Show t AMIKEI IX AMERICA 1 LORD ROSEDERY IS WELL LIKED MERE JlI fl II M Mile for Him alan In TliU tnuntrj III III 10 0 I ur tou limn 011 Otll llOIKIlKllY Irhap man than nny ther llrltlili I politician I 1 > oIU1 1 lar among Hi American lit han ha-n wide acquaint nnee In thl country coun-try ha Inueled extenelrely In tin United Htatert and hu frequently ex preoted M lncere Imlrntln far American Institution II wa born In I > iidon May 7 un ftn1 I In I dmll Iruin an ancient Sent t lIh family that wan rained to th onetace In INI mill In a iwerage < > t Kcntland In 1TW the nrnt earl having lieen gentleman of the bedchamber I of Prince George of Denmark queen Anne butbnml Hi tooK a prominent ixirt In bringing itliotit I llw union of England anil Bmtland Tlm prenent earl h I nephew of txird Mnhon lira lil lorln won educated at Kton anil at ChrtMchunh Oxford where lie nt tmeled the attention of both Dliroill IIIK Olmlnlone by lit nWHtl and lie niwumed hi till In March IM through the death of hU grandfather lil > falh r having died when he waa 4 vear old Al iton ho hail been captain of the football mm and nt Oxford he hail been n firatbnll ciipialn and nn oaimnnn nml unleM we are mistaken ho once took part In a foot ionn noaunniiY Imll cnmo In tho United mate between n Yale tram nml lurli Kngllsh plaer a roulil lio Rotten together In New York In the houie of lord he prrdlly ur < Iulnll l n reputation an n tpeaker In Ui IIP fcrved on n commlmlon to Inquire In-quire Into Ihe Kcotcli endowment and nil lie prcnldcd over the llrltlili A no elation fnr the Advancement of Science ilellverlnK nn nddrci whkh hnwe lilin to l > o one of the molt progrrnilve inrnil < nt of the lx > trage In ICO Lord Itoebcr took an actlvo part In the political campaign being one of thono who pcnuinded Mr Glad Mime to land for Midlothian It In I tin dernUud that he refused to take oniro once on tho ground that It would look Illir a mward for hla i > er onal ervlce 10 hln lender but from Auguit Itll until June HS3 he wa under ecrelary for the home department Blr William Yrrnon llnrcourt being home tecretnry rrom Iebruary MS until the fall oC the Oladitone mlnlnter the following Junr hf woa lord prly eal nnd flnt commlMloner of work Durlnic Olad tnne admlnlilrnllon of > U montln In IMfl lx > nl Ilo elicr > wai foreign ecre tr > After the ministry went out or inner ho lecamo u member nml the llrit pmldrnt of the Ixmdon rounty rounill He reilRnnl Iho pmldency In Jul > IkW and W81 nuftnd by Hlr John Lubbock but wai rcdcclnl In March IrtS nnd wred for flo inontht In the count council ho wai a pronrtii 11 l and nn rstrcmfly hard worker pre nlJIiif over the oommlttm a wrllaithe count II llnrlf and wlxnlnit Iho irupvc of ftn the moat mhuniii member li > liln tact hli readlniM at rrpartce nnd hl wllllngnfM to undertake drudg rr > When Uhiditone bwnme premie for tin fourth time In Ausuit IM llotebcry reluctantly accepted tho for i Inn te rotar > lilp again und conductei that Important ollHu In hl < own uy riilher than Mr Qladitone Ixird lloitberyii wife who died III 1IW unit the rlcheit helreM In I Knuland Hho wa Hannah tho only I child oC llnrnn Me or de ItolhuchllJ and hni In hvr own right nn Income of KOOOJO a > eir Ixindon nlxiut the time he became pit mli r married Lord llonmcry to ITIiiKm Maude of Will one of the laughtcri of the 1rlnco of nlci lie I 4 i IfIJ ti I 2M 2 Y 1 j 1 I l t Wi PniNCKSS MAUD I li 18 been at varloua timeannounced a engaitecl In the widow of the late Trim 1eopolrt duke of Albany to the daughter of Trine ChrlXInn of BchlH BlcIIoUteln to PrlncMi Victoria J of Vale and In fact to every unmarried prince of the lgnlng family In Him land Tor what ron thl haa been done the friend of the premier who are InterMted til future cannot un tltnitnnd vlnre they iirxue that even were there no oUtacle to ueh a union Ixird Ilhfebery would be about the lait nobleman In Orexit Hrltaln to ptrpe trate to groat a blunder U being noth ing elw when an Knullrh pe r marries R princee of the blood An alliance of hat kind would Involve hi political x > II Inrtlon de > lfn > the great npularlty whlih he IKMWIMKI alike with the IA and the ma would render him an object of nufplilnn and of Jealouiiy to the atlMocrnry and exptwe ilm to the reventment of mo t nf M I wife royal I relative a who would look UI ion him Ra on Intruder nnd be for er In n male of apprlien < Hon le t ha would pmume on the itrenxtri of lil tarrlJK to forget the defereme due I y him an n mere imhlmwii to royaltr or to unurp privilege ami preronalUe hnt Irelonged l > > right of birth to lilfl wife but couM neer be hi The inar uli of Lorne I nn Instance who tin 1 hal to contend not alone with the 111 vlll of the peol but nl o with the lmot Incredible flight and nul to which h IHI ln ubJ teJ by hi wife brother and other relalhe Ixird ltoeelier > U an unequivocal ad ocate of Irlili home rule He hu Mid There the act or un wa a cur e upon Ion It drote It 1 ery author from office of-fice In the full plentllude of hi power In the ery moment of the triumph In puniltiK It Ho nil wnit wrong It haa Rune eer lnce nnd It In one of the I IrawlMck of that lucklee mea uro hnt U left nil the machinery of Inde lendenre when It took awa > I II I Rirm Or nent He had called liomi > > eiii In the light townnl lh recondlln Ion of the two nation He I enough of a radical to favo n rtform of the muec of lord nnd In 1BHI he moved for a committee to Imiulre Into the oeam wherebt the lioune might pro e lIa I eniclenc He found time nmnnx lw dutleH of the foreign office to brlMR alKiut a vetllement of the great col 11 ry utrlke He I n itudent of iwclal nrlenea and of hlftory nnd hn written a Ufa of William Ill Cambridge ha mad him an IU IJ nnd he ha been lord rector of Alierdeen and IMInburR unl enltle At 9S llerkele gquare In the ery henrt of the vent end of Ixjndon hln nobleman ha hi town hou e He Iwlong to the moit rxclutUe club of the llrllluli tnelnipoll llrookc 1 Whllo > nnd the Turf club know him 1 Tho Ileform the HI Jnrne and the lJooii lilrr club claim him 110 n member mem-ber He e en belong to Ilm Marlborough Marlbor-ough club that mug Illlle coterie of the friend of the Irlnce of Wnle conxen rntly rlluateil n few ep from the door of Mnrlborough liouiw o that hU royal hlghne maj liiuc hi domicile within eay reach He hu an Intereitlng fam ll > One of hi daughter he hu two I IX > enr of age HI two ton were born In lt The family name I rrlmrore and a the tweet little prim rove I the nyinbol of the ronicmtllto part profuiely dlipla > rd on Ixird lleuconrleld birthday might lie tup po e < l that ho properly 1loIIK to that party He I the drill carl of Iloxliery The more or le I romantic llurke however ay that the futnlly trace deicent from ono Duncan Irlmrone who WR teated nt Culron In IVrtlnhlre In the reign of Queen Mnry nnd whoe on canon of Wlnilnor died In Kli much nipected Then followed n luccciulon of rrimrour with tho unuil honor Nona of them lionet ap > enr to have betn a man of tho worldly wlndom and ability of Archibald Ihlllp the preient earl and the onl > one of Intereit to American |