Show Bun or Onto Cm or TOLEDO I ltcn COCMI J I1 FRANK CHEMI male oath that be U the senior partner of the firm of V J Cut fAT Co doing bntlneM In the City of Toledo County and Utate aforesaid anti that Said lrmk 5It 10r the turn of ONU IIUNIIIIKI UOU IIH tor eorh and every case of Catarrh that can not I > 01 cured by the uie of 1UU CiTltuil CVHH niANICJ CHKNEY Sworn to before and iub > crlbNl la my prneoca this I Clb day of December A li Eresics a A W OIUABOX j Itu I Notary rubllo 1Ia11 Catarrh Cure li taken Internally an11 act directly en the blood and mucous mr fareeot the system Mend for Southeast Wi free v j CIIINIY it co Toledo O liTBoUbyPruKltiiTSa louts Family I rutittcl l Table Talk for April prove all film U claimed for It I In that It I It I the housekeepers house-keepers and liom maUeia help on all culinary anti household Inplc This Issue open with an article on tho IINt Inuette 1 tit tha bprinif Season by Mra I itt V Mier I rr Hl the wollknonn authority on nuli subjects and 11 In ful 1 lowrd by an article on tho IVanut tOT I F 1 loinllnian I of tha Agricultural Agricultur-al DiMnrtiutnt ut WelphinCton 1 U a tubjrct creating much I Interest tit proeut on account of the I nunlltlr III Is I louiul to possess at a food constituent It la published by Table Talk Iublltli fair Co ol Philadelphia nt 81 pcrytar and a lamnlo copy UolTirnl free 10 ally of our rrailera ITluter Tuuri st tic 1 koWl to the iVegbash 1I11r1 Are now on oRo to all ilia litter resorts of the bouth Atxwl returning until June lot Va Atisoli4inarrFActitsicis Tickmas ht all 1 lolota South on 92MITS1011dot0t In ml dlllon to alove Kallroail and rlteanuhlp tlriett to all 10101 In the UMTin HTiTM and lk orir at kmett raise For rates tlcieta eirurtlon telex an > l full Information Informa-tion or a copy of the Home Meeker Unlde rail at Vat ash 0111ov IWJ Farstam street or wlt ONCLAn OC N W 11 Act Omaha Nb Those who borrow trouble nor Lit II chance 10 IA11 I lock The publlcatlnn nf John H C Ab tntta History of Napoleon llonuparle began In IBM naiv aerial In llnrpera Magazine anti vas continued during moro than three yeaia 1licnomiimlly uocrnlul at that time for from lint tolaat I It l > rowed Itself to be tile most popular tcrlal that hail ever appeared Fn trlJ In an American periodical Its plaie In tho esteem of the general public line atterward assured by an adequate publication pub-lication In book form file two hand onto volume containing almost 1300 large page admirable typographically and generously Illustrated I I are now tllI rOIl perhaps more than ever In request as ODD remit of the wldotpreail liitcrnit In the Illustrious subject of tho work Jury from bullet lie tol < them that nu bullet could pierce the paint It swami over their budle and permit lid to dry lie sold film point In large iiuantltle to the lupentltlou people taking their shell currency In luiyincnt Earnest I belief In the protection of the red paint against the weapon of the white iprtad all over the Island and every vvurHor ugalnit us showed n vermilion breast to our weapon flitter experience was necessary to teach them their error llulltt after bullet iwnetraled Hie paint anti their wart hide before they would believe that they had been duped After 101 of them had been pierced by our bullets they acknowledged that red mint in I not n bulletproof culruw Herman New Guinea continued Mr Henltl is I a very wild Island and but little of It has been explored by the while The native are all cannibal canni-bal that Is I they eat the bodies of menofrlval tribe though I have never known them to cat the bodies of white men I WEAK Indicate ni iiircly any physical nyrnp torn Allows anything that the organ nnd tissues of tho body are not satisfied nltli their nouriilinicnt They drtw their nuilcnanco from tho I blood anti If the blood U thin Impure or Insufficient they tire In n state of revolt re-volt Their complaint are made to tile brain tile king of the body 1 through this nervous ryitvin nnil tile result of tho general dissatisfaction Is what is call Xcrvoiisnevi Tliln li n concise reasonable explanation explana-tion of tho vvliolo mitter Tho cum for NcrvoiivieM then h I simple Purify and enrich your blood by taking Hoodi 1 Harnnparill and the nerve tluue and organ will havo the hMlth1 nourishment I hev cravis Ncr vouvncM and Weal > neM will then give way strength and health Iliat this li I not theory hut fact U proven by tho voluntary Statements of thounandi cured by lloodn Hariapi I rllla Head tho next colurau Hoods Sarsaparilla I Is the Only I True Blood Purifier I = = I See that round red tin tag I I IV 4 I thats clitinlax I Ns I 0 Plu M I fu 13 ge I W I r 14 C I 1111 5 = X TIT J IM I h M I y Ih r I 11 I 1 I t 4 a 4 a I 11 On = 5 k I I Mi I Its LORILLARDS Its much the best W4 J7 p oladba r1 V r1h = g7i e fE I As 61 It 0 0 00 ft Ve fI OJ I seg = a HAIS 141410 aluti 5OO AERMOTORSI I r 1t = = 192TD = V111 = 1uri1W11 1 141i 1 all 11I I 16 I IFsI 4 11 as fto shrbik iMJ do t4 Situate liza j batkn146 Ite 1 4QO AERMOTORS wy f Ih 1 = 018 somit Isems 1 the I II I I Wnh Willa b b0 Aisdbr 4 to I Itoen11 9gtu1mZbh Is = el ib I Suit 111 0 4 IIM V am p f q ff it 3 4 40 k14 St 4 I milit rr1 11141 1 = is czv I it Auness it b4 fa I Vr It 1 so 101 9 tau 4 es 140 I I I 0 I Be WI 1 mia are ally4 is r 042 OXON its Lots le 691 in 01111k IRSAMIr 10191 I I ITO ALIVIVIO I y b dloggs Ill f4 I s4 I = 1 r I I I so 11 Oil = 44 = r a 11 I the t IOM 18nl Jm It 1 I I o a L n uon I IS I in I I W Ins lbIAsusletagIIllailtrvoirs 750 A 1gSIlff1I lO ltvutAua iwf ALI h it Tic H UMlltllUlti AU Ullx 1 Ht T > UUwtcittUI la rr AtlranlMiMM 7 I il all l V 00t 4 VgXol4r6bC i MAxr MoCoVr n QQ1 I COLCHESTER 1 I SPADING BOOT DIBT IN MARKET DEIIIrrr QUALITY VA 15iu IT The outer or tmf Dole ex i teldo Ili who a Icusta dn 10 the beet Pro tecllnirtho Lot to dig rlnx n4 la oilier hard work ASK TOUR nnAum I j f VOIllllLM f t1 > So 4 dont t elf A with lni1rlorJ = COLCIIU TICIl ItUnillCtl CO WALTER BAKER con The Largest Manufacturers or 1 PURE HIGH CRADE COCOAS MID CIIOCOLA US I OmClaill 11gaverTed HIGHEST AWARDS hous the Ones I Induslrlal and Food EXPOSITIONS 11 In Europa and Amonco 1 I tisliketsoMIchregnItI an tw Iteuk 1 11 Tbl g nk i IlUlAKpAlJ IS Ill rtVESnltlr giolco D1 Qll 91111 cVClltwHCRL WALTER BAKER Q CD DORCHESTER MASS Beemans Pepsin Gum THE PERFECTION OF I CHEWING CUll I A Delicious faultily I 1 roraUJVrmiof I a 10 xmfisp INDIGESTION 1 + nfffiWSkJiiLlt CAUTIONf4U > attb I Dam llttcmi It I oa Dub 4 IMrtabet tolaI efte gut crtlo par icrtJo Settle from dttvlenvwDtllnDU Lastampllro insit ecifEt3flCALCO IIILMAS IFKHIOAI CO a II lie 41TIRd o ertatulon or lpoLoCbwlua NO BOYS Oil IAIAVIItM IVANTICII a I glata Ws as asollls i he as Seek air 116911411140 to 2L134 Ilse 07I NERVES I < < With Pleasure I will Bills that floods Etriipirll has helped aa Wonderfully For several months I could not lie lIon to sleep on account of burt trouble bit alto Prostration of tho Nerves For three years I bad been doctoring but could not get cured l I received relief for awhile a-while but not permanent Boon after to ginning to tale flood Eiriapirtll there nu a clian e for the better lu a Short time I wall feeling splendidly I I now rest well and am able I to do work of whatever Llnd If I kid not tried lIonolSaru arm I do not know whit would hare become lit me I keep It la raj boute all the time and other members of the family tale It awl all nj there U I Nothing tlko Hoods SAnipirlll I bare highly recommended It and one of mv nelskbon hit I commenced tiling I rccommtnil Hoods Baniparllla at every Opportunity Jim S UIUD cocg 401 rtln Art Vrnilimiport reconsyl vanla RememUr 4 35 CHI c NIUE mr W mis C TbotTItersaret1114110 tiutrt tnl iterat fer II lo II Mnlt tub Inil In oWr u 10tsth d d c itealic Offf them6a Us Itidy Is tn trUH Surer for ilia itrwkibl 11 price of easy ineeiiueaeh 1eUft nt til tttrm Tbt ptlUnu trt 1IIT tkt itry Ultljrt Ylrte tjl a tn4 trt antqtaltj for llrlt 1 fueurter or Bi llm F rr SIptoidr 70 sheet rum atrt Ise M t4 ktMantr sin Full 6 ouPtIona GAS dowsloa Us number of lit mittflt nqvlrtj the aambtr tM BAitt tr kfttAlf rItscidsall4ratts he Lotus 4 II 64 pan = ttraint l fttlitr trt Mtt vim 0A itlMra 11 Pkft at be 14 1 ob n put longsro plate Is Igsry patttiml Shelf being a = at it ter ry 141 rism r the oo 11I Oil II king Pat smars 1 aeration LiongeTasoosat rattersoca6321terallatle1mes VW II II II II II 4 41 Wall lit asn am It very thilIel 11 to a at Tot ves P r fellow Call Zightreh l lit In Palo visit at a 61te rail 0401 bII f filings the abolUm I Us full let boifte ota4 11 Iss 00 I OU rtbt Imemes 11 stlitlit11ftthervitille I k ISM aIL TbIFI1Jb Ssaisms It Sets 11 tile I 1101181 that alall A I ealttluts The Wessal I full free t t a to 0 In cost at 6 the I ho1Jr11nfnaSs4 r it hen she A I = it 11 III fait 111114 I he seek n 14or PIll P-Ill uS at IS II liters fill the ellrol 6111g I rail Jph Pull 1tL4 dgm Pon lloadC so tylular at the sope 6331 hem 06 4161ofts 1 a Us allow 111 no floggless be ftherat or plaltogs AW111141PIL144 Sum 1 it Iliad to this 7 4 I s44bAaJIa tl Uhiuom II d ialt t d tllk lAfftlt tMhmlrt or lltnrtitl t a U < to > r > itlK > till liwlltuttl tout Title Illtb 1 bt r0 a4 A good Modtl rte tvtlta rtbrlrl t 4 tkt rest ftmj rtkt ttllw a 4 brtltllti ram bt tmllitl Id pit I The recall prigm otibis letters Is II att I DoTtHnt Tram rttuea we nu U orgs la an 01 11 4 rift Err MW 1 hit uMrtl tAJ Mmr0iutlt o b lit I It 1 I slitkins or ottita r sell 1 I i slawing SIO01144 Ili 611 a Q l I Latkbach lit It1 1116molit Itlets I t I llsatrositen Allyaftllr 010osto aL Th so liable abirs g or Wastes as the taft t J7 em = 41 der 11990Y3 HItTWA In mid lLb cuffth6 sin basic amil acitic1sel4 or s94a as pitrong I T1he old Is lstnd1 Se r UO fill Deal h bdon dlm is oun ks 1toImy stas p In solpt thosh4 as Vale r kill 918h 0141111tiser I r 1 h h The i I 9 tolng to 1 cest wilanPeAnTwIturset rnors Nosiss to voillstbegslavis II I A very tU4 life II > o or plate 1 see tests a 0 iCilllKrvl I l Millr 11f clolti II htft bo n TU I UU fltin Kit II I litt la I the uv fAr fA-r iiinuii uu mtei ittn tn In I eoltr < ikt u fIb winaultethldmle Sao reltniAMt4b19f ill I 9111a In lines b a u4 Sells al40 I The ally few ft kith the VS I 40 ill US the ftlm SOIJOS I brtwa Loose She 100 I latnliki T4eb0da IM U door 1101a 0303 eklh < rlltt9bt mltu41 Near at baa as Salutes 1 Uses Ikln rrvol 41 be Details Me ty style win i > t final rter t > tmiiir i oil frigied < mlMW hm note WpythatrasismossiP styl or uka an Lt v > rir pour toniNitUou Bo tr tttoe tM rtbru rtabt tllMttj br tbt ntdt wklea ita I plttatT o tasted la latter ruklta tr tirtH4 la my nrtrrt4 v IM null prttt tl rtlltra II llenu I sie COUPON In erdertnf give No of Patterns wanted liust I and Won I meat i I me-at Either these pattereSWflivo Sent I lo any aUJreia upon receipt ot ID COULD la I I liver or Slam when this coupon 14 en I cloud wllh orJrr and Ono cent tot poiuso I with four oddities Address COUPON PATTEnH CO lit took Box 747 New York I Patents TradeMarks IJ t 144141 A411 I 14 rolsolbillif t 14 0 0 rbwnL AT = 71 = 4 nQn J L L N i DOSS a witut bIrp gug A No M insults W14brilrow SaLal 0 dEm I I |