Show TO HOLD UP YOUR SKIRT 1ti Moat Onr1 tli or 0 rrnIIIh time Tub Neetsey Antic Tin prettIest dress clutch many Ihlnl U I lion plain everyday pirpen illeular grip The arm Is allowed to hang ttralgiit down by the side and the drcu rled In this grip hero Is I DO j I il ialocatluiii of the shoulder or wrenchIng wrench-Ing l of the arm to get hold of the drew loo far buck U Is found that liii Jim I u effective and touch more comfortable I la keep he arm ecfeethy straight This drew clutch is Mtrelstl < lat > tml to jlie stout If the arm cues farmmind It i I not only tiring but It tends to chang the centre of grnHty and the i woman wabble along somewhat like the toftshell crab urootlng for two places l atones that are at opposite ends of the earth It It I tin wrae principle that catiM a bout with tensors on one side and une on the other to del late from a straight course Then there Is the pose with the left arm akimbo Mine attitude nt lour cook awwimcs when she ns she wont stand It any longer bill will rove nl once xeept that she doea It with both arms nt once In i thIs pose the left hand with n little I bit of the dress rests on Iho hip press I I Ing l dandy ngalnit the side The elbow I sticks out Into the middle of the street sweeping nil comers before It long I elep often aerompany this pore and the poner walks very fast It Is I some i times thought that the pressure upon thn hip will relieve the agony of tight j lacing l I |