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Show NEW TRIAL ORDERED. Vardlct In tha Sharp Coal Caaa Bet Ailda by Higher Court. J Ht. I'uiil, Minn - Jii.Iko Wullnr II. . Huiiluirn In thn I'lillnd Hinlna clriull 1 court or npimnla on KrMny hiuulid down an opliilnn ai'tlliig ualdo dm vnrillit and ordnrlua: a nnw trial In thn rnnn of Ihn L'ultnd Hinlna aaalnat Ihn l ulon I'ai illi' Coal compuny, thn I iiliin I'uc lllc railway, Hm Omion Hhorl I. Inn railway, Jamna M. Moore and K.vnrrU lliicklnxbam, In whlrh tuny era rhargi d, wlLk vlnlutlui tha mMMa HW.I If Uw h -rl-rt an unlawful comblnailon. Jiidiin Hiiiihoru In hla opinion, holda lhat ihnrn waa no aubalnnllnl nvl-ilniiin nvl-ilniiin uf any combination bntwnnu any two or Ilia dnlnuilnnia, nlllmr tu ml umi to anil rnnl to Hhnrp. ot to rr lioau to tniniort II for him. Thn lownr court found I ho dnfnnd-aula dnfnnd-aula KUlliy of violation of Hi" Hlinr man unilirual law nnd Iniponml a Hun or 1 1, umi and mala ou lliuklna-ham lliuklna-ham nnd ll.uuil and coaia on Inn other ilnlnuilinia. |