Show LOCAL 811EVTIES Tin I oat hipped two Arlortlt n I i 0 II lath ea l vrtlffiUv lion lrrvt J tuniKn rrm lirl lour I rum VntiiinKion itrtir A UtE i iml > rriil tuinttn IIMVH Itrr orb htl tIir NIUPIa 1 Ih Y l nd iinl I i 1 IlfTa iv ha 1 hem I tv lu Hi g very II I a nt Ill f I lp i Tleannul 11e q srtrrly lent I rne H IUNM neat Jo > > I dAY art i iMinlnv M ly l1h inI 1 th I large II I cure J III It nine for ur iMttiHill Inflilta to rtnii < e a i nib hanoVer ai1 1 Morgan I hate nn l plaed tno gain t aid ajiIv Ic In I niUIni heap llulI I The dance given at l lull hall Wrdnrtday wai a MKliI IIftttt thvocli the atlendanri Witt not very large I Weight llnUlanlh1 lOIII11I1lc nml the atfaJr vrai theronthly enjoyed Our ally pipeatrd it lively ararsnce Iii rek An leu than four angus I Tine un the Hirctl and a erend 1 stan Inc ar und vialtiii fur their turn to iiltcli hoiiiihwi Indlrateil that tlmti Ira livenIng ap rite labor edition of th fcill Like Herald Hunda nit viai it hummer U containwl thlitylnoiiatii of Inlnul > II t niatltr and mufti valgable Infonna tluu and argument on Iho labor qu tloi It ihould be preitrvt1 1 for rat r erenp < > rig I I the shunt niiUiii tivun the tea iirt I dr the iliting 4 ilu KIIUI II r 1 1 na held bv Ilium 1111 I on the lilt ly nice program tint pn UK I nat Ut Nt the lArk h na tognlinra I arnh 1 pupil lIre Rliitlorin ul ie rOIl k ami I Ie ntp niini muddy i mill litiut Hit I StOOd tgnii very loitutr hat t Ie it I vlllo jlU until tnmeilrwt ir ili here sari w ilacatI vII in I tue my lunlii and they ibuaM hoe looke1 1 II II role Kwnilon r-ole tIegiatin IuntrlUi tloni u 1 niiuiey for tile relief taint ol thu niilHn lcrlt by that 1t1 l Cniion 0 x libation Inii itiulml la linn ul WUIOW 1 lint a intuit aiaount ul tints hut been pxpvndfd The firruiUe cmuuilttec tnpplv tie bereft Itimilii uiih cluthlut mul pioxliluin when nndixl ninh 1 1 tire I are now re 11111 punilorulilv I Tliv MiHiiuriu with blob It r hate tau thrrntdird llientt hirer ace iiuivrdp in Ktltlng a niut mi iitpll hunday mul MunJay and 1 im Inenhay Hltlfd duwn into 1 II ipilrt renpttlable I unl dlcnlflwl tlorni And WIU lirrallf with naUght by tlie firmer awl gmdun pr in thlt Hiilon It tnt 1 In Ikk I lilli U liuMluy H5I hatdone a eat mimm t ul wxl ltlui lixiiy II Ii 1 nun luuntlit ao I wnia taken to Ihl nuu 111m III Inno n luireil Monday hit ntinira of that lu ttiiitiiiii d llninc lo kul kliu loacer I for the nnuun that hey ilu sot iooild r limo I deiuentpil I It II hn iwonllar I t and j lie hl1111 b itilttaanlulltmary Uallo I I tke old gvutltintn mit nut hnt dst nttetl ur nlrun k U ha I Ivhlelll to nil that lilt inlndli nliuoit blink aunt that mu tliotilJ reenlvo I trMtmtnt at tome such InitltntlonnientloiiiiUbavi I keen River HUr Lw YUit In com I 1 ll > Kd < mii rom the New lurk ixiuniry lot tiratbr net a l nuniUr ol prut i IKCICII eolug ap luio ike Iit Iiuvv and heater cMk placer iiihnnn illiinK There Ire uiany r i in l UK mnn heir1 from ly I M itlin K i > > i It I hire Inrii and liibiiimr tuvamt but ilplr irlltmiltr I intimihetl for Al UVIK ton nr I III ut tin ctlvand 1 itell on > < rii ail I num t knmn In hALO r Mill I ny I tH I < 1 lava t I I Ifl llllllMl 11 k hhr Ihyatt ieine en I t II top r n 1 h La I 11 1 1 I h t atthsn rn14 |