Show I Ithitrtlne rill CroMliiff Clly Hall park one dar aNew a-New York Hun reporter State an Italian boy suddenly fall flat on lilt back on tho pavement Meveral companion In tnntlr knelt by hts side wine alntv stantif plnir the pilms of hlu lianila settle rub tin if lit pfms They were nil laughing i very nuicli anti after A minute or two of till 1 work I the tiny rasa it nit r In two or three more minute repealed tile fame this 1 tlmo all bclns sellout l opcclally 1 0li i trio to when they noticed I that the laroo man wat watching them The toy who were dolnc the lap ping and rubbing looked nut from under un-der their Unified hair and irrluned the reporter a IIIIU at tint and then became Serious ago Its U hat It I the iuiiio7 the reporter asked a newsboy who Till olio watch luir Item Lids It practsln n fake ho replied A fake Sure having HI Lt work KUVB Any old guy lake pity on n kid 1 gug do Oil and glvea hills u nickel bee |