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Show I ' I 1 v ''X' V' v Tlfco gav e a try and started to her Her for her liking trllklatd 1 feet had TIIKODOKA'S LOVERS. her You have misunderstood me mismann Lot ' He bad aald her klndnf? of heart ard enthusiasm were leadingd understood me completely," she cried, I into making too much of an ui how quivering with shame and anger. her DON'T IX THE fellow, who would not know never cared nevWr cared for you leant criticise him to accept either In the right spirit. Well, Not cared for me!" shouted LoUe, charitable and hu-- J ahow him how much ahe turning purple In the face. He took a '.man Impulses' Rod cared for hia narrow opinions! stride forward, and Theo, whose forbid ! I hor-going to rapid Iel had drat not Intended nerves were completely unstrung, gave You following the them, fur you reception Mr Htglo and the next Instant fell arrived another cry know that' evening. Hut when the hour times be headlong into the arina of Pelham thank you." U waa ad It had been many Oh. Lowndes, who had drawn aside the with IrouUat in- fore. lie had not the courage to atay curtains. The dance music waa no and tonation. n t ill going on, and no one ele had ay. gi Mrs. of Bigethe diminution The room were crowded. heard vl vld colorin g which low's aht Inking little form, laden down Oh, Pel, Pel. save me!" - an animated dlwus- with the Jewels and Its toilet of .cere, The two men glared at eath other one uaually mony, warmed his heart aa he caught ion had brought to moment, the tiet Lot s was gone though with a eery healthy pallor sight of It near the door.lie might not jwl. Pei had not loosened his hold Such Tiirv reached her door an! M rang be able to keep the peae with Theo, a had come to him Just w hen Uie happiness ' waa he always . ti'ir't'- mother .lwt.silb her an tn-- best of friends. Theo. krcsL wpfth-- e l her .teepalred 0 dr most must not be .m t y ou come lnT It w FtorUyt e d nt Wlt.ition ea. Rut the tone would ha' e beautiful flkure raised her head She made no exi lana- 'f. 4Ut dress, anther irregular little ? 4.' v, ,t auHicpytae A?. nomr Ahe looked tlons mi no-- el more full of spirit even than usual, gate degeneracy. docile. When Pel and subdued very 'Tl.ank you-n- o," him the most distant greeting, compatiat last H was to ask her whether I'i Ihra Lowndes could be cool, too, ble with the dutlea of a hostess And .spoke to make hlm suffer much Intended ahe aald onotuolon. In their vety youthful day poor Pel of whom hla friend In this way. Bhe looked at him l he had been wont to mewl her la "Buvh a manly fHhiw" walked away longer a moment through her tears and finally ldsk iiwaj), aa ahe came out of Mm. miserable and Wt himself In theandcrowd soon shook her head Orandton a private achool. and walk He had corn In rather late, Don I say anything more tonight. ' tmrue with her fto within a block of her after the irksome portion of the eventurbu-l- i Pel, and not not Just after that man." nd an wrecked he when to had wildly Theo' festlessne Immo; ing nee wa over People bad ceased to atice saved up since Christmas, at paris Exhibition of iboo. f 'rive, and aha wa free If) (leyptejier-elTrnrad r lie i Mica, In and secret tok to whom she chose, and. full tn view Er jlTlTu gT-sad luournM toil. ea of Ir.if asaloned devotion on St. Vtten-tm- ri of Pel moody gae. she cltooae br le Is a In the Itevue dea lleux Mnd-May: w hen he bad stolen her neck herself to Herr Hermann fil.la'-i- a and curled up a chunky dock socialist was an enormous fell0, preliminary survey of the forthcoming exhibition of 190 It wilt of brr thick, straight hair In the back whose Herculean proportions seemedn cosmopolitan be held on the Champa de Mars, a great ut . f bis new gold watch; In tbae days !u t growing out of hi dre wt r their fallings out occurred. he had every direction. The suit In question open spare on the southwest extremity Intended to practice the cool- - wa mors in concession to the habit of ofParls, ofalready consecrated by the s Theo prvsenca many similar fairs. The iiis c f which he, at times, had the pas an effete, and rotten swletw than government seal out their !lr--t on h:a empress and enemy. had looked for. but It might lie that u French Ar). He had. In fact, gone so far a to try. Impossible fashion waa but another announcement of the scheme on July conven- 11, 1S92, and last summer the chamber of I hit how to assume dignity to the form-- of protest against the deputies voted a preliminary grant for cf a young lady who 'routs you tionalities. the expense connected with a "best the other hand, With on the In face? and beard, Hi hair laughlrg your 1y In the f"it plan competition.." Tlie Champa Elyseci aaeniK year Tel had given up theee flowed ihd togged about a artou systems of retaliation which, unshorn defiance to all and every social will be considered part of the exhibition and thg is even talk of including aoircjinw, when brought to bear upon u sagef and be had a manner of posing lock between hi the Immense aquare In front of the Ti en B'eriow, however flawless ' they In doorways,' with one Ues. Indred. the scheme of cortsake oTthe effect Arrived at ruction f! ey might seem In the theory, always provide for a broad bridge la a U gvetfua, had He d hack, Tall, of effect lti the practice. by 1 which will Join In permanent fashion with and oh hand statuesquely ,phge ended ty accepting hla servitude filled the Champs Elyseea to the quay which heur resisting Ignominy of Foletle, the the front of bis walstcoffwhleh runa on the river aide of Napoleon s consuma did Pel with unholy wrefo'and Will eiing 8k) e, except that Folette historic resting place. Architects, arassist1 m inw w hen her mistress drew her chain ing desire to sJtoJv mm by active and builders were Invited to send tists, front the little too tightly, whereaa Pel would ance the ptp direct way to In plana and Ideas. Every kind of liband l,ove had the courage necessary for door. erty, In theory, waa allowed to those will. win h oj position to the autocj-attpresently. And absolutely for the who took part In this curious competiou noVte T1 r fore, anger this of some hi thank time In hi life, tion. Thu the best scheme did not ound.'d merely hurt, and quit fp4k sprang up In Pel against Theo as well. necessarily require the retention of the was wfueh with the thi.se of girl other Intonations H could not know that Eiffel tower or any other of the old exfriends possessed with a spirit of perversity hibition many of hla better-advise-d bulldlnga. with the notable exIna nuld hava been cspebie-JL charging that evening, and ahe was chiefly to ception, however, of the Trocadero. ' Vbro flew up stall co her own room tent upon proving her Indifference Everything will be done on an Immense land crossed hep panther's timid gyra the opinion he had. expressed the day scale, and if the idea which at present deiiii" rhroup.cthe house on the way. before. He watched her gaily yet among It promoter are carprevail Jdi B'ycfsr was always muffled In a ferentially chatting with that fellow, ried out tha exhibition of 1900 will gradesha mostly suffered from a hold, listening to the ponderous utterance ually absorb the whits of Fans, and tsed iut up hef thin apologetic llttla of which he seemed to deliver htmrtll even far-of- f Vincennes will be utilised flinchwithout ,,Kand to hep only daughters flushed for all that concerns athletic sport. supporting conhi and chwk, International matches and Olympian ing hi admiring glancea Hw warm and tired you look, child! quering attitude Hv fact waa, that games. A ia natural, a great point will 1 can I realty think, Theo, that It's good Theo wa both unconscious of both on be made of anything relating to the part y mi going Into 'those hospitals and and the other and - a ddM !rrVr century, and the exhibition will be In hi In 1en ment housea and all those dreadful against her coquetry flamed up more aensea than ona a centennial exwaa talking to your papa soul. He had been Jealcu of her time llncr position. The army and navy sections ahum tt only last night. The amelia ara enough before, heaven know, and with will be .of very great Interest. After a rrv unpleasant, you. know, so much cause, but, at least, those other men period of four month those who had beic had been gentlemen where tht crea- entered their names as being willing I and anxiou to enter the exhibition plan l, the carbolic s tbs best part of ltf" ture ! i l.ilmcd the young woman, summarnew competition were told to send 'in their do a In broke up The scheme. No one competitor fulfilled all ily ' .Vow, mamma, you're to stop wor- the reception Bigelow Mra and young people, the condition,- - o something will be rying this instant!'' (the took her wee shuffling up to him gently, entreated mothir with a soft, strong touch by the him from each of the eighteen best .taken at of behalf In himself to exerf eiiouid. and turned her round. eta of plana and nasent In. pretty girl." Pel, whose good on, The flelne will play suggestion "lime you been lying down? No! I'm these a prominent role In be depended could ture usually tomorrow And there haven't. the you tire esthetic tde of the exhibition, for to re1 twill be more to do than there has been though It had become Insufferable proposed to reconstitute on Its left did not know it tiMi ty, and the florist and caterer will main In th house longer, bank a portion of the Grand canal, Venhclples good, the how to refuse poor, I a e tun ice. confusion, and you won't take little woman. But all the time he waa as w.-i- k of sleep and when night come and Theo of whereabout, III you v he fagged out and quite un- cognisant tlih. one pretty girl fit to e all those people. And you know while he danced he knew that she did not Block os a Mis sesota Kurts Coatrsct 1 nt stop home for the Friendly 80--- and another, Ksblrs from s gtrssgs Dog. Lote enterty fot German Employes' Wives and dance and that Hermann with her harangues. The Minnesota board of health ha inDaughters meets in the afternoon, and tained her leisure And what do you think of Herbert vestigated a bad caa of hydrophobia I iwrimely promised Father Augestnn qbjci?" on the farm of Fred Osterman, a farmthat particular to 1 at the service for the stray Italian Fpencer onasked the socialist after they er near Henderson, through Dr. William wkIC in the Mulberry Btreet chapel In Theo had bad come tn from supper where, a Pel 8tandish, who ta secretary of the atate the morning.', Dr. Blandish rehad not failed to observe, the socialistic veterinary board. alKih Bigelow sighed gently and low el herself to be pushed with loving principles were not Incompatible with turned last night from a visit to th of the farm. Jan. SO a strange dog appeared ieiu!itnc Into her own room, where the freest use of the hospitals rich tn the matter both of meat and and bit one pig and one sheep. The Theo proceeded to comfortably tuck her next in att worka the returned a few hia dog drink. "I have days later and atui the lounge, cattle, bitTlnn Theo Went back and surveyed room. I will show you the passage I tacked A herd of twenty-fiv- e ing aoine of them. A short time later Iter Image In the glass. 8he waa flushed have reference to." villimit doubt, and being flushed waa Bhe was not thinking of Pel now. Bhe Osterman found tt dead body lying by roadside between his farm and Henextremely unbecoming to her. 8he could had forgot all about that tn the In- the derson. Feb. 20 the aheep and pig that would not stand color. It made her look terest of tht dlacusalofl on sociology been bitten died, showing the wellMi'siv, she thought. Indignantly. Bhe Bhe led Hermann Lotxe Into the adjoin-In- g had now" hydrophobia, find nlwaye Instated that ahe waa ugly, room, which happened to be empty, Alarch 12 the cattle bega to exhibit th nil tmt her flgure. She admitted Thar and taking down a number of datnttly and four died. When Mr. tier tlgure wa good. Other people covered volumes which she bed insisted symptoms Blandish arrived he found two more on receiving for one of her Christmas dying and ordered two others killed, as presents, and tn which she had not well as the farmer's dog and a neiglooked more than twice since, she be- hbors dog. the latter hawing been actof over the turn do pages gin rapidly ing strangely. The doctor fears that one the rest of the herd will die and that Hermann LMxe wa standing up be- other herds. may be afflicted, and left his bosom, strict orders "to shoot fore her. with his hand to every animat that as she searched develop a case of-- rabies. The mad cata heav him deep heard ah show a tle Suddenly tendency to remain by themwlxh. selves, with frothing mouths and flery In Herbert Interest no ey el alls, and th yard In which th "Aeh! I have herd Was confined wag covered with the Bpcncer Just now," he said. Her-and It hatnothderest" deadly foam. The mad animals would attat k men, but showed more rage peri." TVo glanred Up In amasement to find against dumb animals, nooklng other him glowering down upon her with a stock In a terrible manner and chasing chickens and dogs. One cow made a most curious expression. What what is the matter?" she said rush for a dog across a barbed wire fence and carried the fence down with bluntly, though being visionary, atso a her. receiving terrible cuts These catvery practical young lady showed no dread of water, but were What ta the matter? You ask me tle to drink from a contraction of what t th matter? Ach. when I look unable 1 ho muscles of the throat. Their pearound this lovely or lofely room and sec you sitting there in your exquisite culiar deep bellowing could - be heard a mile away. dress, I -- eagerly, V Theo exclaimed Rreesy Rita. Oh, but," ah had caught the drift 'that "Bister had her youn. feeling Tommy Bingo ; t.FD HERMANN LOT7.E INTO of his thought, I asstir you that I man call to see her last night, and I THE AtMOININO ROOM of would not have had alt this sort thing was peeping through the keyhole lookaa to the from choice, When I think of att these ing at them when ma came along and wced with her decidedly disagreed a to the face. If It poor creature who hav nothing at all me." Willie Slimson "What fwasre,notbutexactly a pretty face, (t was not even th necessaries oh! it makes stopped did she do?" Tommy Bingo "She though I wanted took a look." idnuant. It Fel for great many Other me feel at time the matter of that) had been to part with everything I have! I would vnen. "What is the correct form fox the wpiwaled tothey would have faldje much father live ip're slmptj but my Ah opening sentence of a marriage that they did not know father and mother wont htarpf anywhen an heiress captures an ' v b ther Theo Bigelow waa thing of that kind InijioveriKhed Atoldeman," be asked "I waa ahe more who said Hermann that Lotxe, but no?" Aehr r not, charming It up," she replied. "Know all than all the pretty girls you could find seemed to find all thts very Interest-Ir- g give men by these bash presents lumped together. And you say your father , w vs thinking cf Tel now. but In "No." said Theo, stncerelv in the war? "Bad, sir." Was wounded toler-wnoAch, well, weean order vurown lives smt si frit of fondness, or even In the ranks? Nr Mr, in Bhe was very angry with him. afterward aa we please, eh, Theo, ac- b.xhot the stummlck." we h who had put her In this atate, cording tv dose high principles?" It hallaverly Do you think there is any V And Hermann Lotte had gone down right had he, she asked herself on one knee before her and had aeixed chance of the detectives catching the recklessapplied the powder-puf- f which th book had burglar who broke Into your house?" ly t her cheeks, to take exception to her hand, from she sat transfixed with Austen "No, not much. They only the chose to do? What right dropped, while wt ' have a faint clue." Haverly What ! In th face, to him to Hermann Lotxe? horror, object Ind scaring Austen The burglar left beIndeed was mean? he do she t. What If you demanded, la To ol! Incapable of himself, ,f iei"g an Interest In the burning drawing her hand away violently. hind him a photograph his name and address on It. . pi- - brs f the day. and too much of ''Please oblige me by getting up InstantNew Reporter "At last I have wricare for the courageous ly, Herr hntWr1 pi piti'pi-t- o tten something that th editor has acRut Lota would not not. fu.uls who wet working for the cause Friend Wbat'a that? New Ah. my angel he whispered. Have cepted." of the or and the oppressed, what not our souls been long in accord? Say Reporter- -" My resignation.-rtK-- t had I e to show Ms disapprobation Bhe "Can one receive a shock it Is only maidenly ahyness that prettti -- t contrary oourse kind enough to ay that vents the from acknowledging that th throush the telephone?" He "tvrtl, He 1"? Jve did rot criticise her desire to do good. Impassioned love which ta burning la that depends upon whoa at the other end. T I at condescension on hi part! But this breast for th der-bre- ",14 the-chee- k w .wXTeadJy-WHlfftfM- - nJ ' , the IWin-01- TW de-vo- s -- eon-3fu:d- 5 fr n r. ct - crrd . fr y lU-rn- good-looki- ? ' . ft '' v c. yv-- c t'-.n- Itr 1 " BY - wr A .NEW METHOD MAKING CAS IS WONDERFULLY SIMPLIFIED. MUa Lipenwsli Resvills A d Thevr Acetylene a at That I. r otic Their uaa Frewlw at benrrnta un Little ripense. "t4jr . r the nose had dropped off the atatae, VfifiYQTTTYF WIITSKT and, had not been maUrfoasly knocked off; the matter, therefore, concerned the Pieftnturo of tho- - Stliui, THE INTERESTING PEOPLE was then August, 1S91. In October of three WHO MAKE IT. committee was a appointed to decide which department had to j put the nose on again. The committee G,owlh of the Regolston Is Georgia Inspected tne statue in January, lk92, A her ret Organisation Thst Ms GnssrU and reported In December that they were unable to report. a Xtelge e t Terror- Fssleet to Anwl this report reached lu February, the Mhldlrovcs. the department of public work. The head of a room found it in June, and made the lives of bis subordinate so The most interesting class of people many burdens to them with lirTsome-hoin parts of the south, confined almost or other IT got into print that, but to the mountains of Virfor this zealous official, there would be exclusively Tennessee, the Caro-lina- a, hardly a statue in France and lu Na- ginia, Kentucky. are the moonand Georgia, was on. with he varre its nose their name to seem who drlv decorated for special services. Some- shiners, body else took up the n port. Between from manufacturing whisky by the oiThe flioon w a pine torch. This 'January and tevfivwg,' iSs. Tt'nad rct laaooisUne,w h bikX...In aX.iot hav the house- wat tfpoti and MM flavor and age of some of the favor Jaures and Carnaud got off some viru- ite brands of legal manufacturers, but lent attacks upon the government for a great deal of It 1b very fine Its went ef pubHey epiril The next day-th- certainly shows and that the distillers in a small same passer-bwho had reported no-learned have something since the to way the absence of the happened of the wav the avwar. close the At discovered the He hose that again. pais not been had replaced. He reported erage moonshine whisky was such as to the policeman-ti- n duty, who, etc. to meke the strongest stomach quake The noise of Puget is in for another and the toughest throat to burn, not to round. peak of the strange after effects upon iND - The astonishing announcement was made at a recent meeting of the Society of Chemical Industry that a powerful illuminating gaa could be manufactured by a newly discovered method d of at a reduction of nearly the present cost of gas- - Should the prove ag prmfbcal ns claimed it will revolution Ue Vice iiti tit! St gas. ' Factories are Is'Ing erecied. and it Is expected that gas made by the new procesawillbe on saleJn the pear future. The new illnmlnant is called acetylene. It has been known to the chemists for years, but the difficulty of Its manufacture prevented them from utilizing It, It is the lowest gaa tn the series of hydrovarbons, and is usually manufactured by passing a eti earn of hydrogen through a globe In IN CALIFORNIA MOUNTAIN. w hkh the electric air is cidedly hidden parts of the mountains produced moonshine distilleries have been In optwo carbon points But by this Traveler From Ui),v Extract eration ever since the making of corn method the gas-- la made tn minute letter. for whisky was forbidden by law at the serves quantities only, and merely Late In November, a few years ago, close of the war. It Is from these old, experimental purposes tn the labora1 took a ride Into .one of the stills, undiscovered tory and lecture rootu It remained mountain-locke- d stage vallejs of California revenue officers, that the the by for T. L. Wilson to discover a means yet Ab we followed-tb- e winding grade that best article comes. A few months ego by wbuh the gas could he produced led oer the I observed one of these old distilleries was broken suninm, In sufficient quantities for practical Weathpr-wor- n thakes nulled on the up on the Pee Dee river, in Richmond Mr. Wilson discovered the purposes. far above our heads. Every few county, Virginia, where It had been in method by mere Accident. He waa trees, rods and, disliking to secret operation for thirty years. Some they appeared, In elechla an with working laboratory my Ignorance to the driver, ot the samples of w hlsky found in the tric furnace, endeavoring to form an expressfacetious terror to Inquisitive place were pronounced by experts to that alloy of calcium from Borne of lts comI studied the problem for be traveleis, There is a secret par excellent when he noticed that a mixture some time in silence. I was pounds, compelled, the moonshiners among understanding of powdered lime and anthracite, under however, to fall back upon the driver, by which they inform each other of the influence of current, who proved to be gracious, and in- the presence of the revenue officers, fused down to heavy me that they served to mark and so watchful are they that it is very formed mass. This substance was found not to be the one sought, and It was throw n the routs, not in summer, since the difficult to capture them. In the inInto a bucket of water. The strange road itstlf was sufficient, but in winter terior counties of Georgia it is reportresults which followed Its contact with time, when tbe road was buried in ed for making or selling moonshine partly revived the old the water immediately attracted Mr, snow. d organiza"They look high, dont they? said by forming an Wilsons attention. A gas was given iloff whose chief characteristics seemed he, but come along two months from tion to protect the interests of the licit distillers. It was first known as to be Its penetrating and disagreeable now and you can sit down on them. And 00 I found t when I returned; the Liquor Dealers' union, but more odor. On applying a light Mr. Wilson of the found that the gas burned freely, with for, in a few da) s, storms rendered the recently It has adopted the name formed waa at the and summit it when, impassable, Originally Regulators. a smoky but luminous flame. Here revMr. Wilson became interested and Im- end of two months, the stage took me to protect its members from the out of the mountains, we glided across enue officers and to furnish bonds in mediately began his investigations. arrestHe repeated the experiment, and found the frozen surf are highn up among the all cases where a member was suow-lademoonshine and branches or ed for selling making that the mixture he had cast Into the bucket was a substance called calcic of the pines, and I saw those same whisky. The organization spread and t shakes far enough above tbe snow Increased rapidly, and with Its growth carbide, containing forty parts by to form just a good scat Moisture falls in new functions were considered necesof this carbon. Prof. At weight point those Altitudes In the form of sary. It took -- the law into its own Venable, of the University of North enow. high Not only In earlier and later parts of hands in many instances. tbe Carolina, took up the matter, and it mountain-locke- d moonshiners, but farmers, men of waa there that experiments looking to the rainy season, the and all classes Joined the modvalleys are refreshed by copious shownt the utilization of acetylene as an ern while The local feuds were whitened are at the ers, top they were flrst'carried out. Experisnow. The heaviest fall of snow taken up by the organization and set-i- n with soon a ments proved that pound of this di very summary ways. Men and calcic carbide womd yield 5.3 cubic feet occurs on the ridges or Jaken out of of' acetylene gaa, which immediately which separates the leading water- even women Have been time beds and whipped at communicatheir across and which courses, night gave it commercial value, and a comdeliberto several while is tion death, for maintained nearly periods long pany waa farmed to manufacture the on snowshoea, who ate murders of men obnoxious to the Only bf messengers a on an economFrom gaa large scale. the ic point of view this gaa Is of great carry the mails and such express pack- Regulators have occurred within or two. Every member that a last such as year in be ages may transported value, for it has been found that it can manner. The snowshoes is the moun- betrays the secrets of the organisation he generated In a house as It is needed It is the qnly means does so under penalty of death. taineers friend. This by a very simple apparatus. In most cases the arrests made in which can go from pedestrians would undoubtedly be a boon to fami- by to place, unless they wait for the the south for violating the whisky law place the in lies living country. Perhaps the those who are trying to sell are most remarkable quality of the gas Is' stage to break a road through the snow, the among rather than the manuillicit liquor the and lines few as are stage the fact that It can be llquifled by pres- which, much easier to find Is It facturers. snow everywhere, would amount pracsure, and put tn cans that can be tapped who is selling the moonshine out on to travel a all of suspension when the gaa Is needed. A very simple tically than to hunt up the secret stills device has been arranged by which the foot for weeks at 1 time. Climbing the whisky the mountains. Some of tbe Is not an easy matter, yet it is among hills pressure of 'the gas will be regulated cases for with are these crowded courts skater. an done experienced by while changing, from Us llquifled con- rapidly When of the gena the year. part good become an art, am.' 0 dition, and then pass Into the various Snowshoelng is uine moonshiner himself is arrested he These use an impleot in the expert pipes- Acetylene is a most powerful either furnishes bail or oes to Jail and illumlnant It Is dazzling In the ments requires considerable practice, Like skating, it requires natural as soon as he is released he returns to brightness and eteadfastness of its to become an his small home and starts up tbe still flame, and when compared with the or- strength and dexterity is almost impossible to make All through the mountains are again. It dinary coal gas Its superiority Is won- adept many of these illiterate moonshiners to be too, found and women, men, derful, the latter appearing dim and whose skill in using the Norwegian regard it as an offense to brew illicit flickering. There is no dark center to shoe or skate called skae" Jn Nor- whisky, and it is this moral turpitude the flame, as is the case with the orthat makes it such a prevalent crime Is less than marvelous. little way dinary gas. The illumlnant is someamong them. In nearly all cases the M. KEOGIL. MAGGIE what peculiar. Tiewring it from a popumoonshiners are white peorfe and it is lar point of view, in that it gives only rare to find a colored man extremely THE WOODS BYNICHT. one-hathe heating power of the orengaged la the business. The true character and illiterateness dinary gas. It is also impossible to use flosnds and Among the Tmt sad of this class of Bights the ordinary burnert for they are , people have been in- ltjfl Baih too large, ut thin apparent fault has tereatlngly described in the novels of been easily overcome by constructing Sit still In the woods at nlgbt, and Charles Egbert Craddock. Very few burners which admit a smaller amount look and listen, said an old time nat- of them can read or write and their of gaa. It has been proposed by pro- uralist to me one day, and you will knowledge of the outside world is very moters of the enterprise to do away see or hear strange things, not to be limited. Originally their ancestors with gas piping through the streets, seen or heard, save by rarest chance, squatted on the small patches of fermountains to make for they aay that lamps can be made Jn the busy hours of the day. I tile soil among-tfa- e s I sat per- a bare living, for the rich alluvial containing the necessary chemicals by thought of the remark-awhich the gas caq be generated and fectly still-- resting on a 'stump In 1 grounds on all the bottoms were taken consumed on the spot. Thts method small opening of the Adirondack woods by the wealthy plantera The moonat the close of one day last summer. shiners of today live almost the Same may be a solution to the problem, to which the elevated end sur- It was twilight, end out of the dim, un as their ancestors, cultivating small face railroad Authorities have devoted certain light loomed the outlines of patches - of guber peas (peanuts), a Considerable attention of late. The the trees in the valley, and of Am- small, ragged corn field, a fair orchard, cost of the gas Is dependent upon the persand mountain in the distance. with a few pigs, dogs, and a cow runcost of the carbide. It is said by the Quickly I saw the shadow of a moving ning around half wild. Their ancescompany which Is about .to place the figure, which 1 m&deout to be that of a tors made all the whisky and brandy fox. How stealthily the sly fellow they used out of their surplus crops carbide on the market that if the substance Is sold at 350 a ton the igas can crept along! He made no noise, not a' and the present occupants of the soil tread. do the same, selling it whenever they be furnished at 50 cents per 1,000 feet, twig broke beneath Jtis cat-lik- e which will give light equal in amount As he turned,' for the first time he can find a purchaser. The illicit disnoticed me.NHe looked at me, and to that given by the ordinary illumi tilling is in most cases carried on in a Rating gaa Of course this would not looked at him. Then Reynard revealed small way. Even the ordinary coffeerepresent the actual cost of the acety- tbe cunning of his kind. Still keeping pot has been used for years as the lene, which has not aa yot been de- his eye on me, he sjdled away until worm. The moonshiners are' usually very cided. but the cost is sure to be only a he reached tbe dark shades and resmall proportion of tbe cost of the or- cesses, when he disappeared in an In- poor and are often put" to considerable dinary gas. It has been found that stant I knew Reynard was out on his trouble to make both ends meet when when The gas Is passed through a tube nigh ttjr foraging eipeditlon. Prrhapg ; thetr crops are poor, but they are not -heated to redness that benzol, the sub- he was looking for a wild rabbit or a j beggars. They will go ragged, bare-fstance which ta the foundation of the partridge; or, perhaps he intended foot, and hungry before ever applying aniline colors, is produced Even this to rob some farmer of his choicest 1' for charity. In a sense they feel that feature alone would serve to make the fowls. The fox is a night traveler; he they are shut off from the society of the makes his Journey after dark, finds his outer yorld the society of the villages discovery one of great value. dinner, and retires always before the j and cities. They only come to the TYRANNY OF. RED TAPE. of day. Later, that night, I was J ter to sell whisky on the slyto pur-- startled by S sudden, barking chase goods, og as prisoners. really Powerful tn tra.m as It Ever It Is so cry, loud, bo hoarse, so strange, that Wbs ib LnglBBtL A I Jumped to my feet to see what manThe child collector of wish bones, has British ted tapelsm Is bad to beat, ner ot bird or beast had uttered it. been distanced' .please, grandbut the record Just now Is with "Paris. note was repeated, and I think, said a little friend of mine reThere the front ot the Ecole dee Beaux This peculiar pa,! 1 Arts Is adorned with a statue of Puget, then JaugBeif Ioutright at my mo- j cently. please tell me what you said recognized it as the ) to grhndma w hen you proposed to her" tenor. Four years ago mentary scare. the d Not I, my boy. That's a thing theeU chat This a passer-b- y made the discovery that voice of the the statue's nose had come off. He bird has unusual ventriloquist powers. never know, drawled the old Quaker. i called the attention of the policeman Its songs has.bWn described as tones "Oh, do tell me!" pleaded the child, 'on duty to the tact The policeman resembllifg the barking of young pup- 1 PfPPosed. P?aT! i reported to hie brigadier, who reported to the commissary of the quarter, who terminating In something mew- - f J making a collection Of pops And I want reported to the Prefecture of Police, of a cal Our Aplmal Friend I decided Ing of Police that Prefecture The y0u to be In It" w In-Ju- ly one-thir- IV-b.,-.- !, e later-eatin- ff eH-establlshed -- tbe-clectrl- ca! semi-metall- ic oath-boun- te, Ku-Klu- x. 1 lf -- car-lighti- at J lat-bre- ak Cbllf'-xColIetio- once-famo- yellow-breaste- 1 1 ?; vTr,.tpSrl ,&.? |