Show yeucooit I Mrs Will J Chalmers daughter of hue Into Allan 1lnkerton and hrrtelt n I nutabla lljruto In Clilcajn In WI Side society nt least hat luloly nddetl to her retinue of Kngllth butler tho being A laiD Importation wan unaware of i I tho eilnlfiire of the naval orange The I other day lImo lubbers ordered a box of tIck fruit to bo sent hOI During hag dinner a few Intimates being present the lady of hue home son prlted that tho orangra did not make their appearance Inqulird of lie butler but-ler what hOI become of them 111 You plcaie mum said lie butler but-ler I ad to semi em back llevery I ono of Ihove orange ad ales In tn I |