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Show TELEGRAPH MERGER i lOhO STRIDES HAVE BEEN MADE TtiWARO THE FORMATION OF j A COMMUNICATION TRUST. an rlctn Telephone and Telegraph C impiny Haa Secured the Oould 1 Stock and Thua Control of ' tha Weatarn Union. Ne w York Announced In tloatnn i rim Mr mod In Nnw York, auoilinr 'llhuidullnr nmrgnr Imrnmo a reality. tt tkn prnetlenl ahaorptlon of lha Miein Union Telegraph company In Ihn American Telnphonn and Toln-KVli Toln-KVli company. Tho Weatern L'uloii, okitor llin pel propvrllna of Ihn lain liy. i:mlil, haa been In the (lould lanlly for a leiicriiilon. and It waa by Haiaaln of (loulil atock on Tmxdny tlto Hie merger wna nccompllabud. Mill" the mimrt haa been curmnt H1 Ilia Mackay enmpanlea, coniroll-Itil coniroll-Itil thu I'oatal TnleKrnph company, itlhtaiely will bv Included lu thn plan of rfoiit.inliiitlon, no counrinnilon of tin could bo obtained lu Nnw York. OIV-)al of tho I'oalal wnro emphatic. I hit tlm company would remain In-detnd' In-detnd' nt. |