Show Highest of all In Leavenins rower Lasil USOovt Report oVal Bakns I f Pcwder Ar iWEtW B > MBE Co LouBli llaltam I > Unt IKI U > l It will tK > n CW4 le f IU a ajUlnc U M l ri r lUM r II uU Tbtmsa who cheats snolbrr roU bin lllni < tr wlll Imutnl thnrnuilnf semite i more generally limn ever before r i < vlalljr 1 a > hop bonn been greatly rrluro1 In I prIce I ho ChIcago Hrale Co are leaden for low I price on the bent Whrels scone ii at ininy otbcr article and all kludt of lOcales I The Delaware County In Farmer It club at one ot nicotines recommended recommend-ed n rotation lulled especially In tho I north part of that tlatei 1 That crow It the best crop on the farm 7 To J I maintain the fertility of the soil with I out grass It I practically I Imnoulble 3 j I Thai no rrrl onethird the farm should be under tho plow at ono llmo r 4 That a rotation of groIn for tlx years It hue best for our county t lIt rotation should bo at follont Two years In corn tins year In unu two years In meadow nno year In pasture I That B permanent pnituro made on Iho native toil is best 7 A pastor that 1 teill not patture ono grown animal awplll nI1r on Uf ri Incomplete 8 Tha level country In corn It preferable U I II m I rfi That shallow cultlvutlon It rccom I order mended when Ibo land It flrtt In good ortrr Olnany Bsda ioietd755i1 CI I 015 tat hcccsclsus islsg 1 ouieui 111 01 in w Ia r 1111 ao ecasne Iourucudo saueus I 1 11 0 h I 0 0 saedhssl oasidrs 101 1 0555 luenteliluiO 0 0100 0It IIIkCBCLAIIKI bAlUiO VV UHKB tBUitloa 110 Wiulletswlteh ld recently gav tXX for e missIon work IQ 1tgy t 1lno s CueforCou toni 1100 bill noxmtl M a couch me < llcla > K U 1 Annotr ISU 005ws itt HuITlo N Y hIs jr VItU TI I ol S Ih PulpIt uglilieeinle 1rcM A preacher r al came In n ncwtpaper man In tnH vvnvi You editor dare not tell the truth II yen did yon could not live your newso paper toll be 1 failure TIme editor replied You are right nod the 11n Mrr nho nlll at nil titles and under nil clrvunmlanceH loll the truth nbonU his members alice or dead will not 0 ClIp hu pulpit more than one Sunday 0011 hen ho will find It ncceuary to leave town In a hurry fhe pnem antI the pulpit go hand In hand with vvhltn oval brushes and plenknnt word lang allyIng little virtue Into Ug one Inal Woinn la homes Tbeonly ur euro for nlnwnrm In hnrve iThteelut l K ltkrteoT < oJ If on Ihnler Van haven fail lo drttrny wneouuto IIOMM lion ihrep lulls or rttti mi nrrlltnt remedy fur tint tool l fend l yeenue in I nlie I Mile pmttio lttmp < mil fJf eenii h mill I ut stile out In V O U lo druKliitna II cnt 1j ihaplilt Igl Xltntlon soaP of pIth coos p-Ith In Sole The Influence of diet on the prowth of hair bat often been dlwiittcd I It luato bOil khonn that starehv mKiureo tnllli I and II many other foods recoirn eil ni so bring highly nutrition see In Oat amIne dalh 10 thus grnmthu of huv Chemical nnalytl proves Hint hair Is I composed of A per cent of sulphur suit onutlus shill I ol 70 cl per 1 Itlf ulicon and 10 per r of Iron and inninfaneiK rue foods which contain SIte luritnr K > nenlof the aloio named elnnnl urn meat oatmeal and erahnm Henry pointedly sayti Nations vthUli cab inott heat tunes tho moot hair ° I rulatlm Of medicinal agent It gradually reIn fahng the oldtime I hrrbt pills clraughcis and rrcelable extmcU to tho rear and bringing Into general me tho pleaiant stout effective liquid laxative nyrun of 1ljn To get the true remedy sea rafln It manufactured by thus Ir ornla rig hvrup La only 1 or isle > fall f-all leading drugs If the lmf this 5 it hihot I e Ia In re I rlablllly I itrouldn Vind in roia i It thtlllliy II Cullloe TUlb o nlMlklol1 > M llllU4r 1 eeadr I sounassuaosuofluacrfseCtlliwsTctdItuat lbs pedettal muni nothing ball Ibu iltln U In plwn bolMni ntnsoni Ifiilo Corn Kttv ww I o Ilt4il cIt 000 I W E EGIVB GIVB AWAY < Absolutely free of cost Cor 1 LtniTIU TinH ONLY The copIes Caguoeu ni Ofell 1 h tIter lip ItO lueune CI IuVIlvbCaitilia 1 Ihysleias blue tcieaiiJa tmiou sniiaiuies 5nitdalr linda I 5 loli of tore dOss 1 orce oh so usteurd sot tiile laaua II tku ur 0401W 1101cr coerce I 05cr ca z J i r Jl 1 E 7 reuisiot iluu 000111 rue loly nwiiv Stook slmenuhy soIl III onh LIrIa od Ialr f ht 1 to Adler I wilt siali I smO i hit 5 daupoh WooLus hluseeltause IU 8 ICA AIAIO Oho 6J 1ln Olbeub 11 I I I FT il i J C LAIMS t t 17 W r f I I = Cures RJ JACOBS OIL Cure Rhoumotlam Sprotns Swolllnga All Achoo Neuralgia Drulaoa Ooronosa Stlffnoas elatIon Duma Hoodooho Cuta Hurts Lumbago Woundo Dookaoho Froatbltoo WHAT MORE IS NEEDED THAN A EfFECT CURE w cbstcJs International lalubl In Office Sol or Jromo lor tram rover 10 rver D J1lonary ll Ilia filfilan rf it u I Kiinrrmn Court ft tao ir 1 rrninnlillnllni timrouidef annOy ill of ilio BcuunlunAi y C u i UUtmiulycuwiwuu > 4tyimrBJ iDujrlulemlclitt > fiklu > oll Addlrco Imldent write t 1cr TOM iillli wliUli llm ryo liidi llm Hiirtl luuntil Out ice esye 0 ilrllnlllun fur rf rrllta < inrllio < U 1 ll > llr llnif iirnuuiirhtll rue Irn yet iuiiiirelirnilto llrinrnl I itu KIII for iirncllriil u 0u in niTiirklnirillclliiiiiryMrriittcrji lulcraulluaul oirili I unyuthrriluKlo vuluiui < I l C Blcrrlnui 1iibIlnlicrH I HprliicflcIU Slnitit t54A eltooltr lolucditteOiOlOiOe5 tlmnsftttiitista A friend aMctl me to f try Klyt CVcnm Jlalm and after tutng it tlx I4PiWfhml tctKf 1 Mine imiKlf cund J catarrh It r il I not taltutlilt rICI Joirnh Stacart ot4 VruniflreniM1 11 t Ijn Nw 1ork CATARRH LVa CREAM BALM ivni itO elsoO 1 lh M lFakMcrAlUlirt > M < llntUmil ll4UilI MU Z or inxil Ib Utmbrftn fro0iOvlU It ilomlb s > = ol Ti1 r nd Jim Tt lultuU qukkl atiwrb l and ii al cOol M rn A r rllr1i I lIe Into ch nfMtrll unit isarrea I tu < ilrir D 1 lini > inu > r b DW ZLT BBOinEES 10 Warren St If iw York I 1IIE SCALPER l > b l lUklH untr If OrU h r wla tb u rkl Km urillu a sulno ji ui ti Au ooi 0055 500s1 50500 A coSi5 lu5bttinde il t I I LOOK Ji7 t ra V ± HEKT trf1111 DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS p P ° I MnUnd 11 IrA OOJ 11 1b1 I Vlao NJNKIN I1LDO AND MFO CO I BoTo Manulaotunr t oe i IV IV uro < > iuuliii l4 lht3 I oboe doc clo kindly ucntlou tim papir I L w Li DOUGIAS kli n SHOErH 7Cp 4daels rominttotooawuagntr CORDOVAN Ii t 4 3MrINtCK 4 f IPOLCEsSOLU a R I r IE M syt 4 17JBMStOS a3 ccal gA VAl OvtrOnt Mlllloainp wurtha W L Dougas 3 Shoes ourihocsnro equally cntbfactory rw gIrs l hs 5a51 talon for 1k meoe 1h esitaaSeus ICes ihonnln55tisaeJfl Thr eeselogqaollti eacssosase 1 Tb prc n 11 ml eualan leave d 50cc ther mshs llyoazdcabocauoutsapphynoosegoa uiliniuitr UI Jit < II US 1 1 jjueutv 9 faamalor W li I inn1 ttttcvMct II une < RM wiuai il lD < tf sum i c 5 i C |