Show JJIKODOKAS LOVERS cL 1W IONT IX TIME taut crtllelae Kim I charitable amt hw I 1 j 1110 mpalwn 101 r I forbid I honor you for them You i = 1 I I know that t wr W Oh thank you f wllh ironical Intonation i In-tonation amt no diminution of the 11 I I tMd coloring which nn nnlml0lllecua r when I 10 I id brought to the cheeka ueually J ol Iagh with a very healthy pallof Tn reached her door and 11 rang thin lorll ti Mln t nm come mr It wee an In vlt ii ii e p Hut the lone would have nnt I H accunre ihe loot proof oft of-t I 11 I Reheracy I ink you no I I un Ixiwnle rull Ir cool too o I m In their tool > youthful daya to n I had lane wont In moot her n tot n0 > oa aloe came olll of Imf Im-f in I n private oohol and walk 1o nh her In within a block of her J i alion he had wildly wrwkeil an 11 Hn r Mtril up line rtirtitmtl Hi 11 1 ilnnallnn In Ihe line of ww f 11 lift I in ant gnrgeon and cent tolls toll-s i f M i i nilnned devotion rm HI Valen 1 I r > 11 1 i o > when he had lolen her tuck in nal curled up n chunky lock Ihe heck < > 1 I r hik Imlaht hair In < < i ii I n i w told watch In them toy ai il ir rlllne i uul ooo urred hi had ill < iv ilnled I to practice Ihf cool li r I tkh he at lime had ibe nai t o hi emlraa on1 enemy il ho i I in fart gun on far no la try IH i i w i anume dignity lo IhS con Ih-S i i f n young lade I who nun you In luiKlilna In Jlir fare Wllh Ibe li ° in lore 11 bind given up thee > < m nyilems of retaliation whlfh w i i w when hmuiht In bear UIn II HIM low howe > rr nawltM They II caught mom In Ihf theory alnay full I r rtfee In II In practice II hAil l coil i i v accepting bla crvliiile alit fl n lining Ignominy of Inlrlle the nil MIIH Hke eneepl hut Pilot illl vin I 01100 her tnlilreen drew her chain ii I nl 10 Inc lightly whereas 11 would II b > hAd UK courage neceaeary furl I fur-l illlon to the nutnrrallr will ii rr lili thank > ouno it i I 1 merely hurl nml oulle failed n lii oilier Intnnallnn with which In i of bile letter nllvlo l lilnil l > IIIt I havleon01011of I rhargliiK It 1 flew up Mnlr lo lir own room fir I iiretl her tnothfr1 until gYta II no ihiaugh Ihn hour an Mir way lthn lnjtrinw wit always multlwl In n ii I ml nml tonally iitfir from a wM Hi iii up her thin 101011110 lllll loon m her only daughter fluihM du 4 i II w warm unit tired you look clilhl 1 i 11 really Ililnk Then Hint lt > good1 f r > ii giilng Into Ihoe litwplUIn unit I i i rot houira nod nil thon dremlful 11 I win Ulklne lo your l pn ni i i n only loot night The pinch tri e > tr-i unplMnnl you know o much Oil Ir I HI hc orlMilloi the Lent part of III r x iiiiiicd Ihf nung womiin ummnr III Vow nminnin ynurv lo lop moor run chi Inttnnll Hho took her we in HIT alt ofl ilrnng ouch hy thv riinuUrri unit turned tier round il ne you torn lying ilnwnT No Im Don1Q havent And tomorrow there will b loot In iln than there Im been tow > and the norliU and caterers will in k u mnfiiilon mill > uu nnnt Ukn u i ik i f lwp 1 nml ulien night rotor yn u ill t > e fngKiil out and uulln until un-til i 00 mm nil thtoe people 1 And > mi know 1 i un I iliip hum for Iho rrlendly Ho 410 rr Utrinnn ISiniloyrV Wive hood IiiuKixeni InI In the afternoon and 1 h iiHrlx 1 iiromlnpil Father AugMton to I nf the rlre for the > tray lotion w II m ohm i Mulberry Hlrrel ilimxl In ti i nclime l i Hluelow ilghrd gently and ale I ll > I I fiwlf tO be plllhrd Wllll loVlllg 10 tonr Into her own room where The nnreded to rumfurtably luck hut < h-ut I lie leant Ti n Theo went luck and > iirve > rd tin I i e In Ihe glnre Hhe woe lluihrd viu ii doubt and Mug flunhed non cn mrly unbecoming her Hhe could < i 11 I not Hand color 1 U made I her look M < > < t she thought Indignantly Hhe lull ilway Inililed that ahe wa ugly nil i nt her figure Hhe admitted Dial hoc UKure wa good Other people d Ill I1j 1 1 t y x l i I I f j Jf I t I I Nil tri iiriiMANN IOTXI INTO Till AIUOININCI noon MII it with hrr tlerlilrilly la to IIi II-i Ir r 1 1 lull dl Krf Mini to Hie fnfe If It oar nnt euaelly H pretty tote It win tiliiiiKnt If IM or a great man other own fir the inMler of that hud been aitii tu they would linvo aid ea piorulty t i that they illd mil know i vi I r r Then Illgelow wit RWHtlouklng nr n it hut that > lHi WIll more chnrmliiR than ill the pretty Rlrli you could find 1uiui o1 together J VI v in thinking of l rl l now but In I nit Tim nf fonilnem or even toler mi One wan wry angry with hhnl 11 anm lin who hail put tier I III IhU alai t AM 1 ilglit bail he who ankeil henelf DM nil THd the iw < lerpuir reokjmn A ly i ht rhrpk In lake exception In u i > IIIK ihf oboe to tlot What right I 1 1 to object lo lliTtnailll Ix > tieT Tu lord triiliril1 It he soap lnmMble j of Inll I nn tnternt In the burning CI n u I i r the Ia > an I too much uf n 1I lllHInr 1100 fir the UnllttOU eoulr 1 fhb a1C rking fin UM osuae air 110 omit IIn the nppreooact wbot rhlt had he lo ohow hu > OIlIllIobalioll tit 1 u i ivmtrair our i Hi 1O I been kind inouih In ny thai lie did I 011 criticise hr desire to do good 1Vbnt toiidtscvnilun on Ill part hut o her had rrllKlil her liking for Hermann Her-mann mien II had aald her kindness of heart and enthuiuum were leading her into making 10 much of an under irxt fellow who would not know how In accept eltb er in the right Hrll Well oboe would ahow him how much ohs cured for hi nrmw nplnloloa l el had 111 not Intended oJV g to Mr lW rlow reception the following evening Hat when the hour arrival It WM sot II had been many lime before be-fore lie had not Ihe courage to alay away UIM The room were crowded Mr low hrinklng Illlle form laden down wllh Ihe Jewel and lla HHIet of ceremony cere-mony warmed hie heart aa be caught lain of It near the door He might not he able to keep the pear wllh Then but with her moth he Cal alwaya the beet of frlenda Theo heraelf wllh her beautiful figure reeplendenl In hoer low 1 nut dreM and her IrrwruUr mile fern more full of oplrll even than uaual gave him Ihe moet dllnl greeting c mpatl hl 1 wild tlie dude of H booboo And loot Pel of whom 1Ia filend Mid Ku < h a manly fllow walke1 away inlwralle and loal blmlf In the crowd lie had won In rather late and Penn otter Ibe Irkaome 11110 of tine evening even-ing lo I Theo relleoen0a and turbo loner wa over lnple had ceaeed 10 nrrlve and ahe wa fre to devote her elfiowhomheehoee and full In view of IM f moody gale l alto clnHii lo il tot heraelf to lie rr llwmnnn 111It frll w Th eoclMt wOlin nOfIOfU Whoa Herculean proporlloiw no orml I I out of hla dree null In In loo growing ever > direction The Kill In qtteatlon I In the bobble ran Cite more In eoncewlon I an eltle 1 and rotten pnnieiv Ihmj THe lla bad looked l fr Trot l II inWM be Ilia lmpna lble fnahlon woe but another against the con form of proleat lInlII 111p l hair and beard m lh other hand flowed and weed about In lli inojl uiielHirii denanra In all and l every xirlal usage and to 1 bad a manner of pmlng In oluorwloye wllh nne lock Wtween hi eye for Iho look of III effett detlved Iy the throwing nf It bark a IA l genlii and nne hand alalueeUely lunge l In the front of 1U waUteoal which HIM IM wllh unholy wrath ami a coinum ng dwlre li > how him h > active ajUM once the Inner direct way In tb front door And prenenlly and al olulrly for the flr1 time In Lb life wine nf lhl aimer na wll aprnng up I In Iel ngalnut Theo lie could mil know that the girl wn poMenned with n plrlt of rverlly that enlng and ahe woo chleny Intent her Imlllterrnce in lent upon pro lug the opinions he had e 01100101 the nay Iwfore lie olh1 her gaily yette frrenlUlly chatting wllh that fellow lUlrnlng to the imnderoua ullrrnnce 0 of whlrh ho teemed Hi drllver hlU excathedra utipporllng wllhoul ninch HiK Ido nilmlrlng glance and hla con purring alllliidralhe fact wa that Then was loll tmconacloua of both ono and Ihe othrrand R dull wrath I agalimt tier conurlry llamc1 up In lila oul lie had loran Jralcu of hint llnira enough before heaxen known and wllh caue but at Iral than olhrr men had been genllrmrn whtreaa thin crew turn1 The reception broke up In a donee for Ihe joiitig bo1lln and Mr IllgtUiw ahiintlnB up lo him gently enlrrorted him lo errt hlmwlf In Iwhalf of all lhr > e pretty girl 1el Whore gooo1 na lure could uually be ilependnl on though It had lieeom Inruflcrnble Jo remain re-main In the IIIIIIIM longer did not know how to rerun Ihe tax good hrlplrn Illlle woman Hill all Ihe lime he woe rognliant of Then wberralwutii and while be danced whim one pretty girl and another he knew that ehe did not dance ami hoot Hermann Ixitie enlrr lalnrd hrr Irlnure wllh hrr harangue And I what ilo fU Ihlnk of llerlr Hiiencer on thai particular ailhjertr The had uknl Ihe Mlallt after they hud mine In morn upper where as Irl bad not fallM to ulmmr the mKlallitlo principle were nol Ineompatllile wtiii tbe free1 u e of the hinpll la of Ihe rlrh In Ihe mailer both of neat and I diluk I have all bile work In I Ihe next nom 1 will show > ou Ihe ntseiige I loon reference lo Hhe woo nol Ihlnklng of Pe now Hhe bad forgol all about blurt In Ibe In Ireel of tbli illeciiMlurt on orlology Khe led Hermann lots Inln the adjoining adjoin-ing mom which hnptned lo I0n empty nod Iklllll down b n r err of daintily entered volume wt so i bad Inililetl on receiving 1 for on J her Chrlslmai prernl nnd III hitch ibe bad not looked more than twice Inrhe lie Ihe nf gin rapidly lo turn over logos nor Hernmnn l > itt was ulnmllng up le fore her with Iols Imml In lilt boaum IIA he rarche l Hmldrnly the hard him brave a deep + lib Sell I have no Ihtrrent In llrrliert Iteer Jul now he Mid lie untried unt-ried II hat no IndrreM and Her PI I ri too glnti fd up In iiniairmrnl llnd blot KlonrrliiK down upon her wllh a moot cuilou expreeehm What what ho l Ihe mailer ihe Mid blunlly though being vlilonnry al 10 avery a-very pracllral > nag lady What la Ib mailer You ak toa what til Ibe matter Ach when I look around thin lovelyor ofel > room ami ne you lining llirre In your eiiiulilte dlTM I Oh lull exclaimed Theo ennrly feeling that nhe had caught the drift of bola thought I nosh you that I would nol ha had all Hilt sort nf thing from choice Vhen I Ihlnl of all these poor I crenturee > vlio lulu nolhlng et all lat VOIl th lnoemxrleo olil It make me feel nl time no though I wanted I In part will e tr > thine I hove I would much nit her us more ltnp1 > 1ID my falher and mother wont bear of any Ihlng nf that kind Arh not aald Hermann l < nl e who iwemetl to find nil till > 0 ry Interetl Ira So Mid Theo atnoervlv Ach well we can order our town lives afterward U w pleM ih Theo ao cording lo doe high prlnclplear And Hrrmaim litle liad none down on one knee before her and hind aelaed I her hand from which the book had dropped while rite ant trunilUed with hllrlll larlS hhn In the rln What 10 yntt mont Ih tlolllalltll drawing hoar band nwny lalently Please oblige me by xellliiK up Inuin ly llerr louse Hut Uilir would not 1I101e Ah m > angel l ° le whispered Have not our Kill been loni In I uocord Hay UII I U U I only maidenly I hyna that prevent pre-vent lhe from acknowledging that the Itnpailoned loe which II I burning In thla breait for Hire 4 1 l d V 11111 < 18 e a < ry and ilarted lo her reel You have unifertoiv1 memu underatood me completely he rrM nulverlnc with aham and anger I never enrednever cared for you Not cared lo mI touted tooter turning purple In the t lie look a rapid atrlde forward am Theo whose werr unatrung gave nrrir nimplelely rnl v another cry and tbe nest Instant fell heading Into Ih arm of IMhatn Ind who had drawn aalde the heavy curtain e The dance muele wan 1111 going n and no tone rl 1 e had heard i Oh IM IM none met The two men Miami nt eich other one moment lh twit Loin one gone I IM had nol lomwieil till hold Hoch happlnea A boil com le Mm Jut who I lie deplred o It toot mul nol he rrckleMly relln > Ullie < l llliilly Theo ralaed her toad 8h made no fit Ina I tion and IM aked none Hhe looked very aubdued 1 and iloclle When Pel h at hut II woe tu nk boor whether he Intended to make him eunVr touch longer In thho way Hhe looked at him a m mint Ihrnigb her earn and rlnjlly honk her head thou My anything more tonlghl IM and notnot Jiut utterthat man |