Show ELECTRIC SPRKS i DAILY LIST OF HAPPENINGS AND OTMCN NSWS a I 01 HIP ImpnttuM Ultbfinr lh 050k iaarmoi lenin Ifcr lamnt TmicCIOl ito IH ipaOheIrmpa liii 1letm nt rtrrjrtfctr It I I rrlilj ctll eniti VMI if last l Deer ml i dttlmjut M lvui I 400000 hole ut I ornnvt In Futile i Vr trrdaViurtiratlonofthCaiMin lint tiiiiuge > hoMI 1 titan W > OWhull ilaluhcanI I IJeti itirrnwill iii lave to pay II I rremi1 Ul In cn Y r her hose leibg HI tell I I Vail l ct itj k flliu11 5 ol I llHlnll wuo kille1 U Uun l ii nri woi a MI > i hie wile f nriltliiihim lf Mn Iho turn n alil 1 ev cc Ital Kill 0 IIn1 tnUc 1 other oulno > inr lundr1 in the ylpa Wrk state hsnu tenth ry rrtenlat They mirarlfU git 111 attention at Alluny Miinrr l April 15Wf McDonald rilenUe lolMir 1 laitort on Ontario teen w > < nartlt dvtr inl I It nni thIn tuning flie I i w III trarti half mil Ion dollar on w Inch I there It no Inca nee butt KM people xvrr ewplo ed I I hut tuee uliiihun neail ni Hllufnhmu er wmuen 1 hlr ul them Jumd i nni the fwirlli llunr nil I toe at them wilidle i fan Irmulwo April IS Ilwv Joan I jenrrv < lhnin pafiruf Klnannid Itali tl > i lnrih ann again nn the wltnete uuidloilur in the Telliulniiry I examination examina-tion of fheodorv l > urninlcliargt > U with I If murder cut I Mlimla Illtamt I Thedvlente belivtt tlmi It has a mte iKalntl clerginan ami will try lo ttio that he Dmranl killed bulb MlM lllluui fciMMlM Uiiiont iluruv Ai > nl JTIIi Mr Carrie Well was klllwl liy A iralti in St Lvolt I iMiivu Vlilltiikrrebloretl HA litngnl II III Oenwiiv Ark fur mauler Ore thUetrotightat leuon an ° d30 1 OOt worth it 1 IrOlrrlLr nemtrnli Sew Mexlran AtCSKtt U loW fK Luke ilhtr lYinferenreurr announced The Yo > ml Inillnin In fconorj Muxlo arc cuLt tu IM preparing 1 for mi Uirlilnt teparatu rrewlierihlp will hti gh cc limo Colorado Midland by ionwnt ol ih tau U IV IInee i tIny a illirepiiUMo nryro eons hall C < l hay I nlilM api cone nillfi rum f < riiiill M III Jlrs 1 1nrnflli voinlltloii li ooried Hi much liupruvwl I und Dr bhli > Iso lirtat I tam n of her reooicry Ititr mouths in Ifungarjr Mwrll ICutu Vllluviuiiil llulol jrrtilo vitro alinoil ilfHrujtit bv llic reeMU Hood Tliu Uniux xmuunti to tEUOOUOO ISarun Von Iiuriniii rinnn KmlUHa tar II Ugtlilntuii > r nlril Mi Itllfri cl rrrall to t resiuhiut Cleveland lie IIM lieu n trnnifraipil to Con > t ntliio > lc IVuMolntt la April 11TIIo free tllvtr IJtMiiouuti loire determined to I rail n plain rontntlon of bjmrtalllil In thin city early 1 In June Meatmen Ill being taken lo cerium the attendance of Senator Wolcult of Colorado a udol her free shiver men of nitional rejmtatlon to deliver addrewtt Under Wu April M via llawllni fcpditl to Tribune The rlchetlj I ttrlkethut hat Iou iuido during the pan two year occurred hit 1II0rnl1 I 011 till Andenon properly niwr Iewit ton ul depth of ill feet The > eln it I I tneniy feet wide A rtdi Iruk In the vtlM 1 wli run not far from 1000 tor I ton Thrre It I gnat exoltgrnent In lilt I 1101 once tie muse find Mtmphli Vpril 2IIQohl lint won i dleuverrl IIU Itaheigle II uhulb 1111 thIs oily en11 tp eliivtii of dark I I i braWM rock In wklch ouM be wet n I I cllUerlng mineral were brought to thv city for analrtlt The vxamlaulloii hat I i I extendtd tulllrltiitlv far to glvu the 1 aMiiraiioa ol gold being preient In juy I lnc < uanllly and 1 the Ireoneu of 3tati mini tiling e iun mom plainly inaiked There It I nn old 1 ligimd of tIme exlttence of A gold mlno In I Olin neighborhood htre the prrient dltcp ery itos math i MuniJar Airll 7Hlli Crlip Ie I for file oolnngj llllnoli It tolld for nljrei I i A Paadeutn train WAI carte by n girl treedoM knocki oat 11111 McCarthy lens 1 than II minute utJaliciton Jo iSbtrlff II A SmIth uf tu ll n IIr has uiisppeaed lii iltrehanu laHotml Itonk of I It uuii 0 Ua tin lesn3oontI ban > Inincliocit treasury ii l to low con I II 11 tort refute to deliver tuppliet I Mri Jlaao Wllliami who killnl her I ml h Hren lit the lark Hotel Columbui I I tI 110 Iamp IidItteil fr murhrr In I II its Iljrl I I it I eurt0 from all psre nf t i If irnlH I i tritium iantilnlah l riu Ml 1 all liv tntrnUr I uili hamy wie nm aol II 1 i R i tie tiik I in > i liunt I t i i mill < tan nn New iek ririnni h littih that Itop r iMHl a fnml to my Ui 1 InUi Ion Im ti mini thor solarl I in trr William rtrliiNml thv pic I tot lumlf In I JI > iv TlmIR 1 runrc HHI irrinanr I liilfpi I ix hm rt May 11lh lure I Ur I itMl M Cii inm II I W lloucalv Klotn IIKI iinrili > Kir TIIIIIIL afainit llm I inliinl n iiinlr N J hat I otfriol 1 a i H4nl 1 I 41l tic I Inloruiatiun ImlinK to tin l I iiiiXLiiHHi 1 ul ihie tKrron uhi I nnnmmlu I iI lt Iatnrll Inc It mi Mhllrril I n < e hmo ilr I ml I ili II t piuiril Li tin KJTH liiont UnbM ie IIiin mill I Am tu n < I > U IriiMi iiMhin lrlv r W 1 nauiImn i nil l ill Fee cmi I ul 1 o f Imylli I thr nitllli ol V Illlmn Wmiitflii hai bM > n nim i i 1 Pm lrli > tai in Sin nriitln I llnlMi u nip Corhiii Ml lie ini ilt tibia has I thin cIty linl M i < ariiii utn 1 Iclam I It nrlnMNl port xlilrli cung im IHIIIII itnil 1 piuttiinn mvlpi < ileluweai lhiriiivii ioio April 77 nil IhemMiHl 1 of thin trail fmni this Ital list niglit Shrrlft OVate rmtr < l two pii I ° rnirrr uP II pri < gitr ae ilium M alit IMna lmrin 14 nr I IS c4i iigvtl with Hulling rom Canyon < ilr Edna Jiihn > lin ha RII frjilnc almo1 ronttmiiU fhv call Ih nonhl lIke to Ci hunir Chit ilmuM tlir inrftlti will her rclii > M lloili lUll < taken tact k to Caujrun IMty Cheyrnnf Wyo April 27tuecIat l ti Tribune Orpoml 1 Henry III lh I Coin mm Uluhtli Infantry tUtlopeu III I Iutl llniiell roinuilttiil tueiile Phil aflrrnwin bvtlinotliiililmpill nltli t Clue regulation army rifle JIll plarril the Ifiin nn the crouiKl and pullol the trip gem with the ramrul Tlm hall enlcrn the lower tart of lilt jaw J and lope 11111 lit the Input nil head killing him In lUnlly Jhlly couinulii ncunted liln tit belag A itlertlpleof Oea Ulldc Thin Tr j l I II n 1111 J II I 1 ltiuIutIpPl 1 1011 Aced WhUo heir to IIOJJUOJ vi nt I trarnl to hlr graCe In Vaililnctun The stale Drpnrtmcnt In oIWUIIy Jrltfl that the Itritltli Hag li I over Cortina mn hundred doathi nro rrprnlet from the ilykn illtattcr at Knplnal 11111 The dull html unity lull tour l from the Union 1arllic and liulld u nt i to thi lIuIII1 lon The Urlroit Trlliuni fnviirt n d IUI half of gold end half of titter at a ratio lUlun to OIK Alplionie CuUIrr Jr nf IlilUilelpln tea annlfd ant 1 eIIIIII1111 lo renfvM for It murder oomiuliud ilxti < eii yearn no T ini tny 111 3110 Mr Mary I1 fcUiiki friend < if lie CilUorniii pionveri U trait Tnycrs proH lllun for a loC lo-C iar City II l rejected by San i lIIxo l The Oiriitlaa lindmror Molttlvn ak batolll unfrock Father Ill flan of St Ixuli Corhett nil < ecund OIonn In III light teitli I hilruin ut New tort on Mas oih 1 i i tIll I ii 1 rrd1 to till Tiwet frum Umhluctoli tayi Seuotcr Vert hat dlipalehed 8UU ImUri to Item rain County cominitteei are reiUMl il I Ii I ask ibm llemoi relic Htatu Con Ira I C ninltti1 toiiil A tru I lIve tonvtn tiin onil on thin rvluial of the Hale1 I I e II tl pa itiO c iou I n up Join the ualt ft n TI ij 11 ui II I Ilil rr entullrc Hill Ut I night Ih I u lull rlinncc TIme ainl It Iruiil 1 inretar 1101 I t hurt tile i rilereil lilp lopiotf t Aincrlriin Inlenrlp on IKII > nwrtiuf MrarnKiiii iiratce Jonri linllllrnl Indian h nan a I hot bv lynrluit fur Mtiltlng Mn 1 tllaiHTV at llciinnmit Ten The rlu I oimtl n ltlwln Von liar letvniiiHl Dtriikliurn wan drrUrrd n ilitw afli r lillyelcht raniulv Hwy eif Ohm faron Mint raid utrrr IlIrhe tlionmnd ilollarn worth of I gulch amataiii I iintflnctlon nniki IfeoiTo W llUtine bee teem 5IuttPIitt rwher lor I the t lo I irjdo Midland itlllrli is i seluaeateh I l frum I the Kunla t I s sian 1 Seimtrr ViKirliro ytMrnlai rail a o tHat t-Hat for dli i r ai li la I ami 1 Mid the illation ill-ation ul I the nil irl < rieuilrl ll upon II pit p-it I MiU April IA I torIch t Uc irpntill Iriin liirla Tn > Tu uepmtn 1 lli In I in illverllri I In I Tpu will Unr their nlainntliHi mlllnx uii lithe llviiiMrai if their I Itltli In rallr 10 tlir mpport ol thin 111 In I theory Ki Conrn iHan lte 1I I Chum nutlior nt lu > pr > iclainatlnii Mhlrlt It I wry lengthy ltrr hair liMn reelted frnm alt lhtie to whiim < liieriHir Illikardt eel hltiuinmmiiial I u wild r ganl ui Urn Hiker tonferemr at Hal hake next month riir t alot iteraumeiutpa I vrni t iitii I tin itlgie xcrptlon ot Wahlnglon hit Joined emihutnlnollelly III the movement lint iuverpuur He lian of lIe 1 ute deiliiivi to iippoink deleeIv llurlaliiit In be II liimul II 11 but It not In f cram III the I rioiiiage oillrr nnlett llm l I p International oonfrreih Wnihlnjicn iller men hOle will I repret < nted at Halt take In uplte of the Unvcrnorr acitoir Iletrott Aril Anrll IW AnivUnt It lIon tcCabe 1ln ytiurdnv I refilled I In Un death of IcIer MrUlendon a miner Detuned wllh a rniupinloa to l go from the MO fool level to tha top 01110 hall In a ego nnd 1 for I holilng ore At tha 300foot level he fotk A third mau on and In pulling tin bell card 1IIIKllat lie nmugbuirshr lo n > IitUie dige the irlre rope broke AllQut It 1 tI l l II 11 II IMJ hjif1trrrrni I him lo I full duty teat Ul III bntUnt uf Cl lIe elicit Deatli win Initnnuntoui lila toct helot brokiin lilt two com paiilunt ciraJ iinlnjiirej w rlnrl Inn Alrll lt The Dnrmnteilduiiee Ir l nil lii UionrU Ihle denlt t nil rhurgtt Three hundiril llalllaiore coil mature have ttruk JUUM Xonnj killed hit nlfuand Inm itltnl llulcrUllo hit ThitoiMlltloiiofUeprekeiitatKo Hilt Ic I tllKllly liuprortd t iilghi Nicuermguu atfinllrllalnnroinproraiie ne hutch will not W conillnil U F C llougliion of Clnjtune WM arreite l on a charge of tteitllng HOOO One hundred muoaililneri have bt 011 rapturnl and lmprlion l at Charltiton 1 V Va Txo clilldrun of Stanford Klmley cnn burned tu dcnlli III i the family I homu near Atchliun Kan Major I Walitman the rtllknuwu Q miau explorer hat been appointed domnorof Oormiin Hash Africa A Ore It raging In the viooli on Ohio llnir uullioIlUr boo Wli auI con ildf rublu praperl hn been dettrnjrej Jnpant ilollane of tInt Kuiilan alll once It I snot with nn oatlnoui gathirini uf foreign teitrehilpa In her purtt Tom JInlMl tan of builn tiritlr ifeiul of Montana wai arrem < l her l put 11111 I forged obNki vii a llultu bank Loot William Wrttford murrie I the Dowrgtr Huehii nf I Mirlt rniKli for intrly Mn I llnuinnrlv ol Nato yok At lirmkfnktr 1rtab tiny lire liouei wern burned eluhty fumlllti were rmitlvrel liom l M and three elm I tont ptrltlied Manyirarepoited tail Ing a ipeclul grand Jury It Invntlgatlnic thechaixe that the Taylor brnthtn Jury Gdrrollto Mo wu bribed la f allliult Aruhle Drown w > n of Ijinernnr Drown of Knntucky it aurprltml 1 III nn evil liouie with Mn Kulton iordon and both are klllwl by Gordon I fE Inn light grow Ing I out of i feud 1 be I tweet ofumlllet nt Nnirberna Tenn cIt c-It W Tow ntoiid and lilt Miii and 1 Abb and John Killgham were killcut I I C i The Supreme Court of Mlitmrl hit 1 ruled l that the Kanuim t City grand jury cannot examine iiillil I bnxri III hives liii lleaUnc Inn N VI inutri election fraudt l Soil tdrevil on trial nt Tort Hntt Kan elllll11 wit the murder of hit father Stewart lrevll nu fgund not guilty The jur wu out IMT hutir und took bat Ino lutlloli i Ii |