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Show ORPHANSASTRAMPS i Two Boys Come from New Or leans Penniless and Hungry. i f Brothse, On Blind, In Sd Plight ; Elder, In Oood Health, Stsrchs 1 'w for Employment to Educat 1 Sightless .Brothsr. Chicago Two llascn hatred orphan bora, one bllml and footsore, hronrcd and sunburned by the southern aim. I aro In Chicago, the i'I.I.t searching fur I work In support and educate his sight lee brother. Orleans, their birthplace, of J ,rrni I11"" hospitality and no future Ito the orphans and limy departed for "the big city of thn north " Penniless and hungry, the brothers, one leading the other slowly In Chi ( e busiest thoroiiiihrnre. wereaeen ' ; hr policeman, who took them to the llarrlmin atreel million. where they ere given food and care by Mra Allre Hhanalinn, the matron Thn orphan urn Joncph m Hamiiel Itinard, IS and 14 ycaia nl.l. renpec ! lively Jl"'. "r he had fed hta younger brother, rubbed hi. eyes, wanlicd hla face and then narrated hla Intentions i nd determination to give hla younger bml her it good education "I don't cure ao mm h about niyaelf. but I want to aee little Snm go ahead." aid Joe. "I camn to Chicago in work for hla aake. I will do anything, from peeling potatoes to scrubbing fliMiia I tnt Hum's ankii. I will get ahead, Iiki " While hla elder brother told of their j atrugglc. In New Orleans, the l. nth of their father anil mother and their trip to Chicago, Knui plmed hla gnu I arferl Innately about hla tin k. Lairing their four days' trip on freight cara Jim aided and watched over hla atnicled brother, and when , they rem hi d their destination he tH'nt hla hint pennies to feed him. i while he suffered In alienee. "Hcycn yeara ago pupa died nnd niauiiua followed him g ahort time i later." aald Joe "Mule Hum hnd been trout, li d th aorn eyea and four yeura ago he went blind. I aold ncwspnicrs ml did mid June ao we mold live Once I was taken sick, an alck I could not work, and Utile Hum had to live I on the few dollnra wo hnd eared. "We atruggled along until two weeka ngu, when I ran out of work I rouliln't get another Job We had I often heard of the big city In the Dorth, and laet Saturday w decided J to rnmo here. 1 "I had arid after I helped Ram- I , nlo on freight train I got on and we rode to Memphla. I waa ao afraid 7, than anmeihlni might happen to Ham . . ml I dliln'l Bleep much. I ' "On night It got cold and I put my ' I iat over Ham to keep warm. A tramp i waa In (tie car and I waa an aleepy I X couldn't watch hltn. When I woke up I la the morning he had left with my I v coal aud U. which I had In my pocket |