Show TUB IAIIIS liXHIUITION Or 1000 lirrllhleg Ulll He Hone 0010 a Irand mid 1 color Wale In the Revue dra lletig Mundf le I a preliminary moron o Iho furlhiomlng < < cocmaimlllan eihlbltlon of lee It will I = be held on Hie Chomps d l Mara a great open apace on the Poolhit eat > ln mllJH of IaiU already eoneecralrd by tle preoeno I tif many Imllar folra The Krencb Kiiveiiiinent goat out their Oral I announcement of Ihe ncheme on July 111 and lat autnmer lh chamlier of depulle bird a preliminary grant for the e penM connecleil with a bet plan cnmiietllliiii Tint Chnmim hlnre4 11 roniilileml tort nf Ibe exhlblllon and Ibere Ia I even n talk of Including the ImmrnMi xiuara In front of the Invalided In-valided Indeed the rhrme of con Irucllon prutldea for n broad btldga whlrh will Jain In peimaiirnt falilon Ibe Clmmi W > ies lo the iiiay whlrh run on Ihe river eldo of Nu > oteon hlntorb crating place Anhllecl ar till and builder wen Intlled In rand In I plan and Menu lo ery kind of liberty lib-erty In theory wn allowed In those who look tort In Ihla curious romiell lion Thus the beet homo did not necrMarlly rfqulro thu rclrnllon of the Klffrl lower or any otlfr of the old ei hlhlllon building wllh the notable exception ex-ception however of Ihe Trocadtro liverylhln will Im Bono on an Immrnin pool and If Urn Idea which at preient prevail among Itr fromolrr lire car rleil out llioeihlbltliin I of 1000 will I gradually grad-ually nbxirb the wild of 1ant and even faroff Ylncennra will h ullllied for all that concern athletic port International inalchea and Olympian garner Aa II I natural n great point will be made of anything rrlatlng lo the loll century and the eihlhlllon will IM In more irnie than une I centennial cs poltlon The army and navy arcllon will IM of very great Interest After a period nf four month thoi who had enlerrd their lam n Mng willing and anxloua to enter Ihe exhibition plan competition wen boll to vend In limit echrme Nn one com > elltor fuinilnl all tlio rondlllon IHI omclhlng will lie Ohio from each of the eighteen beil eta of plan and uggelbm ent In I The Urine will pty n prominent role In Ihe Othello aide of Ihe exhlblllon for II proiord tu rrvontltule on Its left bank Ice I n I irllon of the Irand cannl Von |