Show 1 dui 1111 ea I Theullo lnb from ttrndttreeett hut t of lnt rft to muuy In this Htcilin lrF K S wad editor uf the Cou 1 i Trade Journal In all adIre burt tho New Yurk Itttall Coil Kxcliau reo ivntl liuutsl 1 tit ronl iinlurtn hi 1 I llrent HriUlii bit year woo IMUOOUUO I lunt nhile Ihe United Muter rinkeJ I Wtunil and iitiiunj third TItl pru duulloii of coal in the Cnilrtt l NUtfli I catch a to jiuice 1 thin country ctwiiil In Ihv rank of coal 1 prodnrrri in the vtur 01 I I III yearly output it upward 1G3Q5itr i I fnttt tin iliaioalareaitttuiiiftiiuir i uillut 011 vshifli U1 I > < iNcJt II In I prorliiil U j I worked nt preht Tim coal nren It I earl i throe thtaa at Inrfe at that of the r 11 f i the world ctiuiUned 1ual of nil grail it iliJu llty li I uuud nitniu the burJn I of Shah ciiuntry frau the tujwrlui an Ihracliu of IcnntylvnnU through tin veal grade of bltuiHiiiuat ami iiun i biluinlnuiit coals 01 that lair the Vir flnlat Ohio Indiana I and Illlnolt tu the IlKiiita eoiili of the wttuin rilun ol i the country The laryeet tlnjle ours of nipply le I tint anthracite district 3 rtnliiyUHulR nhicli tow hat n record of sourly 4UU00 too lont pe r I IIUIIU |