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Show r "A IN THE TERRITORY stream that f tin- - a4)., GENERAL ROUND-U- PAST WEEK. in ft Our merua N bang I ifln-twtr- rm t t re-- PELICAN POINT DISCOVERY. . Sura Me H i Our I pixkit alarokal I Icrr'l'iiu! Im on the t 1 " r jji . t !i, 1 . M tr I'. Wlr.iio-- v i I di.,l , o' Hitie M oier tru t f r Uit VS i i t pim V- 'w.i w rt a . t aia niaktn a mtli util a l lew 1. eu ! found who naw uriiia e.hith l,'ie1'- e I -t j M.Itldlro ol eld 11 .M I.ti. laid ietot -- jli -- t- p cuh'i'e o'lcte ( .rt pt. 1 . I In r re Vgr 1 n a i.'vj scriptions Filled. , i a tns agmu tuiptt. tkt of -t hesiicuitiuut, the daiivmg mve igat. tlie ne mu, the lliog.', theini HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STATIONERY. "JtriTTli Dr.-- VISICK, W. -- -- ine--a- 1 slit Yt in a.t - -- -. I'm - lav about -t . -- I Will Vilst all Settlements up the Hirer During the Week Commencing Bills. - - 111 pie-Mit- ai-i- legi-iati'- 11 pieu-uie- o -- -- -- elit4. rich !d e I m m ll w id he ompt V c vo . a 1' tr it, "I J .in ed l.v 1. g o' n X he t i u to r re ievel ot a i t!.e-- e ov tax .a , 1 I t : STOCK OF MILLINERY.- H.tve just rcturutd fronts purcbasiti trip to Salt Lake City, and have brought with me many of the j oime Vs 1 a Ol Jo-ep- 1 NEW 1 "f tne eh-- ( 111 tt,is cal norm v hi i. rn fiit-ieva't- t nv-ii- rt rmv 11. t.vv.vti iv. I revt Vn Maxfield. the 17- ri1' h ve.ir old son ot Msxheld, ot tuinvN, Rutli-- i v 1! e, lien deit :vt - isarent 1i.e jti m ; at v article pas- luio.'.gh UV'oh. home, while Fled aged 1'. h tne ton 1 rea Uug . 1:1 upt Kimue! Mebh, of the same ta red n e -- anirT wa dwlea M, as was place, is in a serious cnndrtmn. Tlie 4 - (, u,e attempt UMt.elu ls J liciai elec- outli h pm out liDfHDAtk ritlin tiou wlt.ii UiWTLJvjn. in th ftfreroonn, and at aUiut .5 o'cl'k PTIR1 , w iron tlie Htorui came up, were quite a ' Lu,.situ:i.paL Otnei fen uga-distance from home. Rager to gam' lhe . rt,,',e uua u-- P!0' shelter, thev urged their torpata. o. sattu.e and ere but rt ipar ter of a mile f,on. hibitHm Maxfield.- - when a blinding Hash ot w t' taken up. si M,a. lntlttntng came, accompanied bv an t.tui.oi-a- L 1,1 Conve ,:t in, in aw fid Both thunder. 01 horse' roir of U.e wioe, veste'dav, went clow n, carrying the young iide.i cj.iunutee uia passed the ait. vie on privet w ith tt.eiii. t.on-- , public land- - at.d siUa.ie. id. 2 1 ty NEWEST IV JJ uiiillf I fV, Tuley Bsiijatalo, Missouri e Quickly Followed Cured of Rheumatism by U.v MiUBtlluUanw 11 I. Hood Co., Lowell. Mass.: I was taken down wit rheumstism over yar ago I was sick lor over six months. Often 1 would have surh pains that I could har lly endure them. A friend earn twice and advised me to trjr linode ttarsaparilla. 1 took vei, tc.ii voted down a proposition to poritiH woemw to vote on tlie strtuuou at.d for Mate Ifieer-- ., t vote was taaeu on the private corpoi anons article, and St failed to ' pas- -. a-- O-c- ar -- It Hat Cured Nle Whsa tbe doctors could do tn no find -- WIlM-'DA- , The Constitui.ouai Coiiveuium jester day passed the articles On public land, public but. dings and state iastitutious, and pin afe tvrpuiatious. t'uusideratiou ol the report of the compilation committee was commenced. THt RMA tge until courts passed their . V whaW ever. After being benefited ao much from tola medicine I describe Hood's garsaparilU as a wonderful nie.it, me. 1 al- - mivi every eu wbo U troubled Uh rliaumaUun not to be wlto- - t are band made, aad perfect and appear auoa. tse. a boa. Stove, HoodS i Pill anti-p'.vgu- New Goods millinery Funisig ICalI MRS.EE. J of Kin'f J , .4' v- I - ,e. ,. rs .aA V.-- . s - il Cea Nut, per ton per ton person J 32.00 'fdi50 -- - , - .50 At the Mine. C O ' 79 Always On Hand at the iTGH JLrtunL'Xjd), to vo MINE $2.00 1.50 - HEBER GUNN. ceinj-elit'ir- IN - Lump, d, e i RKtLKK! d out Hood's Sarsaparilla I am a farmer, and toe medicine baa given me much energy and Gaoaoa W. a Iren (ill to perforin aiy work. Tclky. Benjamin, UlssourL Temple street, between Fourth and Fifth be disturbed Tiie Constitutionwl t'onveutiuti voted Wyet. He fell into 4 he water while leases. y law of to incorporate the MRS. M. E. RHOADES. attempting to Jump the strtato, and James M.. Woods wa killed near Rid-mon- 1892 in tl.e Constitutioti. The proiosT-tio- n before was drowned assistance could be to permit women to vets at the Mo., by Ben Harper, who then rendered. killed himself. coming election was again defeated. Just Received a Large Stock of ClMaiiti entinel : The tunnel at' the Two Auiei icau fishing hosts ami four! o: lead life who lersone a expxure reservoir site of the Mt. Nebo Irrigation lishermnu have been sei.ew by a C anada neuralgia jubiect to rheuniati-u- i, company has lieen completed, sad the cruiser in Lake Erie. an4 lumbago, and will find a vabintil ill Dr. J. i, McLean's Voicafuc approaches are now being rapidly put A cyclone near Halstead, Kas.,ki11 remedy Oil Liniment; it wiU banian p.tui and into shape in order that the entire How seven people, injures many and utterly subdue inflaniniatien. of Cherry creek may be turned through Finest and Largest Stock of d"otrovjed twenty liou-e- s. the cut and the actual construction of i SuppUta. the great dam across the mauth of the The evidence against Ihirrant is get- - The following from Br.idstieeet's will and Ine prsosecutiwu ' stronger.' ting canyon la commenctd. I of interest to AND many in this section : tliiuks hi conviction is certain. ML Mr. F. E. Sniward, editor uf the Coal Brigham Bugler: Tbi week, About 2').JHI0 coal miners strike iu Tea-o- n of Brigham City, shipped about Trade Journal, in att address before the Ladies 5 000 muttons to Chicago, This is the Ohio, West Virginia and Keutuckv. New York Retail Coal Exchange affected by the thousand hist of hit flock of 10,000 that were Ninety I Have Ever Carried. nhuw ed the cool production In . wintered in M.iiad valley. The others strike. Great Britain last year was ISM.OOO.IKX) and examine my stock W. if. Liper, iiignt manager of the tons, while the United were shipped east several weeks ago. ranked and York Tn New comfine condition fer the United Ureas, The sheep were Uity, prices. The prosecond and Germany third. RHOADES market, but prices at present are not mitted suicide at the Arlington Hotel, duction of eoal in the ITsiteJ fvtatea is Washington. j such a to place this country second in juite as good a wa anticipated. . L'toaian:-Th- e Indian Creek proper- - A Baris paper save seventeen soldiers j the rank of ea! producers ia the world. ties are being I fought into shape fer a Lav died in the Vitrie hospital. anl Its yearly output is upwardof loS.OvO, IKK) are ill frem eating A Uteri- - gr" tii;tkecoalaieaisl,.,2.'0(i,juarp good -- eason's work. The centeraplated thirty-fou- r ! uiiles, rf which 120,iHH)cai: be profitably j early opening of the Rob Roy mines is can esuned meat. Butte, April 3u. Fire destroyed tlie worked at present. The coal area u ovt-- t J exerting some interest, and other proMamtfacturciof Att j perties are showing well. A good deal re'idence of James R. Tonkin atSo'clock three time as large a- - that of there-t-Mi I Mrs is Tonkin, who was the world copibined. Uo of all grades of actual work will be morning. done in Newton during the year and a alone inthe home at the time, was and quality it found within theboiders , of this cantry, from th superior n- number of new claims will Vie epetied burned to death. ' ' out. Courit Von Reveutlow, the Danish thracite of lVunsyhjptila through tlie of bituminous and Tribune, 25: Japies AYestfelt, a Misister at Washingtoji, has been ap- several grades coals of that stale, the Vir- - -I for Denmark Home. at Minister to piece pointed tramp, was run over and cut atv! Iidneis, to the Indiana of the Danish Ohio, near Kav svilie by the Union I'acitic ex- M. Bran, the gini, coals of the western ' jrtion of press which left Ogden for this city at Lsgatiou at Baris, succeeds Count Von j lignite The sourc j PaTRONIZR the ROME INDUSTRY Minister as at sing'e Ileveatiow largest country. drunk to toe Washington. CilO last evening. Being " district of,1' anttiracite - , istlie lorsupply ' intoxicatevl wltinris coiupan keep up Happiness depend , very tuueh en the li w Las a recvA ions, he was aba uiloneil by- - tiiem and contl l turn nt the liver and ktdnevs. i'he ,'rsnnsV vanla, on of early 4h,U',f)J gro lcft eu the track. Jle is supposed to ills of lit make but- little impresiion tonserj n is good-.- Yoncanau lum. i , Live failed across (lie track in a drunken those whose d:ge-tioDr.1 with abd kidnevs liver regulate your ' Dr. II. McLean's birfiitietitng stupor, J. H.'McTau'sLneraiul Kidney Balm. CordialJ,and Blood sriector siiniii Iurifeer, kvMU'vrtaTribune, 27:- - The bleached bones I of It.OUper bottle. will lui broteiB ng pale ptoperties, 3To JRerret an Hfiknow u man, and an empty lauda- Faggaid. i theeks, and transform a Postoffiec address, IlqytsviHe, mw bottle revealing the cause of death, t jf y0U Blake-thTfip via Jhe Chicago, dispirited woman into oV ef, spaikimg Summit Se j health and beauty, bottle. County, Utah. Northwestern yn j Iacitic Line, Union this per morning lies at the, Coroners A s-hFITTY fewest cbAnge to Chicago and other The identification. rC. awaiting . Ctb, Il Ti limtl HfstfJfT, tyimiutf eastern ' Cities, Through skeleton was encountered trains, conipo-e- d Bovren, HoTtsvili. f'uuimUto,. Ct&k. of Dmmg Cars, first All agree that tbyiVliJ: 8 elibu!e-- l train by the Pparks boys, William and C. B., and second class Bleepers and and Free of the Chicago, at ion 'Bacifie A North- iCVEETISE' IS western l ine stance all while they were outgunning at 4 o'clock Rclinirg Chair Cars. ' For full information call on er address with ease, yesterday a'ternoon. It was resting No chacr6r delay at the Missouri B. System. U. A. A. Pehby Agent under the covet of sagebrush three-quarteaV ' River. Fot livontermauon call oii er address of a aaile distant Jrotn Fort Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder rauar Ag'-n- t - AliD EEtCH T. fcrstijm, this IEE FIOFH. VfovtrsPmr Holiest Medsl end apkanw. Douglas, and w?.hln a few yards of ing -- HoodsCures la proportion . WILSON BROS. Hoods Sarsaparilla. 1C TELEGRARHIC. IIZZZZ MISS MAGGIE SALMON. Respectfully, Good Advice vv Alaotuumber of SPRING DRESS PIECES. The popular shades in Percales, Trimmings for Hats iu gteat variety. Ladies Summer Underwear and Hosiery. Boys and Girls Sailors in different styles, . Call and examine my goods. Th? prices, are a? reasonable an ; any in the town. Jfn Oworgf to - OF MILLINERY, ' h Sv j c- SHIES Q . Mil. .d 111 the Uoter at vtoekton last week, winch iiii. far ttiioe the aterae Sto. kton ote. Tim Rover is under lyaee Iv Tavloratid Kuck-o- n amt tli boy-ha- v woiked h ltd for the e'u oe.--s tliat s ow htauna tin in in ti e face.- , Tliurs'tav, Slay (nil. r.iiahani Riiiflei : Hngliani's twenty The jury ill the Wilde trial t ail beep -- hearers have returned from disagreed. Ik lae, Idaho. -- They got away with Britain will accept Nicaraguas offer of ?7,(NI0 slieep. All were wethers, sverag-iii- g a compromise. at xmt: nine pounds to the head. T e volcano of Colima, Mexico, is in Eighteen of the bovs proceeded at once to Wyoming, where tliev will fleece an active state of eruption. to 30,000. iovernor Mortoo 1ms granted Dr, another lot of another respite of a week. ' CharlegE. Imlveiwovd, an old and well known citizen of Salt Rake, wa Minneapolis Council selects Utah asdrowned night at about 10 phalt for the paving of Nicollet aveuue. o'clock in City creek aeequia, on North land will not Settlers on Win neb ad-cmirt- Watch for Small MISS MAGGIE SALMON. at I i r. llliaui il. l not e- -. Im thutx-twveaia a fime upon the tioiioii fare of t'o- - city, at 7 trt lot 1 la- -t i.iitht tn an M. Maikn Hosmtal, am fneiidk. lion Co. Heeord: We liear that there are altout lmurteeti wool ImveMal Mil-- t md. and that lutitij heep men me wool 0'itn,.t on aeiount of t 'it- ht eii 1 omjie'it 1011, nte,ul f hipjmii; ale- run irom ion. Ca-- h 0.1 oiiiiiu 5'j t , A May 13. -- i lie'. wa- - - v In Uphold - -- 11 . 11 ltojit DENT ST. -- e- pu-s.o- .e HO! bv Ol m' COALVILLE. t,uu -- to 7j4 .iTY if Il nn tn at ec. . r-- ai .1 , tai-- Miil.ud s'u 1 11 ul wrei. . at about o't, it nn till- - iile into the nl 1, at toe ho ne ol Hrbrr.t. wliele had bet liwiijj lot tilifit, . hIhciliy Iv of e- . 1.1 lieepw.M !at tl uni n m nr until of M hold d w, mi-- Tf.e t-- la- -t lrt-e- - U,-'e- I fih at liii-tle- 0011 -- .It I 14m h 1 1 , eth aini oii.f.t J- - ur i ' 1.11 -- -- in XTT4B ROYDENSr)RUG STORE. 1 -- lined. c 1 40e1atio1 . CO ATVTT.T.T. ami tae P. the 1 -te Somnn - , I'-- U s Kill de-'ro- ;oii trat 1.4,oirJhe nj leading tiom the i ene of the 1eln an fond minder-- . uan ff 'itoin, Ke . duii'e haw tt'td other pioininent women are to vwit iirili-Ui-Ute ULjLeLkti IMet t 1 of la - -- MERCHANDISE, Except Groceries.1 , ve'erTtiiry tnrcnoTt o'- rvt m e. d'. e j r :t"i': - id r ef . ,vi r ea'ck a ng w ti it he Mtt on - ,A i.es -- I lail.et lone T ' - coinilitfTTewh t otlien, no 11 IN- - -- Siisex'. 01- Nehri-ktin- nrn mr.a' bojid . -- - l. B ,...u ,4...! g tuu DEALER GENERAL il iuie 1 hil.M -- ae-.e- .14 -- r- ! i tt e expense o - .TIte -- ; .itl o!4',t.4..a -rTiS; w -- 11 mml t . 1 dreat mtut tliiiiiiriet almUl ; V k. - the eieHUieiitii wn - ,e - a. on the dental tor the o' Me 'lation t; tv :ng eu.ed im 4 t! r maae to i eat .1 Ttl cipies "u tnni a'HioM1 U it 4 ig tit.lt t u Mi,tir 1 .. Cash Bargain Store ceived at tl.w office , In report of the dite l.ir show, that iht te 4 u m was-- j ?4 ;n Uig inl'rc, S'lnin; T i If a lVh'r''a - lftTvf - fr'POitte.5B t follow-- . 1'roiu k ,ai e - were eitletilly urpriaed at 1'.. p.ev- t'e llahioii l e ennui i i irlan load-- , from m irom moed ti.i, tint mde u o.ne. the r.meka i enti ate-- , when tfie irltors WjAn li 7 t r'ia had tnm tlie ( 'o mi fii'tkaT .viTi.tl-- , ,0101, m rf tlie preuilee. wi -iroitt the e. . I t I heir aLHiIt1iiiif H't" ean tiers. nut an a era je ot ;p ton-- if n v. I --Aerntl Lvp-el.at deck I'liura- - dne led bv jhn lettter, foun m a.e dried len of if ill m '! blaodhid -t.iie .1 t.e.ne Ilillin,:- - t tv, ti ' ' ne. aH I dire 'k tu the eatmi. ht JeiiMru, t,i4 tire, with nnUo-at- t llie wet, hJ neai u all tl.e -- Pa k of jrmniit it t o'tt.rlne i. 'J r It th w ith ilih t p er "nen .0 k p ill waInfhe 4to, the Home 1,1, ltd h!o ait 1 the buhet m ' - ha ! Tle-rHinanii t. t i Uut iked ill tirs previous .1.1.1 oveilo ankunwn nid orttti if th u -tnr-4tat-Tv,s,-tiTT yr. Til b 4 t Yetli.iL bc'iuieg the w wlm el one 1 mt hoI the -- 'me, w t te i.e d t o a cm a aii-JI. e of u mate aw, w h i iv u a s e t it h .letei 11.11. e t i.ev ua L t P 11 4 aiiuiii V.i tn -t nr .lire e!M. ! M.-l.av e 'h eu m t r. lit raid - hi a aaf.er t " in.i'lt ti th re ii - i in mu to rev.ewei. eel. ti'eg ivet inn o the VarioiiIn te.e,dl..e ll. il li tr ino d to te t'.e.u lo -- t n . .e e- t w ao made one u.e ot ty pal 111.1 le t thle on wlinu th part ot i wacou. e u feme ai I t.l ,1 lii Vigil si. lie Vote t,,e ll h would lear up tiie luuro . lOiiaidei.ition bv tue i lor nr i fe e, i tnere 1,1 t'lcc mim null U'P ltint w ha- - been le, ithe gnvi r:e i - min it ii evpre-- s hope-lu- r v nide liirn-- e innocent. Utah s.aLi'u e aaiLiisi express tliey I t ne -- e irrn very tnatet ta iie'i.g able to ompiy witbi -of t;e expenses. .Hue tii Ii a t mt'jiim ,1 inn R pal Hpne-t- . new baa devc o .Nothing ll I'll, uliiiii lieikilia tne tatilc. in thl- - date. tends todo ill in to make it the of iruprmt'ir at I tt niLlKhK. Uxsw-imen- t Mr-- -- afternoon K a -- lntiin in Me .Jy.bei Marshal Karrail of ward, one of tL 01. ig ,1, and cabin to the Ha;es trip ilep iru-i-l t..i 14 j 4 Me e low fleartnl v 'r e Im-- , v.rTrt im'i"i. iinuJvr of P loan Ioliit. n alter an Mine t w p .11 The I nierai Iiuiu tl.e . t rank The VLirebu 'oiK with ietnleiu-wt her n mxtiti r, Ml liewrse Maim an . . nil.,- - tuU e.i. and D lh mt, 124 Tii of hell 'net, vesterdav 4 tia te A4.RICI LTI Annual Report of the Xi erlmeat Station. Kama Rreaaa Hull.Uit. Kaaailha Hsrilara, . Hit empty Tribune 2S tin tue ttenih of a Tne fith annual re;rt of the Utah letter receu ei from if intaoj e.ier.lav, ttwa b ja.t b. en re a vl the rigbl Trili n. . 1st ill tl.e Kightet-iu- b Utah pi'U e, r- -. 1 rr Krwiu ! rrrntT. Ikru the f Nr. rral and 4.ni Mlolug. -- km'i ainl on Iwitlc FOR THE P the uimuh of the left ei.W pur. from jUi am or. It Kimgrati J THE TIMES. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Wasatch Dept. O. S. M. Co Geo, W.& RobtYoung. Wanship GENERAL, MERCHANDISE. to sell we We do not carry Cheap John good, but guarantee as low as the ou at satisfaction will that pricc3 goods give you firm. Call and see fot same articles can be sold by any other & W. GEORGE ROBKRTYOUHG, rourselves. Wanship, Utak. ' . . - - " O' |