Show JAY AT TIll IIOX OFCICC I holil IJ lliunilrr bith Ihr MUM With MlUBtlllic VVhlVer > A theater treaiurrr bump up oroln1 many udvr formn nf huninn nature I If some bright twiolflc man were In embody the many liiinmrmis Ineldrnl which hnppn nt hi window In hook form It would IH I an Inlerentlnn ohmS button lo llgttt llliTStuir One evrnlnR while tlir iKMIonlan tier In New York n eoupln bearIng unmlitnknble fldencx nf psntonil 1 llfr mmr up In the llroadwny lkci r New York box oiiirr lo buy two wot for rifler An souse The mitn was n wlvnfieeil drirrtnp > eclnvn wllh funny trnatly Mhlnkei on bin ibIs lIke the lleubnt Clur nf the IquloI ell The woman I 0550cl uiibterlsrt i > f lie Aunt Ophelia of Inele Tom a ruliln Tim man al linHirleil the window aitjusllnv lila iliertnrle nnd iimlilne In hIS porkut for moii > II hut ti itui oil r < Muucd Clor at his betIs lot any Mai fur hue lrmi > to Sushi r Inquired man Ye fir two 5ih sent In the mlddlo of the house rrpllfd hue Ouesctnrc Im H Illtli iKtllcular Jut where I oil vvhrn I comn to town the mull added lhseur or two of the l cent In Ihr house rlihl on the RII l l r > tionde < l Ihr Ireaxirrr Hilt tliejrn pool Peals hrnllntnl the Jay slur I saveil Ihotn for > ou said tin iauaiufluoe l man i A lame rwtnngnlar mlle embroidered embroid-ered the fnrmoes rountenimce nnd hn put Ids money down nnd plowly moveil niMiy The vvlfi whii had IMVII nil lntercle l listener la the convrriKillon grnblml her huil nd by Ihn arm nnd Mid MidJohn John how did Hint man know you Were coming titnl > htT John jaw dropiwl Hold by IhumUrl he ejaculated mid that chap there seemed u ales sort Ino |