show r w T i A NUReft EXPERIENCE. Backache, Pains in th Kidneys, Bloat Ing, Etc, Overcome. 111 ftwaThs Christies nurse Is expected to know what to do tor common ailments, and women bo suffer back- TERNAL God of Lifo ciJTrulIi aid - acheconBtant PE-RU-- ANKSGIVING A Ian; guor, and other common symptoms ol complaint, kidney should be grateful to Mrs. Minnie Turner, of E. B. St, Okla., for rolntlng out the way lo find quick relief. Mrs. Turner used Loans Kidney Pills for a backache, pains in the sides and k.dneys, bloated limbs, etc, The way tLey have built me up is simply mtr-- T clous, says Mrs. Turner, who Is a uurse. "My health improved rapidly, rive boxes did so much for me I am telling everybody about It" Remember the name-poa- ns. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster MUburn Co, Buffalo, N. Y. run-dow- n Lff the-offic- Jnai&Tliee tvlio Iml lo ny sod conveeJ A Ana-dark- .w half-ounc- e cf spiritual trrlli. consciousness To seeTfy facemme epe is turned alove con-d.tio- To use m aid of mortals on Hie earlli. 'During the presidential .campaign the question of woman suffrage wai much discussed among women pro and con and at an afternoon teg the con versatlon turned that way, between the women guests. Are "you a -- woman suffragist? asked the one who was not Interested - "Indeed, I am not" replied the othei most emphatically. "Oh, thats too bad, but Just suppos ing you were, whom would you sup port in the present campaign? "The same man Ive always supportedcourse," was the apt reply ;-of "my husband." ' TliaH may calcL a dear, diviner sense Would Be No Change. - Strictly Neutral. OF ACTRESSES Among the humorousand human QUEEN totUs L. in Pennells recent Dr.'T. PRAISES Simple Home-Mad- e Remedy That la book. Among the Wild Tribes of the Fret from Opiates snd Harm- - s Afghan Frontier," is one of a British ful Druga. oh cer in toe Kurram valley who interf An effective remedy that will usu- rogated an Afridi with regard to what l v ' was then considered a probable conAally break up a cold In twenty-fou- r flicthours. ! easily-mad- e by- - mixing - tovo , "11 Now tell Dei" said gether In a large bottle two ouncea of fr& i , be war which Ctnl forwere there to s. OU a of Virgin Gycerine, bid between Russia and Erg'and of Pine compound pure and eight ouncea of pure Whisky. Thla mix- what part would you and your people 4- d vsl ture will cure any cough that la cur- taka? -- Whom would you side with? able, and la not expensive as it makes ' Do you wish me to tell you what 1 enough to last the average family an would please you or to te you- the entire year." Virgin Oil of Pine com- real truth?" was the naive reply. Julia I adjure you to tell me what is the pound pure Is prepared only in the laboratories of ths Leach Chemical white word.'" "Then," said the old graybtard, we ' am glad to write my endorse Co, Cincinnati, O. would just sit up-hon our moun meat ot the great remedy, Pcruna. I do so most heartily," Jutta Marlowe. tain tops watching you both fight-unti- l NO PUCE FOR A PAINTER. we saw one or the other defeated Any remedy that benefits digestion Then we would come down and lAt strengthens the nerves. v' e centers require nutrition? the vanquished till the last mule! God If thedigestion it impaired, the nerve is great! Wbat a time that would be centers become anemia, sad nervous for us!" debility Is the result. What's a Gentleman? An exact definition of a gentleman s has been tried many times, never On hlvMnt will rwviiM jro with entirely satisfactory results. 4fct M Mf th klgftFwt pno$ for m from U t to 4U ttor fur Little Sadie had never heard of any tL etMM mnr oh r fen, prf nit nut ur pr Uftttotesipt ud id of the difinitions, but she managed th tniipor, kat fr4o oorh kia LuiiUy aul pt (urn high t pruw to throw a gleam of light on the subpnwtblA no thla Vl f bolt and otter rmudi ject, albiet qne touched with unhad ttxi ay fntln nPidlMitantin), was in conscious Cynicism. The word 0 aad Markat boporuaM 'll yHi abaulatajy fro oatf the spelling lesson and 1 said? 9 Tmpwr' Gtlda, oontalalac kO pv of valvoblp tip and aor)p is wbat a 1 "Sadie, gentleman?" ago. irpt is too world im or Um "Please, ma'am," 6he answered, "a Visitor roes the painter Maier live Brss.Ce., 143Eka$L,St.Leii,llw gentleman's a man you don't know here? Womans Home CompanLandlady No; they are all respec- very well. HOWARD E. BURTOH, ion. table people in this house. Liiod, 1; Gold, Hold, Rpedma ftlvor, lie; Oold, Mot Xlae or Copper, 91. Mmilloi MV elope end full ot om mppHcmiloiw Worth the Expense. and vplrewort ertHrlted, l.edviU mulHofuoco. Fighting the Slavs Trade, CifUuai KUuni Bank. The story that Sir John Fisher of g is generally Although the Briti8hadmira'.ty tells with the supposed to be a thing of the past, the fill 1 1 ITV fiotmrjioi.D srrcuiTiM ts I wliet we beodle, iTulodititf Cutlery, greatest enjoyment and he tells many, United States contributes annually TyUAIwll welry, WmtrtieemiMlHiWerwmre W rile tor irjiwkta., p.r, IldeiiCUl and all with sest is of an old boat $100 as its share of the expense of swain on his flagship who fell Intow keeping up at. Brussels an institution or OBTAivrn M ClIAIloK MAM little money and retired. One day known as ths International bureau for PATENT8 MiMrh fnrfr.-- Mart'S ant rviiV ituida the admiral visited him at his coun the repression of the African slave boot. M.F.M!NXAlU,Wa4unba,iJ.C. sailor old to find posthe trade. try box, W. N. U, Salt Lake City. No. sessed Tit an apparently useless man A gray-haire- d "Let nfe tell It all In my own way, madame mother. It ia like this. Joha married me one two three yearn ago. Who wai I? A poor girl trytiig to earn a living, madame mother. Os the stage, yes. I will tell you bos that was. When we came to thla eoua-trmy father waa a carver of woo and atone, had a fine business. Tbei he was killed in an accident and wt were very poor, my mother and L An so, because we were so poor I sang for a manager and he gave ms a pla on the stage. ""And so because I loved John-w- t were married and went away, fv away Into the desert and Into the wS derness. John had the fever and then was only ms I was doctor and nur and all and, please God. he did &A dle.7 -- The hand of the older worn stole Into the. girls and held it cloai. "Then the luck changed. John la tnafc manager. And pretty soon my bit hopeful, always patient, always lovijg John I kiss his mothers hand I rich, quite rich. ? The mother arose. My boy Is coming home, sit cried. Then her face clouded. "But his father he is so hard and unyielding I'm afraid hq has not forgives him. Leave him to me, madam, cried the glri."Hush; i think he la coming Not a word, madam. Leave him to L me." The bent form of the tall old man appeared In the doorway. Hiram," said the gray haired man, 1 have a visitor here. Ska will stay with us for a day or two The old man looked at the girl rlously. "You are quite welcome." be said -- - hue-ban- nt Sloans Liniment $1-0- yvr, and f H ar JVwfr'd RAW FURS LOTS fth, A WOOL HIR Cnahf, lh Thompson CO. RagM CHy, In h Eyi W$ti Get EViore for Furs OI-aIo- slave-tradin- ; ! 48-19- 09. servant "What do you want with him?" asked Fisher. explained the old sailor, "e comes to me ammock and tells me to roll h'out The h'ad-mlrwants to see you,' 'e Bays to me. Hand I says to im. Tell the hadmlral u go to 'ell. says Ht." Hevery morning," Misery, The neighbors dog sits out on the front lawn and bowls dismally. The man in tbe window looks out and Tbe dog you beast! yells L"Sh-h-h- , The man again continues to howL comes-t- o the window and thla time hurls a shoe atthe dog. Still the animal howls. Another shoe follows. The next day the mans wife goes around in her stocking feet because she cant find her shoes. The man hasn't .the price of another, pair oj shoes for her, and the next night the dog howls louder than ever. Rather Silence I The instinct of modesty natural to every woman I often n greet hindrance to tbe cure of womanly diseases. Women shrink from tbe personal questions of the local physician which seem indelicate. The thought of examination it abhorrent to them, and to they endure ia silence condition of disease which surely progresses from bed to worse. if Am been Dp, Pierces privilege to care m who hero found a refoie treat many women kirn otter ot FRCtt consult tloa by tetter, 3l!t correspondence le held me emeredly confidential Address Da B, V, -- Pierce, Battalo, X, Y, tor modesty In - Dr. Pieroes Fevorite Prescription restore end regulate the womanly functions, abolishes pain end builds up and puts th finishing touch of health on every weak woman who give it a fair trial. It Makes Weak Women Strong Sick Women Well. You eant afford to accept a seerti nostrum as a substitute for this medicine or known composition. From PERFECTION Oil lipj r (Equipped ' Ijllffijfo mmm Heater with Bmokeleee Device) Withlt you can go from the cold of the Arctic to the warmth of the Tropics in 10 minutes. The new - - - Automatic Smokeless Device revents smoking. Removed lo aa astaot for cleaning. To-morro- immedi-nlicatio- to Tropic No oil heater has a hlghch or greater hcatifig power than the Opposite," "Dd you think your Bon will be an able factor In elevating the standard of living? He will do more "Able, nothing! The girl had left a bag at the station and the old man drove with her In the Une .of raising Cain." Baltf to get it And when she came back more American. she waved her hand to Johns BothIn the Country. er on the porch and there was somMr. Knicker What do you suppose ething more than a graceful greeting b It was that Katy did? the geature. - Mrs. Bocker Left, xd course. Harshe "Walt, good sir, if you please, aald to the old man before he could per's Batar. 4a Thankdrive away, Ths danger from slight cuts or wounds n sgiving day. May I ask a friend to is always blood .Ths dine with me here? The good mothol llamiint Wizard OU makes blood poisoning impossible. er la willing. - The old man nodded. f To believe only what our finite "Your friend will be welcome r minds can grasp. as your sake, little lady, be aald, drove to the bam, It goes well, madam mother, si "Ai the glrL It certainly was a fine Thanksglvlaf spread. The turkey was the tend ft est. and all ita train of accessor? dishes the most palatable that culls ary art could offer. And present-whe- n the girl had east s final giant at the clock and another through til window, the old man was bidden h Arctic in Ten Minutes - Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of uti sufficient to give out a glowing heat for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handlA oil indicator. Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yosre, Write lor Deecriptfv to the Nearest Agency of Um Circular CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) in- - IpDQQ the feast - He looked at the trim young womnl Inquiringly aa he seated himself. "You spoke of a friend, he said. I Tea, sir, she quickly answered He will be here. Seat yourself, m dam. .Hark, he Is here." The outer doorvsuddenly opened, I tall young man stepped Into the roots and looked quickly about him., Witk a swift movement he stepped to hi mothers side snd kissed her cheek and Then drew- back. f "John," the mother whispered, rbut her eyes were on the stern face of tbl ' old man. she "Father," bravely aald, this li my friend, my dearest friend wiB f you bid him welcome?" The old man's face was dark, hi hesitated, his troubled look rested ot the girls sunny face. Then he spoke, but his voice wai hoarse and scarcely audible. Your. friend .Is welcome for .you? take, be alowly aald. asked. At that the young woman cried out The mother took a step aearer. and ran around the table and put her You!" she whispered. arm about his neck and kissed his 1 see you guess, cried the glrL wrinkled cheek. .. "Yes, I am your sons wife! "Ah; such a Thanksgiving, she d murmuredaerW. R. Rose, In Cleveland The girl gently pushed the woman Into a chair. Plain Dealer. gray-haire- ft ere per-hap- Prove It at Our Expense. Housewives who have used the old fashioned dyes only have the idea that each fabric requires a separate dye. Thousands of women who have used Dyola Dyes know that Dyola will give a fast brilliant color to either cotton, wooL silk or mixed goods. To prove It, we will send a 10c package, any color, with color card and book of directions, absolutely free, to Rny woman who wilLsend her name and dealer's name to Dyola, Burlington, VL i prirw Hat and tnga. Hightng yrttespalA mod naUsfnctory return. v!. The-nerv- y SUGHT rap at the outer door drew the attention of woman. the "Come In," she called. Taking No Chances. The door suddenly What did Barker do when he disopened. A Him young wocovered that hia wife and ehauffeur man stood at the threshhad planned to elope In his car? old. She looked around He oiled it thoroughly, and put It and smiled and nodded. In first-clas- s shape." Good morning," she and her voice was said, wbrn you feel a cold cumin on hr tukmffftfrvdom clear and pleasant. May of Feriy Davis Painkiller. K is better than Ouinme ftiul baler The large fro bottle ore Ute cheapen. I come in?" The elderly woman stepped forTo consider anything Impossible ward. that we cannot ourselves perform. Take "Why, yes," she answered. thla chair. Have you walked far? Mr. WImIow! Boothlnf Ajrrne For children teething, aoftooa the guru, mlncee "Onlyfrfirniih .village. The.hill SaeimntiuB,nllnpaiA,ereewlft4ee4Suw MenootUn. Is a little steep. I am not used to Not to make allowances for the hills lately. weaknesses of others. She smiled and nodded again You are very good, said the stranand ngmiirate man? aerintit Onnetlpottofi can "I am not really so tired. It dlataaes. It t tboniogtily u.rtMt hr Iir. Pleroet ger. PieaM tut Pellets, The lavonia family UxnUvn. was the dear old house that drew me The greatest necesrlty In a woman's in. I thought I would like to come. "Our home Is an old one," she said, life Is love. with a little sigh. "It needs many 1m- provementa. But we havent the means to make them., "So?" said the girl with a touch of sympathy In her voice. "Perhaps these Improvements would take away the dear old homes nlceness. You do r ' v not live alone?" ' r d "No, there nre two of us my and L "And the children they are away, thenY The gray haired woman turned back to the table. "We have a child a son. He Is away The girl arose quickly. "Let me help you, madam. She drew off her jacket and hung It on a hook behind the door. "Ah, you will see what a fine bringing tap I have. Ia For sore throat, sharp pain there not an apron I may wear?" in lungs, tightness across the jThe gray haired woman smiling hesve chesty hoarseness or cough,-laitated, the parts with' Sloans There Isnt much to do," jfhe said. Liniment You dont need to "And we have no money to pay for "rub, just lay it on lightly. It" help." "Let us not talk of It. cried the penetrates insu ntly to the seat of the trouble, relieves congesglrL "I am not so very poor. You will let me stay a fqw days. Perhaps you tion and stops the pain. wllj Dot llks me at alL7 ' Here the Proof. The gray haired woman smiled. Mr. AW. Price, Fredooia, Kane, 1 think I like you already, she . says : Ws have used Sloan's Lint-"tnent for s year, and find it an excel-leThe girl pinned np her sleeves on thing for sore throat, chest pains, her fair round arms. colds, and hay fever attacks. A few "Now you will tell me what to do, drops taken on sugar stops cough, and while we work we will talk. You ing and sneering instantly." have said something about your son has he gone far away? The woman looked at her with troubled eyes. It Is an nnhappy story said the mother. "My son quarreled with his father. It waa about-- a girl. Our boy had gone away to the city. There Wat so little for him on the farm. - Hla is easier to use than porous father thought he was wrong' to go. does and acts quicker plasters, But John was ambitious and there notclogupthe pores of the skin. was no chancs for him here. And It is an excellent an one day he came home and said be for tiseptic remedy was going to marry. And It came out asthma, bronchitis, and all inflammatory that the girl was foreign and on the the diseases of stage. "And when Johns father heard throat and chest ; this he was very angry. To him the will break up the theater Is a wicked place. It waa In deadly membrane in the way he was brought up' Perhaps - an attack of cronp. he Is too hard. Anyway, he told John and will kill any kind that the must give up the girl or he of neuralgia or rheuwould disown him. And John la proud, matic paint. and they had words and John An SranMi keep too, - (Uoaat Liniment. went away, and since that day his faMess Se ther has never spoken his name." She suddenly put her apron to her eyas. "My dear, dear son," she sobbed. Ytoe flushed Rha. went to the weeping mother and touched You Can Shave Yourself With her hand. NO HONING NO STROPPING - "Dont cry, ghe gently said. "Perhaps there it good news. Look at me. What do you see?" 8he drew back a little and her laughing eyes grew seWORLD OVER rious snd she held up her pretty head. KNOWN TOE "A young woman; a strong snd healthy and useful young Woman a PARKERS good young woman, believe me." HAIR BALSAM The mother's wet eyes stared at CVbi.i . kmtirm th h IVnmom navi.nl growth. Falls to SMtart Off ... t , girl. tie Nwr Hniv to it TooUkfui Co W. Con Mig diwas It hair faUum "Why do you teB me this?" she , COUGH MIXTURE. A GOOD Wear W. L. Douglae comfortable, easy walking, common onto shoes. A trial will convince any one that W. L. Douglas shoes hold their shape, fit better and wear A I longer than other make. They are made upon honor. Of the best leathers, by the most skilled workmen. In all the 4a teat f ahlone,she In every style and shape to suit men In all walks of life. murder 4m gets it by highway sms-T- sm CAUTION by Bod Bowrie No dif fsrtnss. Coastipetiea end dead Ever male the whole system sick Everybody knows itCASCAJlETS rsgulsls erne Bowel end Liver troubles by simply doiag nature's work until you got well Milos use CASCAJtETS, lifo Sever 1062 CASCARBTS Icc s box for s wsek'S of thousands T-J- HikcmA viler VreslweM.slldrarytats to Um world. ilillMM base a oath. HE TROUBLES Skins, HORSE end CATTLE Tof all s In Kret and dla ow EYFASE tU om and only vy remedy. One treatment mailed to yon Ut 80 eenta. a liend 4 eeota In by phynielana over poataye lor FltC to lAMPLE. S4S S re Avenue Heseij Cs.. Inc. Now York City IStfSESiEffpri1 stamped on bottom, which guarantee fall value and protect tbt wearer Bgaiaet high price tod inferior NO SUBSTITUTE. and ell other kinds of RAW FURS bought for ,po cash. 10 to SS more money for too to ship Raw Part end Hides to ns than Write (or Prio Lint. Market Report, and about our GUIDE HUNTEnSit TRAPPERS thtfoa thvHbjwi ewrwritaRn. few peem, IVHtbuvbfloni. All hort Irnppvw frmcrrtn. Iteeoya. Tvnpn. Animate, 0 An4 d to bwhc nNdwfi) BxHw netohaera ft animate to tram 91 hiiihate AfidftMA JB U Id Hie. lMwatratmir Qsa Lnw. Hftvgnd menu It Encyclopedic, Into bAnutilal Rotten. Oar Mntic f par Aotfl. Ship yrmr Kirin anri Fr Ji Fmr ii ... lr09fDpte lit MlnnpUi Mloaa ' ' |