Show A NEW YOI1K DIVINC 110 at I ho Tulplt IllIhl of the 1OIrn I > r William H llalnfonl rector ol Ihe Pnilmiatit Kllero l parlnh of BL Ueorge Nftv YOlk I one of the most prominent and aggreMlve divine con nei ted with that hltorlo church He ll not only an nble and efrertlvo prmcher but he pupwnmi executive abllltle of high order and a an nrganlxer hAl few If any tuperlnr tinder hl < ndmln lilmtlnn Ht ilenrge hu Imo one of the mutt Inltuenllal moral force of Ihe mdropoll It I Ihe center and Pi rter of n group of noeUI nnd reo llglou entrrpile < i which reach and help with thrlr inlnlMMm n great multitude of petipli who olherwlte would ituffer < l < privation phjilcal nnd rplrltunl Thrro 10 nowhere III that city a better I i nil IIAlNHPOnD obJirttetiKin uf what n church cnn do III Ihe waj of practical Christian work han that which I afforded by Bl leorge Dr Italnnford personally direct di-rect all them nrloui netlvltle but hli fertility nnd energy are by no meana exhausted by the work 1m doe III thli nnectlon ta Irillea Weekly He find time to cooperate In mot of the more Important general charlibla nnd u reformatory movement of the tlm mil In hi own denomination ripeclall I > a rrcognlird leader In every unde laklnj In which It engage A to om ubject he hold view which nre reo carded no radical but being a man ot profound conviction he never mea urea hi expreiiloii concerning an queillon by consideration of deferenc to popular opinion In Ihe recent cam algn i for municipal purlUutlon he wat raniplcuouily active and rameit IInil h8 > will be among thoio who will re l io the utmoit nny aurrcnder of Ihe ai vantage then gained Dr Italnifor In n word li a notable repreientntlve or hoie aggreiihe modern preacher who hold that religion I an affair of pra Heal cver > day life and that he be lt ervea hi mailer who out of the pulp a well no In It itnnd reiolutely Cor eisentlnl rlghteouineii |