Show Its All III wind that blown nobody any good as California has j list ilia covered The failure of the oraniin crop In Ilorlda hu given the grow era of that fruit nmund UK Angelm an < > p > orlun llyof nelllng their product at an tin uunlly high pik Then the urrlly of olive In the out created n large demand on the ollvo garden In Sit same section And now on cage famine In New I York i I been averted by the hipping of live tirload of egg from the Ia rino pino When fruit and farm Prod lire nan tw lrani < orlrd Much u gnat dl > tanc Load delivered In good mndlllHi the trallle to I likely lo Is ronUnuMl nnd the lis01110 of tioulhern rullfornla will Bad It 4 more prolUnbU limk lima the engineering of lund buom |