Show slscce In Snath lurutln I i Ten years ago not a pound r tobacco > tobac-co WM crown In South Iaollnll for market Thero were dray tmtchet hero sOul there soil forehanded people In tome nf hue upper counties ot the I slate poMlbly produced enough nf n not superior quality to supply n strictly home demand but tobnecn growing ns n money making Indiittry tea tin Unovxp In tho stale Inol year lCKK IKKI pounds of tobacco ot lie licit varieties vari-eties nnd some of thin finest quality were grown soul told In lie county of Darlington alone The l acreage devoted devo-ted lo the cultivation I of the plant wat not 0 per cent of hue acreage devoted to the cultivation of cation yet tics value ol the tobacco product nat 11 per cent of tho value olr nil the cotton railed In the county The money value of the tobacco crop of the county was tUOooa rIce Charleston News anti tour |