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Show i ' TIMES THE BT T St. r. Tin FI Tcsusbixu Comfast. diux nd ., SYMPATHETIC HEART DISEASE OFTEN ATTEND 3 IT. Was X M Oder a Treat asaot Consist roovlag tha la Be- - Cum. From Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Republican. Mrs. V, Curley who has resided In Clarence, Iowa, for the past twenty-tw- o years, tells an Interesting story of n.othrr. what she considers rescue front prenut- lure death. Her narrative follows; A woman In WmI Virginia claim to For tenyeqr prior .to.TS34- - I wftg,. nrW-thTtwTeTtrat g'KmrrgnrgUff&rerfram acute stomach I had all tha manifold sympneighborhood Intlat that alte Is Hi trouble. where the toms of scute dyspepsia, and at times . . If she la a day. mo, king birds were present in ptber. troublrii ' cation 1 did not know what it waa toT sifig.' a enjoy a meal. No matter how careful v ho retard And whistles so It la foolish heir dear all 'the foreign nobleman a an attractive 1 might be aa te the quality, quantity of my food, distress long day, novelty since there are ao many of them and preparation 1 was followed desponeating. always on the the banks of a dent and blue. Almost to (he point of stream that insanity at times, and would hav flows silently gdenllata predict that In a century k been glad to die.. Often and often I by, that lan't could not sleep, Sympathetic. heart time there will be no ' trouble .sst Iq and ttme-wnd eurable. and It la toe bait I ha I sgatirF was obliged to call a doctor la the night hot llv forever after that. of the blue and the grey. to relieve sudden attacks of suffocaon com a which tion without would to Manufacturers who are seeking Our loved one gave their lie the moment's warning. build up a home market for homo prodUnion to aave. My trouble Increased aa time wor uct should not overlook the fact that on and I spent Urge sums In doctor The price paid their own precloils Wood. the beat way to do It I to advert1 ,l bill, being compelled to hav medical iwta wlmoat eunaiauil There thousand have crossed o'er the US and USA it was Impossible for me bright, crystal ea; to retain food, and water brashes And tlielr souls now are resting with The d u he of Leinster, who Tia Just skeleme. was reduced I to a plagued God. died at Mentone, was accounted the ton. A consultation of physicians was l moat beeunful w.onan-4- o tT'delermVne Just what "dTd"ait ih They are quietly sleeping In their low, Kingdom before lirttli.h peera acquired ma Tha doctors gave ua as their opinlone graves, ion that tha probable trouble waa ul-the habit of taking Aroerhan wives. ration of the coats of the stomach That are covered with flower ao gay. no of out One and bald recovery. hop While the wild bird are thrilling their contribution to the doctor New England' said, 'All 1 ran do to relieve sweet notes of joy, Buffering people of Newfoundland have your suffering Is by the use of opium. O'er the forms of the blue and the arrived at Ht. John'. The contributtma a friend of mina About this grey. tion from old England are. not yet In Mre. Bymantha Bmlth - of - Gltdden, ' and In all probability never will get in, Iowa, told m about the case of Mrs. I apt or. Thurston of Oxford Junction, Iowa loL Inxersoir This lady said she had been afflicted G. IngentoH's recent Robert A tramp dog lia teen discovered folDuring much the same aa I had. Khe Had conlowing the green street car on a Cinsulted local physicians without relief, visit to Memphis. Tcnn , an incident a certain down avenue and and had gon to Davenport for treat- occurred that served to remind him of cinnati up route. Investigation would probably ment. Giving up all hope of recovery, bis war experience. After the lecture show that the faithful canine la an aha was persuaded by a friend to taka he attended a reteptlon given in his Dr. Williams' Fink Fills. The result honor by Col. and Mrs. William R. Irish aetler. was almost magical. Moore. Of the thqt were preI waa led to try them from her ex- sented to him heguest one with an conflict d regarded Jlegardlng the and before many months I and perience, of eye vague recognition. at a rehearsal of Dob' Hilliard I had a, felt better than for doxeq Fred" H Belleville,' tending- prior, At years. '1 am now" almost free from - Surely I have seen you somewhere I only fair to remark that the pugilist trouble, and If through some error of before," said the colonel. "Waa It not about thirty yearn ago? have been elevatlug the tage lor o diet I feel badly, this splendid remedy seta me right again. I hav regained asked the other. That I to aay. In many year it I now ""time for the actor once more In my December. 1863 ?" my strength and am to elevate pugittan, usual flesh. 1 sleep wed and can eat "I have reason to remember that without distress. I hav no doubt that - month." said Col. Ingersoll, "It waa Much that Cob lngeroll aaja of the I owe my recovery tq Dr. Williams' then that I Waa captured by the conPill. barbarity of the whipping post I true. pink federates." Pills Dr. Fink all .Williams oontaln where Hut is relic a a of It savage age. to give new Ilf "And so have I." replied the guest, la the colonel's chivalry now, that he tha alementa necessary and richness to the blood and restore "for It wa then that I had the honor Jr.s-a of should forget the savagery shattered nerves. They are for sal by of capturing a certain federal cdloflel. who beats a woman? all druggists, or may be had by mail Don't you remember Major G. V. Ram-bafrom Dr. Williams Msdletn Company, of Gen. Forrest'a command 7 1 SO) by addressing Dr. Williams' The Ferrla wheel seems to have outcolonel did remember, and the The 12.50. for worn public Intercat, Chicago spews It aU boxes two sought' a corner and out! New Tork anlffa disdainfully at It recalled the details of the event. Col. no Fit. la There Bshaeralag first lake It to London, Ingersoll,, In command of an Illinois place which goes Into ecstasy sa easiCrossing Cltjr Hall park on day a regiment of cavalry, had undertaken ly over things which America haa tired JCw York Sun reporter saw an Italian to prevent a targe force of Forrest's of, boy suddenly fall flat on hlg back on men from crossing a certain deep tha pavement Several companions In stream. Leaving the greater part of atantly knelt by bis side, aomo slap- the command to destroy a bridge, The practical plan adopted near T-of his hands, aorna rubmoved up one side of the stream Jnlh-giving unemployed men lahd to ping the palm till for support of their families la to be bing his face. They were all laughing with a few men and a field piece In orand. after w mlnuta or two der to annoy the confederate on- the ..jcommcndaiL. especially aa it la coupled very much, with the condition that the occupiers of this work the boy rosa and la two or other aide before they could reach the shall send their children to ach'io!. If three more minutes repeated the gams, bridge. But Forrest got to the bridge, crossed It, and by superior numbers the state furnishes living to the parent this time all being serious, especially when they-- noticed that the same routed the defenders. Then h pro- he should be required to do hi part to waa man watching them. ceeded after Ingersoll. The union colthe child. , The boys who were doing the slap- onel wasunhorsed while leaping a fenca ping and rubbing looked out from un- and the enemy, led by Major Rambaut, The people of tvevviounuland are der their tangled hair sad grinned at was on him r he could rise. Immetheir government not to send the reporter, a little at first, and then diately after the capture of Ingersoll delegate to the convention to carry the became serious again. Jen. Forrest rode up. Island Into tha Canadian confederation. What 1 the game? tbs reporter "Wholn commandof those troops?" They want annexation to the United asked a newsboy who waa also watch- cried Forrest, pointing toward the flyStates and their desire should be coming. Illinois cavalrymen. plied with for the good of both coun"Dem kids is pract'aia a fake," ba ingT don't know, replied Ingersoll, tries. By right they are part of the jocularly, United States. They have everything to replied. A faker "Who waa In command V amended lose by Joining Canada, AVe have much work guys. Any the general. fit t Sure, having to gain by annexing them to the Ameriold guy takes pity on a kid wid da flu "If you'll keep the secret, aald Ingercan union, and gives him a nickel, bee? soll. blandly, "I'll tell you. I waa. Col. Ingersoll' good humor pleased The thoughtlessness with which peoBran Ohio, Citt or Tout do, I Forrest, who treated him well and Lccis Cocxtt. . ( ple rush after divorce without serious Fxake J. Cur it make oath that he b eventually exchanged him. After the cause is Illustrated bjf a case at partner of tbs firm of F. J. Cni-X- it war Forrest and Ingersoll renewed Qa. A Mrs Ward brought suit the senior A Co., doing business In tbs City of their acquaintance at Washington and for divorce and It was granted. Cluing Tolsdo, and Btate aforesaid, and became warm friend, but the colonel homa from court she met Mr. Ward, that saidCounty firm will pay the sum of ONE did not meet Major Rambaut until hla and w as ao sorry for him In hla lonely HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every condition that sht aent for the preacher rue of Catarrh that can not be cured by recent visit to Memphta, thirty year later, and they were remarried. When two tbs use of iDix'i CaTaaRB Cess. FRANK J. CHENEY. people can be divorced and remarried First Ums Sworn to before me snd sobecri bod in (.,& emhe same day. It la evident that they resancs, this 6th day of December, A. The storm of debate In the national had little cause for the' separation, and house of representative In February, would never nave aertoualy thought of A. W. GLEASON, It but for the ease with whhh divorces 164, that ended In the passage or E. B. Washburnea"bill creating the grade of are secured. Notary Public. In the army, haft lieutenant-generCatarrh Cur b taken Internally and died away and it waa Grants destiny It's an til wind that blows nobody Ball's on the blood and mucous sur- to become general-tn-chiact of the armlea any good, as California has Just dis- face directly of tha system. Bend for testimon- of the United Slates. covered, The failure of the orange crop ials, free. F. J. CliENEY ft CO., Noah Brooks, writing from personal In Florida has given the grower of that Toledo, (X recollection of this historical event, for Bold by Druggists, 73a fruit around Lo Angeh-- an opportunOf the Century, give the following graphic Hall's Family 1Uls, 80a ity of selling their products at an unsketch of Grant's first appearance In usually high price. Then the scarcity Table Talk for April proves all Iha public after hla high official advanceof olive In the eait created a large demand on the olive garden In the same b claimed for It in that it is the bourn ment: If there was any doubt aa to the popusection, and now an egg famine In New keeper's snd. homemaker's help on all Tork has been averted by the shipping culinary and household topic. This larity of Grant in Washington (and he of llv carloads of eggs from the Pa- baue opens with an article on tha "Et- waa disposed to regard that city aa a the arrival of the newly cific slope. When fruits and farm prodiquette of the hpring Beeson by Mrs place of snares), effectually created lieutenant-generW. E. W, bberwood, tha uce can be transported such a great distance and delivered In good romiUl.m, authority on inch subjects, and is fol- dissipated It. He had been called ta the Capital and had arrived these late In lowed by an article on the Peanut the traffic Is likely to be contlniuaL-ati- d the people of Southern California will hr V. F. Tomlinson, of the Agricultur- the afternoon of March , 1S64. He went find It a more profitable task than the al Department, at Washington, D. C quietly to Wlllard'a hotel to get his dina subject creating much interest at ner. At that time he was a rather engineering of land booms. built man, with stooping shoupresent on account of tha qualities it ta slightly mild blue eyes, and light brown The destruction by flee In New Tork found to possets as a food constituent lders, with a reddish tinge In hi bristling hair, of nearly all the a&entlfie apparatus It la published by Table Talk PublishHe had a shy but manly mustache. of ing to,, Philadelphia, at$l of Nicolas Tesla, the famous electrician. per year, wore a shabby looking milInvolves a loss which cannot be meas- and h sample copy la offered free to any bearing, suit of clothes, and seemed disitary our of readers ured by dollars snd cents. Tsla had when he was recognized by tne searched deep Into nature's secrets! he WlsWf Tcwrtss Tickets Via the Wabash tressed of diner. He had been dlscovesed mob had made many bold and startling exKallrwad there taking bts dinner Just like ordperiments, and there were scientists Art sow os sa' to alt tha winter resorts of inary mortals, and It waa noised about and students who firmly believed that the booth, good returning until June let, hero of W. Also Hasvxst Exct rsior Tick sit to that the was InBelmont. Donelson anil he waa almost on the point of making the room. marvelous discoveries In electric law. ail points south oa excursion date, In ad- - Vicksburg A sllghl commotion presently spread to shove, Railroad snd (Steamship It Is a matter of rvgrt that the result dtuos tickets to aU points in tbs Uxitbo Btatxs from table to table; people gur Upland of years of patient and untiring tabor lowest rates. For rates, craned their necks in anxious endeavor andEtont,at fie beta, excursion dates and full Informa- to see "the man. Then somo votaries of science and research are tion or a copy of tb Horn Beakers Gold, enthusiastic coming admirer, mounting a Wat call ash at Office, lUti Farnam street, railed for three cheers for Lieut.-Ge- chair, rarely discouraged by failure and disaster. Equally aa great a calamity did er writ Grant, They wera given with will, 0. N. Clatto-v- , not keep back the discoveries of Sir amid a pounding on the tables which K. W. P. Omaha. Nab Agt, Isaac Newton; til Wow will only temmade everything dance. For a few min, porarily disable Tesla Those who borrow trouUs sever get ute there was a scon of wild enn fusion, In the midst of which Gen. Grant, The Long islander who built Ms own chance to j ay It lock. very much astonlahed'and percoffin because the modern coffin Is al The of John 8. C. Ab- looking haps annoyed, rose to his feet, awkshould have lived in Egypt and bott's publication of Iliatory Napoleon Bonaparte rubbed his mustache with his not In a civ illzed country. The quicker as a serial in llnrper'a wardly napkin, bowed, and resumed his seat the human remains are absorbed In the began in 1851, and was continued hlagaxine, during and attempted to resume his dinner mother earth the better for people who more than three yearn Phenoment.iy The good sense of the cheering wt-ribreath Jb atmosphere of the oc.ne-ter- successful at that time (for, from first and the general was , to last, it proved Itself to be the most allowedprevailed to eat in peace. But as soon a It Is not often that a Yankee sklpoer popular serial that had ever appeared he had finished his repast and was on can b Induced to crowd n steam for in an American periodical). Its place In his way out of the dining-roohe waa tbeteraof the general pubi c was taken In hand by fight, hut when he must he doe Morehead of as he does almost everything else-bet- -ter U, afterward assured by aa adequate pub- IVrnsy Ivanla. who acted as master of than (he Mlow hthlnd him. Had lication in book form. The two hand- ceremonies and Introduced the general the Al'tanea posstssed a small battery some volume; eontaininfr almost l.PHJ to the mob of admirers who now of two or three fm.r-ln"- h r;e' It woud large page, admirable typographically swooped down upon him. This was hla bare teen fUrpTher r How who male and generously Illustrated, are now first perhaps more than ever in request, sa the pace.' on result f the wide-spreainterest la the Illustrious subject of the work, j 1. m cause of unhapp) tnafiUe ao many huit baml and ltf art more wedded to tlnmselwa than one I that ' dlae -- ce r hand-to-han- ut Ot - Ma-co- n. (!!' 7 al ef a well-know- al n n! WEAK NERVES Ctsllsss. When Lord Liverpool waa forming hla ministry In 1823 he thought it absolutely necessary to hav Canning at the foreign office, although aware that the apLATE UNPLEASANTNESS- pointment would be obAoxlous to George IV. The duke of Wellington undertook the unpleasant task of rommunicating -A Poem Blue Col the and "The Urey", Lord Liverpool's determination, As soon as the king knew what was ln(noU'i Captor Orant's lint Levee wantid of him, he broke out: "Arthur, it HlrpIliU as Orderlies W hat llletery la Impossible. I said, on my honor as a , Really Is. be one of gentleman, he should nA my minister again. I am aure you will a free vjthme that I cannot da sjia.t.1 N?5iE aaill on my honor as a gentleman I sweet flower " interestino storie? of the LTAH. Tbs COALVILLE, CAMP - FIIiE SKETCHES ACUTE DYSPEPSIA. would r.ot do Another ma n .would ha ve been. 1 Icmed. lrtAb'-.xrtcsatefeuy- - always equal fo an emergency, replied: "Pardon me. sir, but I don t agree with you at all. Your majesty is not a gentleman." The bold assertion startled the king, but the duke went on: "Your majesty 1s pot a gentleman, but tha sovereign of Fpgland. with duties to yniir panpla far above,, any to jourse'f. and these duties render It Imperative that you should employ the abilities of Mr, Can'' ning Well. Arthur. said the king, drawing a long breath, "If I must, I must. Although- being told he was not a gentleman. George IV' had once, at leant, while regent, forgotten he was one. Till was when he flmig a glass of wlnejn CpLJlamlyn'A faoe, with "Hamlyn, you are a blackguard!" The insulted officer could not return the compliment without committing something like treason It was out of the question to challenge the prince, while to let the Insult pass unnoticed was equally Impossible- Tb wWnd Riled ht glass and threw the contents in the face of his neighbor, t Indicate as surely as any physical ot ex-Go- v. lot. d " With pleasure I will state that Hoods Bartapsrllla has helped me wonderfully. For several month I could not lie dowate sleep oa account of heart trouble snd also ' anything, that the organa and tissues of the body are not satisfied with their nourishment. They draw their sustenance from the blood, and if the blood is thin, impure, or insufficient, they are in a state of revolt. Their complaints are made to the brain, the king of the body, through xasalt fti the venssm the general dissatisfaction is what we call Nervousness. shows Prostration of the Nerves. For three year I had bees doctoring, but could aot get cured. I received relief for while, but aot permanent. Boon after ,tp,Jfk Hpodi, JStrsspxrtT , there s change for the better. Hi a short time I was feeling splendidly. I now rest well and am able to do work of whatever This Jx.a reasonable explanaihC If hall not tried1 Rood5. tion of the a hole matter. I do not know what would have become of is cure The for Nervousness, then, me. I keep It lo my bouse all the time, and simple. Purify and enrich your blood other members of the family takt it, snd 11. by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and the taj there Is will have u ?' t the nerves, tissues and organs healthful nourishment they crave. Nervousness and Weakness will then give way to'itrength and health. That this is not theory but fact is proven by the voluntary statement of thousands cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Read the next column. . , 5 Nothing Like Hoods nrllis1 I tlH highly fSCOmmeaded it snd on of my neighbors ba commenced taking It. I recommend Hoods Earsaparin-- t Baras Ms. B. Baa evsry opportunity. dock, 404 Erie At., Wfllimport, Pennsylvania. Remember Hoods Sarsaparilla ' :irilie . Dnly True Blood Purifier saving, that round red tin tag? See "His jnkjesly's toast! passlt on. "Humlyn, cried the ft gent, 'you're a capital fellow! Here's your health. And tiny were fast friends from that evening mats Qjma?c Rliyrllats as Orderlies. At last cycling has had a fair and reasonable opportunity of demonstrating Its reaTWorTh as a military adjunct. During the late "night march" of the guards and volunteers all the cycling sections of the latter were placed under the command of a young officer In the Coldstreams for orderly and scout duties, says the Illustrated London News. Lord Methuen, wont to be a stern critic of troops, reports that these gallant wheelman acquitted themselves In a really admirable manner under circumstances. peculiarly trying Thanks to the speed with which they dashed from point to point, he waa kept in touch with the converging columns much throughout the march and could thus the will. whole movement at regulate So impressed was the general with what i, far tM rawmv 7 eer4tt prm Jaed Hiiiih ar pftrtglar, mfM if came under hla notice that he considers iy, w fepa a m wm kmtm 4m in tk mi pm,rv It essential for every battalion to have fmmm mt ar,if fa, . tkm wmWsidli r bt IhdMfcMjM, W! MAY! MOJABUIY a body of trained cyclists, ready at any moment to perform orderly duty. Just Tfekw pattam nUD ta fuahton kuun tte item for tt to 4( aaaite aaoh, feut In ordar to toormaa tha so. For that purpose the wheelman haa maa4 tnonf teranara wa aflrr tham to tha ta rate no superior, because hls steed never gets Wa 4ba m attFifcuia tfcla fairly naf taeat aattraty It n te thla ptpar for tha ramarfeahly ! yrtca a mif MtolM tupnartti of Ur aatfa vtuafc m tired and wants no other food than a, fart. pitTt, Bvfttru. A Dam. Urbaoa, UL, fsbttvf U ItttteteftaMat lfBlMfe. Tha ptitenu ar ail of tha rary Utate If ow Tort W UcaTiMBa. Nottcbt an4 pt ap ArMar Wa. 1 aa4 few drops of oil. But orderlies, whether wt teytea pad oro ooaqaaiad for teylo, oeevimey te fit, al wNh-w hmi Ifcmaa. Ii aaa th on foot or mounted, should be as lightly UN haa mtuthavtftyaoM fthiwlya aa4a pltelty tte oeoBomy. For twooty-foa- r yaar date pattarna haro feaaa aaad tha eoontry oror. FaU fim equipped sa possible In order to quicken MiipUaM ua di recti neaaa tha muobar te ymrda te ttatortte roquirod, tha am bar had itmai te thofilfe their movements and to prevent exfaroot plaoM la tha pattora, how to out and fit tad pofe haustion. For the time being they have tm attr anali tamtarr biwpneenlei tha MaNry a? ianaatar tha fammi feofatharmro amt with toah patear on hand more Important work than uAUt Aat AanaatatCawpaajr troailha bgfiamaf U tba immbI with pfetwt te tha ftnamt to it by. Tfeaa pah at anferokta Irtaiaafc, fctetary M torua are eomplato la mry partteuUr, tbara beta a tm tfcara Na kaaa .4Lww fighting, jid, aa the carrying of rifles Aat4afraaitfcaAarfefttar rparato pattara for ovary at a la place te the drm wind iUb put 4Mr te aar tamtarp and ammunition detracts from their atoww Wtu whK t te. Year eriar vlii bo filled too Mama dav It te rooatrod, porft u4 Ua iaUti a Every pattorq qeaniakaad to hoportoci partarWfal tte usefulness they should ofcly be armed. atew Aaraaotov la totifm, XrlfiJSiLJ rkftakpt If armed at all, with long-ranafter revolvite (hU alvaataa4 Tba Oowk, Fhttora Ko. WS1 Ktatelatextemfe eaapla lterar f 4 Aa aftaotiva wwfc ton) tiMlflWiirytarwa ers. to) Mg tt, M, M, 4 and 41 inohoa boat moamro. haa U athart Ua4 idia far Mat af ariML Its loriuards. it M -- 500 the best! ia AERMOTORS - 400 AERMOTORS Jt v ge , Red Paint Thslr Armor, Red paint saved the white settlers In German New Guinea during a sharp contest that occurred recently In that part of the Blsiparck archipelago, says the Ban Francisco Examiner. Arno Senfft, who for three years has been In German New Guinea, tells the story of the war. He arrived here Thursday and ta spending a few days In San Francisco. Mr. BenfTt has held all kinds of offices snd, several at the name time in that primitive land, and diversified the civil occupations by leading soldiers against the hoBtlle cannibals. , He says the war began In a contest between rival tribes. But was diverted to resistance of the native against the government. "The war was very bitter snd very bloody for a time, said Mr. Senfft, but It was a succession of guerrilla fighta without an open battlp. The ns, tlves fought with guns, spears and slings. They had but few guns, hut an abundance of other weapon I took part In eight scrimmages, In which 104 natives and one white man waa killed. "I was In command of the native police, who-weconstantly in the contest. I doubt if the Insurrection would have been quelled but for the German war vessel that happened to visit the Island and the red paint that was ibid by a wily native. "This fellow Uved In the Interior and made a red dye front .products of the Islands. This he offered to the native warriors as a sure Immunity from injury from bullets. He told them that no bullet could pierce the paint if smeared over their bodies and permitted to dry. He sold hla paint In large quantities to the superstitious people, taking their shell currency In payment. "Earnest belief In the protection of the red paint against the weapons of the whites spread all over the Islands, and every warrior against ua showed a vermilion breast to our weapons. Bitter experience was necessary to teach them their error. Bullet after bullet penetrated the paint and their swart hides before they would believe that they had been duped. After 104 had been pierced by our bullets of them they- acknowledged that red paint 1 cuirass. not a bullet-proo- f "German New Guinea?5 continued Mr. Senfft, 'Is a very wild Island and but little of It haa been explored by the whltee. The natlvea are all cannibals that Is. they eat the bodies of menof rival tribes, though I have never known them to eat the bodies of white men. th tit awr MffA raftaa vaa mU tha aapp'iad aith i&4 Mwar ta Uncap ate fete far paarte, UhaiBf ylNHutaa kaaa tha haul fraaa4 te tea far taa ar ft, haal knew Btreayate wtteaiU aaato m4 U all bainc to tot te aa. urithm I r MAS COHI FH01 RE a 4.14 hava aai4 tten pni, lump rutihf Tom irtuM An OTHER wooftEX WtftftTlftFftU. WHEEL ABHHOTORi. Yaa my WITH yoa kava ttirtaf tea pate ataaa yari vaaav fey azpaet ta foahia yatur late yaar i aatpat tha ya for aar partite te tt, far aaattaf fat. Oaaataa aa tea ftarateo r aaar state farther abate ail eeakpteitera la rape toa ate ta fmt than tans 4 Hajcas, Ratted UL, W. Tte rbtI t1w latea te. aW hate apft WateaH teafet $7,50 A $l& (te R J henaeterra will have It Thavaafe a4wtlnairt te (alawbte (Ual ttekatefl(ateUparpmllw- - Thap aaithar ahriak, laek, Vat wtsatnwMHM. Asrmotor Co., faUawtea will r appaar awr m.. Hero to a vary ebermlaf Vows SPADING BOOT- .- gtojoUtr The retail potto te tote T IN MARKET. BEST IV FIT. Best ik wearing QUAUTf. onterortsp Mile ex. tend, the whole length down to the heel, pro. teetins the boot la dig ging and ta other hard The f? I Worl I ask Torn ' I Li v I J . dealer FOR THkM ! and j don't be pet off with Inferior goods COLCHESTER RCBBER CO. & GO. WALTER BAKER PURE, HICH CRADE ADD CHOCOLATES Oa this Cntineag hm tmBv.4 HIGHEST AWARDS froatttgmt Industrial and Foci EXPOSITIONS la Qireps ami America. rpHktfw TMr4fteWm SOLO DwNh WRKAlCFAfT COCOA te akaainttep VALTER BAKER 4 CO. (VCSVWHCRlL ECRCHESTIR, MASS. Beemans Pepsin Gum, THE FERFECTIO CHEWINS CUR French Stationery. hint for the writing "table is from Faria. Tinted note paper Is fashionable this year, especially the grayer, shade of blue, heliotrope, and delicate pink, The crest Is stamped In while picked A . 3 It onto Wftm wrrs Tny Fkowt. Fatten Fa. 3M to out ta three etoog Tint U, 1ft nod U yaar n A very terhto oomblna-tlo- o wf plain and Canoy mixed silk and wool aovtetF cloth to hem dbowu. Tho plain doth thte ta ehown in too wout, locket fremte, revere end elcovoa. to huatara groan In color, too trimming that decorate too rovora and wateta being faaay galloow Iji green, brown aad fold chadce. Tho novelty foodo from which the vest to mmto enn bine too earn eoiorm. gaidan brown being tie mote preen inant shade. Tlo ehamteteto ran be made te too plain wOWJw teoth, cr it oaa ba omitted to fever of n white or rteorod 11 new ehirv frunh nodi Iras 1 Uaaortehrr them Irate r Dym ate note fa any af Ibrlr preTFatteraa, (V OBOCCR to Want. vomto The Largest Manufacturers of COCOAS yraao erepoa, Fetter Ho IBM te ate ii d, 4,1, t oo41l yoaro. fttaifod oteltif ftannai make tbte oaafte and oomforiahto farm ant for boyo. Buttooo or etude arc ueod ftr J teoelnf t toe tend te tho waist J Uno being provided with large bottooa which will rappert toe bnee trooeciu. A Byron collar fiatebee ton nook. Tho comfortable ihtit elooTte ore laehad at tha hack- - nrovldad with upper and ondor fateng'BOV'B SHIRT WA.fTt . and ooooitetcd with caffe thte are eteeed with butteao and buttonhole or etada ao preferred. The walte to ta tended tc wear with or without o oote or btaeor ne the weather aad elreoaeatanooa diet to. It can bo attrmteivoly made wp In euiped. chookod or oambrto, fflngham. Oteurd ehittlnf to Plain poreato. fiennai in btoo, rwy or mtod vnrtetlee. Tho itiBM prioo ot pastern to S caata kv re te pal with front teerlapod Chla ilk la poio ploh, frooa aad whlto. Full frteuM bratoUf teiacooroos too abooiiar tho full oqvhro yokoholaf wl to polo ontUood 4oi atla ribbon, loaf atreamero te which fall from tho rooatto at tho toft front. Tho rtyUah arranyamoot to atado over fittol llnlno that oantar front, Tho yoke tte full front can oUo be made to otoao la cantor, or te too ahooidor and toft front ojMtor roaotto aa hare toowo. A amah collar of silk fintehao too work. Tho tower pom ttooo of too atoovoo aio faced with tho erlmpad telk full Empire puffs of too are pon tea nd nf out Kyltohly te too tope. Whoa aot convenient to too orlmpod aUk, too front aaa bo fathered or plaited Aoeerdloa platted Uk to mo to need la tote way . Mnattono te toco, not, oropo, or moitowllao I telk, taffeta, oaahatoro or Henrietta, oaa ho dooomtod to (tet individual fancy. Thte wiilateo bo found a food modal for Mtot fahriro, and tha foU and bvotoltoo oaa bo omftuod If prm n COUHESTER rub-stanll- y- sjrmp-tor- n OF k Deiicloos Ramedf . ForaUVbmef indigestion; bow neck tta- Tbto bacomlnY tn teyio wfH bo found wall formed mints, who like to oopy ihter i ftr to, or who are teotote young Wtdiae Many pretty eeamtoaiione, both of otear and febr1 ena bo offoetod by the mode, which one ho plainly fim tohed ta tailor fnehlno, or dooorteod in nay preferred tontf UI f I ! COUPON la orflerfog, glr No. af pattern measxrsnted Bust and Waist an. Either of theae patters will be sent to sag address epoa receipt of 10 cent ta silver or stamp when this coupon la ea- closed with order and cos coat for po tags with rour address Address COUTOB VATTXRV CO., xrt EoekBo T47, B.w Tork. - out with gold, of the monogram In gold C ATTIOJt fee ta- -t Um Trade-Mar- ks on a white medallion. The wax used for rpp-- r. sealing the envelope should be of the AArtro .. te FobtWr f Esamins&oa same color as the paper, but a shade ub'et eneislo. --ne nrBUOa. I.bpare - teOta A or fr"lur.ntors' ent or If darker. Dead ihe wax pepua. white la lighter efmet. tiSXSl fflAiSSU TAJSKai, ft ft , (ua c&: 'Doe a oMeiont often preferred for blue paper. - A box A from Bemten, aea4 eenu of stationery I always of one color ta stamp for .ck.r to DUMAVt H E MIC A L CO., only. A fashionable Frenchwoman 1 Baa as, chouses a tint Jar the season and use AlL IiTajlSb V no other, the wax matching It. Cough hyrupk Tnotto Good. Uto fev dmertwte. ta timn. B AYS OR If ft WAXTsa s -- . v DU 1 U.i mtnu. DuurensmMie TIT SUM t tea. tr. Ca. Haetaa aia iMllaaMt Patents. -- !e a r" g.U.M 4 - J. U- - |