Show Ols 111r s to Gentlegetion hrn Ix < ril Liverpool wn for ml nit Mi I ilnlrlry In IHt be I thought abmlutely ne ImmrY to have CIInln At the ron ro-n allies allhoHah awar that the ap pulnlmint would be obiloxlou to George IV The duke of Wellington undertook tile unnlraaant talk of communicating xinl UveriMNifii ilelerinlnallon 1 A 0 soon as the king knew what wan anted if him he broke out Arthur It U Impossible I Paid on my honor as r Renilm ttr should never to one of my mlnlitern attain I am mire you will agree with me Hint I cannot do what I Mid nn rny honor M a gentleman I null not do Another nun would have been A 1 enred I but flit great soldier alwa8 equal 1 Inn etnerKrnny replied fardon ilia rlr but I lion t agree with > OU at all Your majesty Is I not n nilei nTh n-Th bold nemtlnn nturtlol the king but She link went nn Your majesty I a not a irentleman but tin noverelun nt linghnd with duties to your evple far abate any to yourself kind the v dull render It Imperative that you should employ the nbllltlen of Mr Canning Can-ning Well Arthur vald the king draw IUK a long breath If I mum I mum Although he did not like being told he WAD not a grnllrman George IV had once it losing 1 while rf > genl forgotten I Ile I wit one Thin wall when hn flung n Alone of wine In Col llamlyna face vlth llamlyn you art > A blackguard The Innulled ortlcer could not return the compliment without rorninlltlng something like Irnimn It was out of the queMlon to challenge the prince mill to let the hostile poisim I unnoticed wn equally ImpoppIlilie The eolonel fllleit Ilia glass and threw the content In the face of ble neighbor sajOlng Ilia m > eflii toatl luen I on llnmlyn rtetl the regent youre n eapllnl fellow I lleren your henlth Atilt the > were fait friend from that evening IllrjtlUli as Onlrtllrl At last cycling hois had H fair and reonoiuUe opinrtunlly of dcmonMrat ng Unreal worth an u military adjunct During Ih lain night march of the guard and olunteer all the cycling rectlon of the latter were placed under un-der the command of n young officer In t lr I I the CoMxreum for orderly slid scout dulles My the Illustrated Ix > ndon New Lent Methuen wont to be astern tern crtllc of troops reports that these gallant wheelman acquitted themselves In n really admirable manner unIer peculiarly trying Circumstances Thanks to the rpeed with which they Slashed from point to point he wa kept In toueh Kith the conversing column throughout I he march and could GOO regulate the whole movement nt will Ho Impressed wa the general with what came under his notice that he consldcrn It essential for every battalion lo have a body uf trained cyclists ready at any moment to perform orderly duty Jut Pa Fur hat purpose the wheelman has no superior because his steed never gets tired and want nu oilier food than u few drops of oil Hut orderlies whether on foot or mounted should be as llnhtly equipped at possible In order to quicken their movements and tu prevent ex haustion IV the time being they have on hand more Important work than flahUn and AI the earning of rifle and ammunition detracts from their Is usefulness they houM iitily 1 lw armed If tinned i all wllh longrnnge revolver lte1 ruin Their Armor tied paint saved the while elller In Herman New Guinea during a sharp contest that occurred recently In that part of tho Illsmitrck archipelago Puts the Han Krnmlsco llxamlncr Ainu SenlTI who for three Vents line been III I German New lulncn tells the story of the war lie arrived here ThuiS > Uy und In I pending n few day In Sun Francisco Mr Kenffl has held all kind of ore und several at the same time In that irlmltlve land nnd diversified the civil occupation by leading soldier against the hostile cannibals He say the war begun In I contest between rival tribes but was diverted lo rolstance of the nitlvei against the government The war was very bitter and very bloody for 1 time ald Mr Hcnftt but I wa a succession of guerrilla fight without an open battle The native na-tive fought wllh guns spear and allnLa They had but few guns but 1 abundance of other weapons I look part In eight scrlmmigi In which 101 native and ono white man was klllul I wa In command of the native pa lice who were constantly In the con list I doubt If the Insurrtctlon would have been quelled but roo Hie Herman war vtssel that hnppciuil to visit the Island and the red paint that wan sold by a wily native Till follow lived In tile Interior and made a red dye from product of the Island Thl he offered lo the native warriors an a auto Immunity from In |