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Show , the last six months shs will be IIAS CROSSED AFRICA natives could have Invented such . h tng else when an English peer marries NEW CABINET LADY. during tble to go through with the most a princess of th blood. An alliance of story, and It waa quite certain that exsocial duties that fall to the lot that kind would Involve his political explorers were on the eve of finding, at f a cabinet woman. A CERMAN LIEUTENANT MAKES last, a volcano In the heart of Africa. the great popularity tinction. destroy LORD KQSEBERY IS WELL LIKED which he The prise was reserved for Von Gotten possesses alike with the NEW DISCOVERIES. A NEW YORK "DIVINE. C. HERE. When Speke discovered Victoria Nyan-aa- , classes and the maaaea. would render the natives told him of a mountain him an object of suspicion and of expose Is Muel. looted te Her Husband. Bat Ona Of th. Loading Pulpit lights of ths The Feting Coast ton Unison Fold thn far west of the lake, which they called and to the JealotIV aristocracy, li. OruMnrr Ha Made for Dim hltn nnd Mount Mfumbiro. He placed It on hi t.ipenu-- s of Ills Own Expedition tothe resentment of most of his Docs Mot taro for Mortal Functions Kiilrr. Metropolis. map, and when the mountain waa first to Muf Friends la Till, Country Ilia wifes Joyal relatives, who woukI look Ueon tins Woodorful Kewnrded Dr. WIU head' of rector William Poor Aro 8. by aad Ralnsford, They seen, three years ago, it waa found to Rtaa te Fame th. Kealt of 1 acorn-uo- n upon mm as an intruder, and be forthe SL Protestant of I lading. Episcopal parish Fconomtfto. be the moBt northern of a chain of he lest ever most of state on New of George, ina apprehension tbs' Worth. Tork, ia volcanic mountains extending to six con-nwould presume, on the strength of his prominent and aggressive divines the southeast. The most southern of due WIL-sodeference Is to the ted with that historic church. He RS. W. L. forget marriage, HANDSOME AND these Is the fire mountain, Klrunga. not to royalty, ad the latest only an able and effective preacher, QRD ROSERERY, by him as a mere nobleman sp- gallant young offi- - Yot Gotsen saw It from afar aa heeast rtltlon to tbs ladies but he possesses executive abilities of perhaps more than or to usurp privileges and prerogatives his to birth .that bloiitd.Jy.vivU;j'-L,-jwr Jet li name 1 really a phrase of which wife, but could neei be his. The martiuarj . Las Is popusaid to be one of few if any superiors. Under his adminword, -has made a name for Klrunga Is the moat Important whers the most fetil ing- istration St. George's has become ona the quis of Lome la an Instance, who 111 lar among and the whole means, "the place of the with Washof the forces alone 4n not had most Influential moral to women contend In African himself has He Amerieaus. are burned. It rises -above e 1 He 4s sacrifices It Is ths center and , , exploration.-' a WrtV- - htqwwffttv wtii of. jthriekHibis .but. also with a' height of about 11,12 1 to th to snubs plain and Uifffofter of V 'and of social almost Cmrsw, Incredible Vaa group"' coun-life slight thatntt her. vis--anoe In this feet.' ' tnen saw'Rt White The by his a young fellow who enterprises which reach and help of the women who has traveled which he has been subjected Vv tr for three days above the Ing top gently relatives. with a tliclr multitude other ministries wife s and longest brothers great has a very largo before, have been r extensively tn the of people w ho others Ise would suffer pushing through the dense si Lord Rosebery Is an unequivocal ada and In official We do foytune V nited States, and reached the base of the said. has her He rule. deprivxrtttm;J and home splrttuaL physical" buundWaa ambition mountain theyThen not even know re- has frequently ex- vocate of Irish curse unthey eagerly pushed of act There is a the better that nowhere in com"There was a upon city thing In the world. Recently he rrnm of- - by eight. In fact there Is nothing press, d his sincere ion It drove Its up the steep sloe, and at last they stood of Pletedllie thirteenth rrQgfelng..QflraEif! vpry author markaL11 nhflUt tMfc fnr the wife Tic? 'ffillie TSir pntHude Of TUs T"wrr the new Afrua, from sea" to sea. and It was a looked down uion a spectacle that rivHe aas born In London, May 7, 1847, postmaster general Jias in the very moment of the triumph in years lived both summer and win e most eventful Journey, for he choose Scotia uetmied fiom k. ancient every gaze. Our picture gives ail-wwrong, his route nearly half the way through eted honv-aCharlestown, the at family tish Xatjjily that was talsed to the passing It. Bo some Idea of this crater. It Is taken of tht It la one and ever has man districts no f sinee; white which gone To Only be stSlre, of this Va, through from Gotsen sketch, Just pub baronetage In 1651 ami to a peerage of that luckless measure hours ride from the capital, but that bad visited, and he made some Im- fished Von Scotland In 1760, the first earl having draw backs In Le Mouvemmt Geographlqus of IndeWilson s. It Interesting-discoverieleft all that machinery the Mrs. to been has sufficient portant and very keep been a gentleman of the bedchamber tn Brussels, and we are indebted to the parlla-ni- o He has sjpod on the crater same r ( Trl"- a -- f t i..ii n ih i k fi Queen pendence when It took away therule a from any but the rarest appearances periodical for the picture of ths home n a U" H U AT e"h elcallea in Washington soneiy ve volcano the mil i' Anne's husband. He took a piominent JollT) ge X f.7 iTTcTT" reconciliadomestic the toward In were the light Aside from her naturally rfia: hi has PvqArl large lakws that The crater is about a mile In diameter part in bringing about the union of leap of the He Is enough tastes Mrs. Wilson's delicate health and two nations never heard ff before. 6hd he has traced and the wall hems It tn la nearly England and Scotland The present earl, tion conof the reform favo-a a radical to at least one Important river from aource circular.' Thethat the youth of her' children have crest of she is a nephew of Lord Mahon, the of encircling moved caphe to keep her away from the to mouth, it Is a fine thing for an ex- wall la several hundred the" house of lords, and In 18j4 feet above ths historian, was educated at Eton and at Tor the spired session. Into In to was ital even his a committee to of while Inquire fortune ata have congress plorer ChrUt-c- l he large bottom ol tht crater. The angle of slope urch, Oxford, where proe So distasteful has she found the gay own, for then he has only to put his down to the bottom is about seventy tracted -- the attention of both Disraeli means whereby the house might Washamong time to found never Its He In life there needs, she hund that his goes his efficiency. he and Gladstone by his abilities, and so steep that It would be difpocket, supply at the anil he aaka'no favois of anybody. Most degrees; assumed his " titles In March, 1S68, the duties of the foreign office to bring ington for more than a week, or. When ficult of descent, and ' the spectacle of the great explorers begin In an hum- spread before the visitors on the crater great colliery outside, a month at a time. through the death of his grandfather, about a settlement of the relble way, and years elapse before they bed did not tempt them to make any his .father having died When he was strike. He Is a student of social science there she remains at the house of can and a reputation that brings them effort to reach 1L As near as they could 4 years old. history and ha written aD? atives or wlth. At Eton he had been Mjut-acquire 'William Pitt. Cambridge has made rarely be lured out to moi;e than a rebefore the world and makca It an easy make out through the steam and yellow captain of the football team, and at of matfbr to raise the money for nrge smoke, the bottom of the crater was a ' Oxford he had been a football captain him au LL. D. and be has been lord ception, and even that she attends only to gratify her husband. and an oarsman, and, unless we are rector of Aberdeen and Edinburg projet ll. LI cut. Von Gotzens expediSo little known U aha that when she lesa than At 38 Berkeley square, in the tion has cost him not mistaken, he once took part in a foot- reception 310MO0, When he left the Indian ocean cry heart of the west end of London, appeared at an afternoon Missouri, He of In October, 1893, and started Inland, he this 'nobleman has his town house. given by Mrs. Tarsney, on was at the head of one of the largest belongs to the most exclusive club ot wife of Mr. Wilson's close assistantgood Brookes, the ways and meanf committee, and best equipped expeditions that ever the British metropolis. a entered Africa. He spared ho money White s, and the Turf club know him. democratic women hurried to get to make his enterprise a success, Hts The Reform, the St. James, and the glimpse of her to see what the tariff RA1NSFORD. bill makers wife looked like. They Devonshire clubs claim him as a memparty was the largest ever formed for n of what a church can do exploration ber. He even belongs to the Marlbor- found a slender woman of medium object-lessoAfrica. The fact of wearing In the way of practical Christian work that he had tropical few men on the sick ough club, that snug little coterie of the height dressed In "black, and"the very -- which Is than-thtemafforded by SL list speaks volumes tor the excellence friends of the Prince of Wales, conven- her dark hair waved about TimCRATER.1 eyes, George's. Dr. Ralnsford personally diof h)s equipment, and shows that the lake ol molten, reddish lava. It looked iently situated a few steps from the door ples. She haa very bright dark all rects his these various but la activities, a cordial smile, his quietly royal color. of Marlborough house, so that gained by many explorers like marble of a yellow-brow- n with fertility and energy afe by no means experience at has, last, highness may have his domicile within a sense and not only la blessed deprived African explora- and the only way that they could deterIn work exhausted he the this does among but bj of famthe humorous, tions of most of Its dangers, lie started mine that It was liquid or nearly so waa easy reach. He has an Interesting friends can give expression to It. connection, says Leslie's Weekly. He from the ily. One of his daughters (he has two) her port of Pangant, a little north an occasional disturbance of the surof' time to finds most Jn tbs of Mrs." a Wilson Is daughter ia 13 years of age. His two eons were of Zanzibar, with 518 persona In his face. Rising above the surface of this - more important general charl'tble and linlof Columbian president lake wae a large orifice born In 1882. The family name Is caravan, of whom 406, were black por-te- brlght-hue- d were soldiers descending Into the bowels of the mounand thirty-thre- e Primrose, and as the sweet little primrose is the symbol of the conservative Among his white comrades were a geol- tain. It wae over 400 feet In diameter. party, profusely displayed on Lord ogist, and f physlclan, and he had made and out ofrthi Immense cavity wae so little stir in all his work of organizing pouring a great column of yellow smoke Beaconfields birthday. It might be supLORD ROSEBERY, his big enterprise that the world hardly that waa almost stifling when the posed that he properly belongs to that ball game in the United States between party. knew he had started. It waa only after breeze, now and then, enveloped the exa Yale team and such English players He la the fifth earl of Rosebery. The he began to send home news of fresh dis- plorers In dense volume. They were as could be gotten together In New more or less romantic Burke, however, coveries that wide attention waa called then compelled to retreat down the elds York. ' In the bouse of lords he speedily aays that the family traces descent to him. He made a small experiment of the mountain to get beyond the retch with Indian elephants aa baggage car- of the overpowering fumes. The smoke acquired a reputation as a speaker. In from one Duncan Primrose, who was 1872 he served on a commission to Inseated" at Culross, in Perthshire, In ths riers, two of W'hlch he Imported from rolled In dense waves 'around the botwhose son, and and of Scotch India. We do not know why his ex- tom of the crater and In places poured Into the endowments, Queen Mary, reign quire puff of 1874 he presided over the British Assocanon of Windsor, died In 1642. "much periments failed, but, at any rate, he over the edge. Now and then a column! abandoned his elephants after a lew unusual energy would carry a ciation for the Advancement of Science, respected." Then followed a succession of smoke high into the air and clear the delivering an address which showed of Primroses with the usual honors. crater" enough so that "the spectators -him to be one of the most progressive None of them, however, appears to have and wisdom might get some idea of the appearance man a been of the members of the peerage. worldly of the bottom. The Incessant ebulliin 1880 Lord Rosebery took an active ability of Archibald Philip, the present tion was accompanied by a loud noise part in the political campaign, being earl and the only one of interest to like the roll of thunder, of sufficient vol- one of those who persuaded Mr, Glad- Americans. ume to drown most other sounds, and stone to stand for Midlothian. It Is unths visitors had to talk at the top of ELLA HIGCINSON. derstood that he refused to taka office their voices to make one another heard. once on the ground that It would look Poetess Who Uos Wok Fortunately tor them no solid sublike a reward for his personal services A Fair Mootors Merited Dlstloottook, stances were ejected during their vlxlt. to his leader, but from August. 188L If a violent eruption had been in progThere are few names better known In until June, 1883, he was ress, of course, they would not have atfor the home department. Sir William the west than that of ths poet, Ella tempted to reach th top. Vernon Harcourt being borne secretary. Hlgginson, the wife of Russell C. a descendant of one of the From February, 1885, until the fall of WANTS MANY WIVES. the Gladstone mlnistery, the following June, he was lord privy seal and first Am Ohle Mss Bhe Imitate Fsr F.sst- commissioner of works. During Gladera In t'wlemi, six of months administration stones 18S6 Lord Rosebery was foreign secreX rival of th sultan of Turkey haa been dlsrocrted In East Galllpolis, tary. After the ministry went out of just Ohio. He haa been living there for two power he became a member and the first president of the London county years with a wife and another woman, council. " He resigned Abe presidency In who acta tn that capacity, the happiest 0, July,-189and was succeeded by Sir relation existing between the three. In John Lubbock, but was Another woman came from West VirMarch, 1892, and served for five months. ginia recently, and then he bad three. In the county council he was a progressA few days ago another woman came ist and an extremely hard worker, prethere for refuge, and then he had four. , Lieut, vox gotzex. siding over the committees as well as the Everything went on swimmingly be-day mae. and at last accounts ths tween taking in washing and getting council Itself, and wit ning the respect service carryanlmalLwerc doing good and of even the most advanced members which the help from the township trustee evening timber for the railroad other until the the by his tact, his readiness at repartee, parties, pound from the Inland ) Germans are pushing a little and his willingness to undertake drudggirl appeared at Indian ocean. He made hie first Im- ing ery. When Gladstone became premier about th "harem and sought shelter. It was after traveling discovery portant for the fourth time in August, 1892, she being of comely appear300 miles toward Victoria Nyenxa, when given her, Rosebery reluctantly accepted the forcame upon the large salt ance and the man of th house having a he suddenly the man told her that eign secretaryship again, and conducted lake, Umburrewhlch is one of tn most big heart. ofLater the institution were that that important office In his own way, MRS. W. WILSON. remarkable chain of the Tulee of that southern rather than Mr. Gladstones. dead seas, extending hundreds of miles every newcomer, who waa a female, had ELLA HIGGINSOX. Lord Roseberys wife, who died In distance to become hla wife, Bhe objected Imwhom reformatory movements of ths time, north and south, a considerable versity. "While her children, of Wil1890, was the richest heiress In England. rounders of New England, remarks Lesis a very mediately and waa told that she would Here Victoria of Nyanza. east In and his own denomination especially there are four, were young, Mrs. Khe was Hannah, the only child of lie's Weekly. Mrs. Hlgginsone distincdrain- have to live up to the rulea or go. She In the earth.whose wide rift la a recognised leader In every under- long, Baron Meyer de Rothschild, and had tion however, does not rest alone upon son used part of her time at Charlessetwent, and atayed all night at a neighbut sea, to the cannot escape tn her own right an Income of 8500,090 a her verse. Bhe has achieved an en- town In looking after their education taking In which It engages. As to soms age bor's. The neighbors are said to be a forming these n tn tle depressions, subjects, he holds views whjch are reviable reputation also aa a writer of herself. One of the sons is year. Exgreatly Incensed, and are talking of lakes. small salt and aa he has been garded aa radical; but, being a man of series of big . London, about the" time he became short stories, which have appeared In to every congressman, withes, ducking, tar and feathhickory of Lake Im never heard profound convictions, he never meas- plorer had etc. . magaxlnes with his father at the capital. The eld-Is ures ers, premier, married Lord Rosebery to the leading newspapers and had passed his expressions concerning any burr before, although they of the country. Recently she has won er daughter, wbl Is 17 years old, princess Maude of Wales, 'one of the offered In two short-stor- y by considerations of deference both north and south of It ' Collie P. Huntington, at a young ladles1- - school In' Virginia,Is question laughters of the Prince of Wales. He the first prizes to popular opinion. In the recent cam' a hundred tnilei xllrectly west Above is a 0er contests, one of them being for 3500. and Betty, the youngest, aged 14. portrait of ths man who ia Palgn for municipal purification he wai of Victoria, Nyajiza la the large country under indictment Some of her choicest poems have re- with her mother. in Ban Francisco, on In the Congo WilMrs. and partly home lying In of Ruanda, and and earnest, Charlestown conspicuously been At the active, published gathered cently the trifling charge of issuing a railroad East n German In the will he her and will those life to who resist son a partly suited Stale "A of under leads among the title a dainty book quiet - to the utmost any surrender of the ad- Africa. No European has ever penetrattastes. Bhe reads a great deal, look Bunch of Western Clover." vantages then waa after the poor in the neighborhood, In gained. Dr. Ralnsford, ed this region, and w know nothing Mrs. Higginsons latest story a a few vague facts published In the Christmas number of and la a devout churchwoman. Mr. thoseword, la a notable representative of of Ruanda except modern preachers who supplied by Stanley, Btuhlmann and Wilson la able to reach his family with aggressive Leslie's Weekly. that religion la an affair of prac- Baumann, who skirted It eastern edge. Personally Mrs. Hlgginson Is young a short railroad ride, and finds complete bold tical everyday life, and that he best Von Gotten crossed this populous reIn years and appearance. She is small rest there, for Mrs. Wilson says, "He serves his master who. out of ths pulpit gion, whoselnhabiunts are a and sligbL wIth a charming personality, can find plenty of people to worry hlm well as in It, stands resolutely tor comes Into when so he race. Everybody has heard of the about and and the politics, face, gentlest splrituelle . . terrible cattle plague, that a few years most winning manners. To know her the home we never discuss politics I essentUl righteousness. of ago. wiped out the greater part seathe Is to love her, for she I not only a brilprefer other subjects, and he hears to from Africa across outside." tropical of It herds a abd but enough modest, liant popular writer, Eyes of Hoes. to be used Ruanda of Mrs. a In Late sea. The ago, the She doea woman. pride year spring, gentle, and gracious Every bee haa two kinds of eyes; the of big horned the innumerable herds Us hot care for society, but spends hours Wilson went to the capital to care for two large, compound ones, looking nutritious like cstlle he until and that cropped husbands health, her with no companions save her horse and or hemispheres single eyes, which grasses, but during the reign of the Wilson crown dog. Her home Is an Ideal one, all win- could leave Washington Mrs. the head. Each compound eye wholly, deplague they were almost dows And sunshine, and overflowing endured great anxiety, watching her (as one would from was suppose ruined, naturally nearly fife away his country husband almost throwing with books and flowers. It Is only four term which designates It) Is really stroyed The of the little by little th herds are g rosing but blocks from- - Pugt Sound and three over the tariff bill. They spent part an Immense aggregation of eyes, each again, and Hr a few year more they feet above It, the summer In. Mexico, where Mrs. Wil- being composed hundred and fifty-si- x of 2,500 facets, which reach their old proportlons. The with magnificent vlewo from every win- son nursed her husband bock to health. means that every object seen has Its will she refor sailed he When has the title of Klgert. H bar a noEurope king emerald and bluehills, sea, dow; image reflected 1,500 times la the bees dozen residence In various places, at has She home. to the turned country below the little and snow ble domes, brain. Every one of these facets - he gave the explorer s teen In Washington the past winter tiny is the base of an Inverted hexagonal one of hlchcity of New Whatcomb. Here Ella has but mors reception. The Arab a for than hospitable year previously, party her Inspiration for the pyramid, whose apex Is fitted snugly traders hate tried in vain to penetrate secluseason In remained several for and to the sweet, tender sonnets bright stories have been very glad facet head. be Each of these pyramid this country. They have always been pass In violation of the Inter-stat- e comthat have made her name popular and sion, Bhe would termed a perfect eye, may seen husband toxhave her repulsed, and hot a single Arab did Von merce law. If convicted he can be fined personally PRINCESS MAUD, beloved. , for each Its own has Iris and Optic of Africa. out of political service for a time, and nerve. Gotxen meet in this part all Ue way from $1,000 to $10, (K0. at ths has been at various times announced Mrs. WIDon Is not looking at the posiIn Ruanda the explorer saw the only discretion of the court. In addition, he Was Washington's Secretary. aa engaged to the widow of the late discovered haa been woman that a bf volcano cabinet tion duties and active to the may be sent to prison for one year. Prince Leopold, duke of Albany; George Washington's private secreA Lwm la FIbssm. In Africa, and there is reaeon to believe Christian of Schleswig-H- tary, Isaac Andrews, lies burled Just with any pleasure, or even gratificabe ever daughter Pf Prince will found. We The time note no which a longest other tion. that during to Princess Victoria of east of the old Baptist church In the olstein, has remained outside th Bank of Eng- have known since 1891 that there was Dleovry About HalL The Wilsons are not rich, and In acof Dundee, Yates county, N. Y. Wales, and. In fact, to every unmarried village la ill years. It waa for 8125, and It In this land a smoking mountain, for From the 'Swiss meteorological recdislike Wilsons Mrs. cord with In region strong Engfamily In of the reigning ad1829, occurred death the at His princes Is computed that the compound Interest the native further north told Emin ords since 1883, Dr. C. Helss finds that is more frequent In valleys than on land. Tor what reason this haa been vanced age of 90 years. For a great to entering society the hew postmaster during that long period amounted to no Pasha and Dr. Btuhlmann that there bail will not make any household was a general's he man that It occurs oftener near done the friends of the premier, who mountains, prominent many years black which from than mountain less , $30,000. dea unwas great cannot marshes and in lake valleys than over In that section, and was a particular attempt at gaiety. It wllL not be 4 re Interested in his future somewere ashes that and smoke came, wooded country, and that rtver valleya that even factor in the organization of Yates cided for Borne months as to whether derstand, since, they argue, the country, and when In the path -of thunder storms favor its were there no obstacles to such a union. countyAt the beginning of this cen- they wllljake a house or resident softie Frmsee ss Big m Colorado sad Idaho. times sifted over smoks the heard most a formation, -- while cultivated land end -Trance has 204,000 square miles, a lit- there was the Lord Rosebery would be about the last tury he surveyed the old and&Unew pre- hoteL of cattle. forest reduce the Intensity of many hilly subseupon which If Mrs. Wilson's health continues to tle smaller than Colorado and Idaho noise like the bellowing nobleman In Great Britain to perp- emption lines, have . all probable that tbea , at not waa made. U . combined. summer It surveys es feen noth ths has quent It blunder, being a during Improve etrate to great AMIRED IX AMERICA. lm-rta- nt et gfl ii3 BcLUah.-IKiliticia- . , eut o-n- -- a! -- .- ot s. at ate ra under-secreta- 5 ry Hlg-glnso- n. i 0 i&i! well-know- , v hall-storn- .a, i " k |