Show HIGH TOTS MUSKKIKS i I MARKLS OF LUXUHY WITH I MOTHER OOOSC PAINTINGS SctCuiilc It 1 fIOsuuu tt4eclbu tIlhlllll Sler ° u tsot 1o 5cuitil luireuu I inStliii loeeflosoiy sbuu 1 uO fort U Is I n very pioeuosnu n well cc n v ery truthful thing t u a > Hut best portion of lbe New Vrk mllllonalrat horn It I pt nile tue the children usa The name nll ntlon in I given to ihe nunwy 118 In II liS driwlngmom tots > dolr or dlnlngtmm Mhiilr1 nrtluls ar him lo decorate Ih will of tie 11 li > room of the wealthy inn tots In iHitne of hue Itoutoco tin walls Are IwddMl so that when Ihr youngster full lucy land on oft e Hm TIde re illicit Iriulreo nndcut III is minimum Koine of lien nur erlf hmr otl M murh nn Ho 10 111 up I nnd the toys nd IIIAlhlllll represent annual out lay of MOOO more Th children have n 0 t00 time with hem but it in I o quotUon If I they get nny more rml I on ret en Joymeiit lnn he l iiem nlhousr child with lIe II worth of t > o n > rar Mrn leorge Oould linn the very MInt MI-nt nunierle an she 1 liun IIr uuilts nf lice Rood thing of life In Ihlor every a sour so oon cii Iho air scion the halt bit froty tP children R In takrn < > d to rrmtln until Ihe educing tIny come mid linn Ibey go ubioad with their wr nil The nlr of bile balmy jlny wood tfllttllil it I very guueul fr hMrTO neil make Ilirm slrnnir of limb nnd itont and say Jlr 1 ClnrUnj PHnt I tot Wlnlrr there wllh Illlle Itulll Iwfore eu he went latch In lie while bonne Allot All-ot the Ihlnl floor of the iiould ciitnire Hilltop IKIOIIK to the ihlhlren First come the Creel roomy day nunwry In which Marjory Coil llrln Vlvlsn May all day Ionic with their doll lml lr They have ten inrtlM eel She tiny doll Ploiilie its well as some of the little dlflhe lire uf solid nllver They lime u little cooking chive which burn ml coal but MnrJiry It seldom nllowrd Ihe luxury of eomMundlna wonderful illDlie bnauiw she burns her little linger lin-ger nlonit wllh her rake On rnlny d lyo Klngdon and Jnvnlm are MK lioy of t antI 7 share tie nurnrry wllh heIr sisters amid hen tier I IItal fun all annual Iuueols l nf sunrhlnt IKjnr Into the rnom nrarlt all dny IOIIK IhiiiURh the large buy window on Iho ninth side The walls see rnvrrrd wllh oft gray cartridge holier with n incite of dellKhtful Kate Orrenna flgurm In cxqulilte culorlnir The eunice near thus tloor Is I prnctlcnl so well ice ornamrnlnl for It has II lie alphal In raliunl ethers runnlnic nniimd the wall Juil mi n level I with the little baby fans A falryllk ImManclle Just like the Mg nne In the I night nurrery curialn rlbtHins soul all I holds the dolllm when lucy have been rocked lu sleep by Iho patient little mother An Immense Iemlnn rug cover cov-er the hardwood I lloor und gives u de lirious coloring lo lie dainty apartment The IKBI thine of nil Is I that noun of thn furniture or hnnelnn on thin lloor one too line for baby fingers to touch soil I pull Oiienlng outum men rIde of hiS dny nursery nn hue night nurseries i > ne In old pink for the boys nn < l one In delicate blue gray for the Illtla insider Jay and Kindlon hnve little lines beds with unusually high railing to keep Iliene sturdy jounir Kentlemrn from sundry roiling out of bed nnd from breaking theIr limb when they Indulge In their cuitomary morning pillow tight In n little alcove Bleep II lie star I sony maid who guard bier young cbarce night sail dny soul attend to their mesh soil fancied need Ileaull fully colored rug lie In front of each little Iml l and there lire white nnd rote curlnln nt the three windows Over thn mantel Irnnitu n painting of Ike lllexlng of Little Children In t lie second nursery which In I nlmam it du phonic Ohio flrrt the two little tlter sleep In thrlr while stouT gold crib Mr aould has n trained nurse for them ne WIll cue n nursery maid and her bed 10 I gloss to lImo Illtln cribs In onto ot Blcknrs Mrs Oould who la I n devolrd mother nlwaj take earn of lie chill drrn herself but she sas she feel better I bet-ter Knlltflcd to hnvn omn noo In Iho ions who know just what lo do In any emergency Opening out from conic night iuirery nru exqulille lltllo lull room with every eonvinlence mode on thn tmnllest scale The little batli tub ore of porcelain nnd all of the III logs ace of olld silver Harry ie rind Cannon Illlle yearold diiughtor be I lucky In having nil nrllut ror a rulhiT He has ito sinned und partly executed with bile own hands the most orlKlnnl nurstry allY buby ever bad The walls are covered cov-ered with drawing of Ihn different countries of the world nnd uround acli Is I painted hue Horn chiT fauna peculiar pe-culiar to the country The tITwt In I In descrlbable The coloring Is I sin Uautl Uful nnd the arninRcmrnl pit clever that Mi Cannon often reeclvis her own gueits In thn room which wan built and lilted und drcorntcd voltly fi > r the pleasure of tho lltlln baby daughter lIne Adolph Ijtdrnburtf out of the mom attractlvv und beautiful of the sounded belles I tins a dtwr Illllo baby daughter Just 4 wetks old Kim has nut had her cundlu party jet so noiiody krows hoer name flue liny little maiden 1 maid-en haD n lay nuriwry soul u night nut ° nu-t ry which are mod > ls HUIIhln comes to iKitli all day lone and there arc lola of windows fur It lo pour through Tics floors am of hardwood roviitd with largo rugs which can Ie moved und Hired every day If nwl be The day nursery Is I papered wilt tho nvMt beautiful deslicns rum old Mother house with lie rhymes In quaint old bluo lettering uround and ubotc the dnlnly picture The dado hila the A II C both In small letters and capitals There aro bird cage In the pretty low window which lias window feats and port pretty cushion nil In baby Wile and white A while chlffonlcre or white inuhogany wllh knobs of white and bluo Dresden china holds all Iho dainty baby clothm of silk and mulln and III my lace the bath powderbox nnd nil of Iho npiKilntmcnts of the nbyii l toilet nia of white china flecked with forget menots The nlulit nursery Is I as plain nn It can be und them Is I not a Ml of superfluous furniture to ht Mn Tho Halt whllo nnd gold covrel crmdl has n cnnupy soil curtains of white silk mulls lined ulth soft lilac India silk to heel off nay possible draught from Iho little sleeper Th covering ar of wool und down surfaced with rifle awl Just ns light and putt as any covrlugii can lie I mado The nurses brass bed by this little crib nod u big rocking chair I for aim Ladrnburi lo rock her baby to deep 1 every nlnhi or all therurnl tune whIch tills model rKim plonc lyn ly-n Irnlnxtnurw lontalns I I In lIe sjrand mw mlaee width John I I Jacob Atlnr hm luilli on Fifth a nii I sad IIIltntlh ohnc hue etuesurciro ha eecetoed the gresucot munl or till n loin and or nallv wondrrful In thil bMiily Bind Btmill in Mr Anlor thu not hike her mil hid William Mnc nt I far from her nt UTI > tIre > one in I nt urprlsed to tlnd them on ic n < 111 floor On uus elm 1 < of Mr Anlors mil 5 nlffcent lied m I ire Iwiidolr nnd otv the Hlityruth Ir1 Md which In I quieter IKT MIIII sss hot thr nlKht i nurwry hWy it I th > t rome tho hey I nursery wftb lun unrqualnl ndlretlon of every kind of toy 001iiit 5 buy of 3 coo tindrstnd and enjoy iIeelhs the nltmtlon which hie lovelj young mullen I I mull-en Nnd his father nnd time In give him I I every day Ibis youns menilirr nf U hoe Astor family ban n mined nurse n bend mirw neil n ronyrhrrked nunrry maid In eons for his wolltwlng P 10 I I |