Show t MOONSHINE WHISKY AND THE INTnnBSTINO P8OPLC WHO MAKE IT mina ill of Ihe ltrgnl lnr In llforgU t Krrrrt Orgnlriillon Tltat Itos C ii rl a llflgn of Terrorlarlre l In term l Hie MIMIrniin I I The mot Interesting class of leI le-I In part of the iwiith connned nlmot i exclusively to the mountain of Virginia 1 the Carolina ginia Kentucky Tennec Caow lina and Oeorgla are the moon shiner who em to < rlve their namo from manufacturing whliky by the tight of the moon or I pine torch TliU moonshine whisky may not have tho flavor and fire of porno of thin favorite favor-ite broods of legal manufacturers but certainly n great deal of II la very fine nnd shows that the dlitlllere In a small way horn learned something loco the war At Iho rinse of the war Iho nv ertge moonshine whlak was such onto on-to mao tho strongest ttomach quako nod tho toughest throat to burn not to upenlt of the alrnngo after effects upon the bruin In icvernl secluded I and decidedly y t na cidedly hidden parts of the mountains moonshine dlillllerlM havo been In operation op-eration ever shorn the making of corn whliky was forbidden by law nt tho done ot tho war I It I from them old wellectabllshed stills undiscovered pet by the revenue ofilrert that tho boat article comet A few months ego broken ono of these old dlttlllerle wa up on thou 11 UM river In Illchntond county Virginia where It hud been In secret operation for thirty care Some of the samples of whisky found In the placo were pronounced by expert to bo par excellent There It I I secret understanding among the moonshiners by which Ihey Inform each other ot Ilhn presence of the revenue officers and to watchful are they that It It I very difficult to capture them In tho In terlor counties of Georgia It It I reported report-ed for making or telling moonshlna partly revived tho old > u Klux Klntl by forming an oathbound organization organiza-tion lo protect tho Interests of tho Illicit licit dlstllleri It was first known ns the llqtior Dealers union but more recently It haa adopted lIon name of the Kegulator Originally It was formed to protect Us members from the rev moue officers nnd to furnish bonds In all cases whcro I member wag arrested arrest-ed for making or selling moonshine whisky The organization spread and Increased rapidly and with Its I growth new functions were considered norms luuy I look Uie law Into Its own hands In many Instances Not only moonshiner but farmers men of 111 repute amt all classes joined the modern mod-ern KuKlux Tho local feuds were taken up by tho organization and Bet tied In very summary ways Men and even women nave been taken out of tholr beds at night time and whipped nearly to death while several deliberate deliber-ate murders of men obnoxious to the Regulators have occurred within the lot year or two livery member thai betrajs the secret of the organization docs to under penalty ot death In most cases the arrcits made In tho south for violating the whisky law I nro among those who aro trlng to sell tho Illicit liquor rather than the manufacturers manu-facturers I Is I much easier to find out who Is selling thin moonshlno whisky I than lol hunt up the secret stills 1 among tho mountains BIO ot tho courts aro crowded with these cotes for a good part of tho year When tho genuine gen-uine moonshiner himself Is arrested ho cither furntihc ball or j oes to Jail and as noon at ho It released ho returns to hit enroll homo and starts up the still again I Is almost Impossible > 10 to malo many ot thcso illiterate moonshlncrj regard It a an offense to brew Illicit whisky and It Is I this moral turpltudo that makes It such a prevalent crime among them In nearly all cases the moonshiners aro white peopjo and It It extremely rare to find a colored man engaged In Ibo business The iron character and Illltcrntenett of this class ot people hnvo been interestingly I In-terestingly described In the booth of Charles Hubert Craddock Very few of them can read or vvrlto and their knowledge of tho outside world It I very limited Originally their ancestors squatted on tho small patches of fertile fer-tile soil among tho mountains to make I bare living for tho rich alluvial grounds on all tho bottoms were taken by tho wealthy planters Tho moon shiners of today Ilvo almost the simo at tholr ancrators cultivating small patches of guber peat peanuts I I imall ragged corn field I fair orchard with a tow pigs dog and a cow running run-ning around half wild Their ancestors ances-tors Indo all tho whisky and brandy they used out of their surplus crop and the ptttcnt occupant of the toll do tho Imo selling It whenever they can snit a purchaser Ihe Illicit distilling I dis-tilling It I In most cases carried on In a small way liven the ordinary coffeepot coffee-pot has been used for care 0 Ibo worm I Tho moonshiners aro immllj very poor and are often put to considerable I I trouble to mako both ends meet when their crops fro poor but they are not i beggars Thoy will go ragged barefoot bare-foot and hungry before over appl > lng I for charity In a sense they feel that they are shut off from tlio tacitly of tho outer world HID society of tho villages l I and chine They only tome to the Ut I tcr to tell whisky on tho ely I to tI pub chuso goods or as prisoner j |