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Show fsERIAL' 1HER I INFINITE I VARIETY 1 fa 00 ! lly llrand Whitloch () r (' llustrailuns by Rav Wnllcrs (ff a'.l- 0".. W U!1'1' UarriilUf-i SYNOPSIS. I av.11 .r M .1. v V. r.i'.i.'a vl-lt with Me ' I" 1 "" ..Il.ll.ll I II. Hi i. .I..I II II... r.l ,1, .1. IIh.ii I..-. ! I 1-. ... I. . I , 11I 11 1 il.i.n. r 1 ...ic m.Ui l.ii.. H'.. -i.'l ; Mi! '., . .'l".'.' II'.''''- '.I iir I," t....'l .1 r.. 1 I 1.1 a H' 1 l-.r . II, '.. 1.'.' ,;;, m ,',,,,''11 , '.1 I I 1 I,,, ,..,.... .1 1., ....,. 1 1 M.i Mi., i:,..'.';. ....... 1 vi it - 1.. i..t I,., in ".'..',.Vli,".'.lh.'" II.'- l'....a a HM. I.. II..- I ill -.,(! ,. ! M.- Hr. . ,,. , ,,,..,1,, I 111. 11,. Ii ml u , nn... . 1 ..i.im.i. .1 l I ...... If 11. it n... ...n. 1.. l..i .mi. .1 a .ii:ii.- f.'.'t - I :i li. ,1, I.,,,,. II. (..!., I l l.u.l 1,1a lUn. M- e I. I IT I CHAPTER IV. Cont nued. j flnri' 111 Iwti-H ho klmii.'.l lulu tlii-piiui.hli'lM tlii-piiui.hli'lM MlHa Iri-i'ii.- hml kIvi-ii him. I l.'ll In umiI.I nut III hla mill, I nil III. III. Illi'll lM"'ri llllllrril Uli'lllllllKli.'.ly III' fun. hla 'i-a. Iln una 11 11 k ry with hllil hi If r.ir 1 1. Ira ti.-rvi.uaiii ae Why t II liaaull hllil tinw, Juat w hi'll lie wlah.-il In Ii.. lit hla l. at? II.. 11 1. I aikcn In-fnii. In-fnii. 11 hiiiiiti.., tluii'M; hu kni.w hla 1111. II. in. . nn. I (in hml tin. ptiipi r i nn t. lii,,! tnr hla r, ,11. .11:11. a II.' Mn.l li.'ii r. In In- aiirii. 11111. Ii n ai-l epi'i-rll In II, in j 1 . . 1 1 ; e. Mi. in .11.1 nny niu. iln lh.it; ihi. api'i-i In-a wi-rt iii.uiilly slmrl ii ml I ii . t t t .tu j.l ii. mi.l iln in wiih tin tlmi. fur iuttlrt,iiiliiii to K.-tn-ritta ln'rinna iIiiihI. Ami i-t hla liilint ei'.-iin-il in ho HYtniurillniii'lly ch-nl J'i"t II i ii: It a hmI In ho iihlr to com- .n h. ml nil n iihna uf tlntiiKht lit ' Hut II wua nut no uiiiih Hi.' a Ii hi. Hmiih'M i.f. n a tin. i ff. -it i.f tli.. epeiah; iilnailv lit. cnulit a.i- Ii a n.'Wa imi'iia nn. I Hi.. I, Ik hriiilllni.a thi y wuulil il..luy nn tln lr firm .ni;ra tin. hoi linn iilnn; In- i'iiiiIiI u i. hla ninth). r li'ii.llliK III. in lit hri.akfaat, nil. I tln-li ke ciiul.l - A mi'lla niulliiit them. How her iluik cyi a wuulil wlihui, lu r luaka lluali pink! Hhn would rnlae luir tin i xl ami put buck hor hnlr with Hint pretty niaiiinrlaiii of hara; thun luipulalii.ly r.at Inn h,.r anna on Ihi' l.il.le lii'lun hi-r. ahe would raKi'rly mail tin' limit -! ii in ii a IhroiiKh, while her iiiuiliiT ri'iiiliuliil her thut h.r hrinkfiial wua K.'ltltiK rold. How prtiu.l alii- wuulil In. of hhn! Hhe wiiuhl m vnr rhl.lv hhn ukiiIii; alii' wuulil aco thut at laat h liuil fotihil hllllal'lf. Tin. Kllona. Iimi, wuulil rriiil, mid hla aha. -iln. ri .mi ihi'lr illiini.r wnuhl ri-uct on I hum lmpri.aalvi.y. Ami Mnrlu (lri. in hut a ciiiifu-lnii uruai--Mm In llrei'iii.' Hu hml nut thiiuuhl of A in. I In nil the tiiiirnl.iK until Hint vrry liintmil ; Ami'llua Ii-m.t luy allll uu opi iiril on hla il.i k Luk llirr.. In tin. nut" chmnlii.r. MurU tlri.i.nu! Hhr wnuhl li. iir. alie wnuhl tiilur ua elm liaikud lit hllil. mill her cyi.a wuulil glow; ho riiul.l f.n. Hi,, wnriu pri aaiin. of Ihs hiiinl alio would glvo him In rohKriituliltluu. And It waa tills hamlautiu. youiiK i.umau'a priinri In Hm I'limnlmr thut giivo rlao lo all Ihla iii.rvouaiiuaa. He waa euro Hint ho would not have been imrvoua If Aumllii wurn lo be Ihi-re. Him had nt'wt heurd hllil apeuk In pulillc. HioiikIi hi. hud often Iiinaaml Iht to do ao; eoim-how tho plac.-a where he apuke wurn never Ihuae In whlrli It would hu proper fur her lo go. Hhn would wlah alie had li.uiil thla aiKieili, for In 24 hnura It wuulil be lliu onu tuple of ronveramlon throiiKh .nit tll atute; hla pit-turn would be In the newapniiera "Tin. brilliant yoiinii I'hliumi lawyer who i-li-.t rlll.il Hm lllliuila aenuli. wllh hla puaahumiH ora lory mid puaaed tho woman auftrnne lueuaure." It would lie uu event to murk the benltinlng of a new em-llut em-llut hla luwiKliiltma were broken, hla niitne wua apnken; bo turiu-d and aaw Mlaa (Ireene. "i tmm," alie aulil. "It'a up! Hurry!" HIh. wua en-lied mid her rhreka gluweil. Hla tueih begun tu rhutter He followed her quick alepa lu the direction uf the chmulier. "Hut," Im alumiiieied. "I I didn't know I haven't mn trrunged lor reci.Kllltlull." ' t)h, I'll llxed all thut!" the womuu am, I. " The hi'iili tiiint Kiiverunr pioui la. il mil" She una hiilillng her ruatlliiK aklrta uud ulmuat ruuuliig. CHAPTER V. Aa they entered the aennle chum her. Vermin heanl the lleutc mint governor gov-ernor any: "And the iiueatlou la: Shiill the reauliitloii he udupteil? 'Ihnae lu fuvor will vote nye.' thnae oppoaed will vote 'no.' when their niunea lire called; and the aeerelary will cull tho " ".Mr. l'lealilnitl" Vernon shouted There wua nn time now to retreat; be li.ul launched hlmaelf oa the aea uf itlnry. A dozen other aeiiatora were hi their feet, likewise demanding: rc omit Ion. "Thu aeiuitor from Cook," aald the lieutenant Kovernor. I Vernon atood by hla lek. arranitlng runiplnrcntly the durunienta Mlaa tlrei-ne had itlven hlfn. fince or twice he chared hla throat and wlpd hla hpa wiih hla handkerchief. The other aeiiiilura aiihaldi.l lulu tlnlr ata. lid. a.-eltiK thut they Hi. ma. Ilea were not th.-n to he permitted to apeak, and like all epenkera. tint rnrlni; to llaten tn thn apeerhea of fithera. Ihey turned phllnani I, I. nlly to the little lilveralum with which tiny whll.-d away the hnura of the a. -aalnh writing letters, r.-Hdliiit fu-wapap.-ra. am, .king. Ver-ii. Ver-ii. in Kluneed around .Mnrla (ireene wua sitting -rei niiniialy on the eilifc uf a .llvaii. Her fin-e wua white and drawn. Hhe gave a iiulek fuel, and a mile Inn touched h- r fixed lips. And th-n Wrimn h. cmi lie spoke aluwly n n. I with vnat ileliiieriiiliin; his voice wua very Inw lie oi '.lln. d his sub ect With I tipiUlle p.lllM. d.-tllll l. di lull. li,;,ll,4 It char Juat k lint prup-nalihina prup-nalihina he wuulil sdwi'u". Ills mull in r wua Hint uf Hi. l:iier In an i pi-Mule cniirl, tniikliu u mnaterly mid pillclv .-i:iil hi triirm tit; when It wna di. I.e. the ai linle. If Ii hud puld alien-II. alien-II. ui Hi. miii It acid. .tn did -:iy Blt. n-II. n-II. m wimld km.w ml nt.nut the ipiea linn i.f w.iui.ili . ulfriis" lu hla il llherutlnu. V.-riiun ithuiccd nnw nn. I Hi. n ut Murln llli eim. Her ei.-a w. le s.;ii kllni; Willi llilelllitenl Inter. l Aa If In . hnn.e the InWeat .. I.I ai..hle frnlll U. h lu tlllce the rl-e U.i, I pin.Mi a of I. ! lalnt I. ill ftlVnr- ulile Hi -li. V. l in. u wnilld cull the llltentl..U .if the aenilte drat til the deli. de-li. Ii. II i.f the llllii.iia s.l.t.'llle curl III re llrndw.ll. f.r. Ill, r.j:, Tlmt was uw.iv I. ii k III IV. Ii. when the sue was v I it i. 1 1 1 v .link: mid thut wna the case, eciitlcuicn would reiiicinlier, Juat as If Ihey nil kept .mil il.clalnu of the court nl lln-lr niiium-a cud. In which Ihernutt held Hint ml Wuunlll cullld IK' o.l ii. Ii r .1. under the Inwa ..( Illlnuls. lo pructlcu us hu nttnriiev ut luw. Hut, mid Veriiun 1 1 1 . I . l d hla culleuuiies to murk -linn; y.-urs ufterwmd. thn court nf Its uwii mutlnn entered n nunc pro tunc urder, leveralng Ita own ilcclalon In the llru.lw.il ruse. Vermin diluted 1 f r 1 mm "This Recognition of Her Equality Cannot Can-not Be Overeatlmatsd In Importancel I upon tho Importance of thla declalnn; he csiollcd the cnuit; It hud set u white milestone lo mark the prnKrealtix emmiiipullun of ihe rnce. Then, brletly, he proiHtapit lo oultlne for them the leulalnllvc steps hy which wiiuiuu's right lo I'lpmlliy with man hud been at l.uat partly recngtilied. Iln fumbled for moment uiuung the pnpers on his desk, until he fu.iiid one of the imniphlets Miss tlreeiie hml given him, uml (hen be snld he wialu-d to rail the aenate'e attention to the employment act of 11.72. the drainage act of lKK.'i, and Ihe auullury dlalrlct act of IK'.iU. Vernon siaiku ijultu fa-nilllurly fa-nilllurly of these acta. Kurthertiiure. gentlemen would, he wus sure, lliatatn-ly lliatatn-ly recull the diMialuns of I ho cutirta In which those acts were under review, as, fur Instance. In Viilaun vs. Hoard of Trustees. 1.1.1 III. 44.1; mid lu Hnven-Kirt Hnven-Kirt vs. Draluugo C'oiiitnlsaloiiera, 1!& III. App. 93. Those among the aennlora who were luwyera, aa moat uf them were. Iix.kcl up from their letter writing ol Ihla, and nodded prufmimlly, In urder tn allow their fumlllHrlty with Winona cltiitluiia. although, uf course, they never had beard of the rases before. "This recognition uf wumutis list-uiul list-uiul right." Vernon shiiuted. "this rec-ogiiltlou rec-ogiiltlou of ber oiiualliy with man, can nut be overestluiuted lu Importance!" Hu shmik his head llercely and struck hla desk with his tlsL Hut then, having hav-ing used up all Ihe (acta he had marked lu Mlaa t'.r lea psmphlets. he wus forced lo heenme more geuerul In his remarks, and ao he begun to cclcl.rute woman, ocaiuili ally. Hu conjin. , for the aciiutora the presence of their miithers uml slaters, their swetluuts and win s, and then, auinu ipiotutlona fortunuiely occurittig tu lilui. he re minded them thut Caatlgllotie had trn ly said Hint Cod Is seen onl tl.ioush women," that "thu woman's ,,iil lead- th ui spward and on. ' H recounted th irtlcoa of women In time of war thr d"ds In the days of (.race, and lo tlind he became Involved In an ailetnrj about the ciclualnn of thi roa, f'.m the rnrden. The naiors had begun to pay at lemma to him aa soon as he talker ahont things th.-y really iiii.leiat.au' and were Interested lii. end now they h.iut. to him to go on. It was fpreac tin id "ut the third floor of th ti, imuae that some one wua tnuklni big ii-ewh In the si nme. and rep rwnentiiliea ennm ru.hiiiR oier from the hoiiae. The currespoiidenta of the tlili .mi newspapers rmne over also lo a.-t I' th AaHiaiiited I'reaa nmn In the artisto was g.-tHng the sp.e ilown fully. All the space on the floni ns n crowd.-d. mid the nppluuae h.a.k lh" de:.ka end mu le the glnss prist mi tile liimidellers Jln;:le I he ll"St t ri t irovcriior tnppi I from time to t ,n- with his gnvel. but he did It P-rfin. tnrlly, as thouiih he enj.i)i-l th.- s'"I.iiihi. himself, as vhailoualy il r. snug bis own feiitnits; hla eyes tuinklcl until It scciric.l ihul. were It so. for rerialn traditions, he would Join In the dellchted ImiKlitcr thut Hid., up most of the npplau-e t line n i-uye cntne to Vernon wiih a tW' ef wuter, and ns he paused to ti. h brow and In alp from Ihe il."s. he Kluneed nirulii at Mnrln Or". ,e Her fare wus sol.-mn and nn :.T wus growing In her eyes. He-We He-We her snl old "Doc" Ames, scowling ere. ly nnd stroking his long white beaj.! There were sharp cries of "Uu V flo on!" Hut Vernon, not nccustomed to tilnkltig on his feet, as talkers lovo lo ltriie II, nml having stopped, could tax instantly go nn. mid thut awkwnrd Itlt disconcerted hlni. He wns con-sdotiithut con-sdotiithut the moments were slipping If. and there were other things nn other things Hint lie hud In- t'd. J to any; but III thliiKa evnd. d hav -limited tin. Imitallliiuly, out ol r.h. And so. for refuge, he ro Nd on .i the conclusion he had half f.i.. In his mind. Thn conclualon v. is iniide up mostly from n tonfft lo Mcli he had once resiamded while In ..lt e. i Milled "Thn Ladles." Tho .n. came bark to blui r.-ndlly orio.li. he had only tn apiy them a III tie dirTereiilly and lo ctimiKe his (U'ire.. Thua II wna easy to work up lo a panegyric In which Illinois stood upas s heiiuiirtil woman 1. .idlng her alrter a'ntea up lo new h.-lghia of pern, of virtue nml of concord. He h'i a rapt vision of this woman, hy he awe.i nnd gentle Influence settling all disputes nnd bringing heaven down lo earth at last. The a. mile wus In rnplurea. This Is Iho fine," he cried, "tlint lauiched a thousand ships and burned tlm topics towers of Ilium!' . . . 'sh la wholly llko In fen lure ,o Ihe deii'hlcn goddesses!' " Ho he 'eni on. M'At:e cannot wither, nor cuatotn anils, h.r liittnllo variety." lUwas growing weary. Ho already shovsyd Hie Impressive esliaustlon of 'rte narorntion. Il hnd ancrlfleed a collar col-lar and dt link all thn water from hla claas. He lingered the empty tumbler 'or a ran it, nnd thun lifted It on Huh while he said: I tilled lt,b rup tu nns made up If lelrU..as alone. A woman, i.f h. r gentle a.-s The abasing ...r..a,.li -H.r h. aim! and would on earth thsrs al,K.1 H.ini.. more ef such a friiine, Tn.il Ufa mlarl.t ha nil pm-try, And waarln.-aa a n-iiiu. (TO II K CIlNTINt'KD.) Eating for Strength. The greatest pleasure lo be derived de-rived from eating la the pleaaure one sets In Ihe knowledge Hint hla food la giving hlin greater strength and vitality. vi-tality. Ilccnuse of this fact there) Is constant con-stant Increase In the consumption of (junker Oats; every time the strength making qualities of (junker (tots have been tested by scientific Investigation or by experiments In Inmllles It has been found to he a food without nn cc,uhI. It hutlda the muscles nnd brain without with-out taxing the digestive organs; It costs so tittle anyone can afford It. and It la so carefully prepared nnd pnek' d that It Is absolutely pure nnd clenn. A Quaker (ints citing family Is nlwnvs a li.-ulihr family. 11 (Junker tints Is puked In regnlnr sle pm ktiires nnd itlso In Inrge size fnmlly p.-i. kilt, a The latter very con-venletit con-venletit for those not near Iho store. |