Show THE WOODS DYNIOHT Xounil > and hlibli Among the Tea and IIUlllM Bit till In tho wood at night and look ami lntencall nn old limo naturalist nat-uralist to me ono day and you will ice or hear Btrango thing not to bn teen or heard CIO by rarest chance In the busy hour of tho day I thought of tho remark at I sat per fertl illll rotting on n stomp In n mall opening of thin Adirondack wood nt tho cloio of one day boot summer I wn twilight and out of tho dim uncertain un-certain light loomed I tho outlines ot tho trees In the valley and of Am percind mountain In the dlitanco Quickly 1 saw thu tlmdow of n moving figure which I inadeotit to b that of I fox low ttealtblly the ely fellow crept along Ilo made no nolie not n twig broke beneath lila catllko tread As ho turned for tho tint tlmo ho noticed me He looked at mo and I looked at him Then Ileynard revealed the cunning of his kind Still Keeping 1h eye on me ho tidied away until ho reached tho dark tbndes and ro crates when ho dlnappeared In an Instant In-stant I knew Ileynard wai out on hit nightly foraging expedition Icrhapt ha 1 looking for n wild rabbit or a lit partridge or perhaps ho Intended to rob porno farmer ot hla choicest 1 fowl The fox It n night traveler ho male Mt Journey after dirk find hit dinner null retires nlwnv before tho break ot day Later that night I was 1 I really startled by I Hidden barking I I cry 1 loud 1 hoarie to strange that I lumped to my feet to ace what manner 1 I man-ner of bird or beast had uttered It This peculiar note was repeated and then I laughed outright nt my momentary i i I mo-mentary care I recognised It as tho I voice of the ellowbreastcxl chat This bird hat unusual vontrlloqulal powers I Its tongs has ben dotcrlbed at loner rcsemblln tbo barking of young pup I i pie with a variety of ullecol sounds terminating In something like the mewIng mew-Ing of a CALDolt Aplmal Friends |