Show 1 CAMP 1llm IKEJCIlES NTEHESTINO STORms OF THU LATC UNPLEASANTNE88 1111 h itimis nol 110 firolA retiongugal Ingersolls US Its ie it rants 1Irst lost 111yellillookofonterliatIlliat 1111ory Itlly 1 I f N THU iiANn ot l 1 sweet flower 4 I I ill where the 111 I mocklnit Mwls I = I 2 911111cf And whlatle so rtj clear all Ihe limit day On tile iMtik of n Iream that How Silently by J siololsopm the form of tile blue still the Sorry Our loved one nave their live the tnlnn to nave The pile IOII ldlhelr own pretlou tilnoxl There tl unnili > have ertwovil oer the bHillit crystal lAnd Pon l-And their Simile now art re tliic wllli Owl They are quietly Bleeping In their low Ion graven That are rnveml wllh Haner fa Kill Ulill the wild bird are Ihrlltlnir their w1 Mute of joy I Oer the form or the hlu arid tiny tin-y UI 1 InaorIIm Poor DurlnK Hubert n Inferwillii rewnl visit tn llemphl Tenn an Incident occurred that Served to remind him of Ilia war expoirlonce After thin leagues he Attended n reception given In hi honor by r ol l and ilra I William It Moore of the guests 1 that were Site wiled to him lw I nirarile1 one with an eve of vague recognition fiurely I have seen you nomewhere before mid the colonel Wa II not about thirty yearn agor asked tile other That Is I lu DAY In Decemlxr INS I have Season to retneml that month ald Col InKerwll It WAR then that I wait captured by the confederate con-federate And wi have L replied the aural t for It was then that I hall the honor of Capturing n rertnln federal colonel l > on I you rememlwr Major tl t V Hum bnut of Ion Torrent nniinmtidr The ciilunel did remember and the two exvrrlor sought A corner and recalled the detail of the event col Ingersoll In command of nn Illinois regiment of cavalry had undertaken to prevent n large force of Torrrtf men from crossing a certain deep stream 1 Leaving the greater part of the command lo destroy A bridge In over P4 all moved up one side of the stream with a few men and n field piece In order or-der to annoy the confederate on the other side before they could reach the bridge Hut Torrest gut lo the bridge crossed II and by superior numbers routed the defender Then hs proceeded pro-ceeded after Ingersoll The union colonel col-onel w as unhorsed while leaping a fence and the enemy led by Major llambnul was on him arm ho could rise Immediately Imme-diately after the capture of Ingerioll Gen Iorrest roda up Wholnconimandot those troop cried Forrest pointing toward the fly Inn Illinois cavalrymen 111 dont know replied Incr > ll Joculsily Who Will In command amended the general youll keep the secret Paid Ingcr soil blandly Ill tell you I wn Col Ingersnll good humor pleased Torres who treated him well and eventually exchanged him After the war KorrVat and Ingeiwll renewed their acquaintance at Washington and became warm friends but the colonel did not meet Major Itambaut until Ilia recent lnlt to Memphis thirty years later lien firsts First l iee The storm of debate In tile national sister of representative In FebruarY HOI that ended In the passage of 11 II Washburnes bill emitting the grade of lieutenantgeneral In the army hai died away and It VH Grant destiny to become general InC tile I of the armle of the Inllcd mate Noah Brook writing front personal recollections of little historical event for the Century give the following graphic sketch of arnnf first appearance In public alter his high official advancement advance-ment It there was any doubt ns to the popularity popu-larity of Grant In Washington anti ha was dlMMwed to regrd Hint city no a place of snares the arrival of the newly created lieutenantgeneral effectually dissipated It lie had been called to the capital and had arrived them lute In the afternoon ot March I 1MI lie went quietly In Wlllurd hotel to get his dinner din-ner At Hint lime he Was a rather slliihtly built man wllh looping houl uses mild hlu else and llcht brown hair with a reddish tinge In hi bristling mustache ll Ie had u shy hut mtnly Imposing wore n khabbv luoklnir mill tary suit ot clutre Rail seemed 1 treMeil when hi van rvcognliml by inn mob uf diner lie I had been discovered 1 them taking hi dinner Just like ordinary ordi-nary mortals and It was noised about that tha hero of Itelmont Donelson and VIcksbiirR wua In the room A slight commotion presently spread from table tu table People l gut Up and craned their neck In anxious endeavor to Pee the iHimlng man Then tamo enthusiastic ndmlrrr mounting a chair Hilled for three cheer for Lieut < en Ornnf They were given wllh u will amid a pounding on the table which made ever thing dance Tor n few minute min-ute there was a cene of wild confu lon In the midst of which Gen Grant looking v > n much astonished ana per haps nnmiyed Soon tu his feel awkwardly awk-wardly rubbed Ill mustache with his napkin bowed and resumed him seat and attempted to resume Tile dinner > he good sense of the cheering patriot pat-riot pravalld I and the general vva a aliened to eat In peace Hut As soon As he had finished his repast and was on Suit was out of the diningroom he wa taken In hand by exClov Mur hed of IVwmjIvunU who note As master bf asorsommilst < II imrojup he nmfa to th llkb If ndinlnr wlu n0 I woul1 dumn upon him This a egbro first lvcv rl II I I I l |