Show NEW CAULNET LADY MRS WILLIAM L WILSON AN I UNOSTENTATIOUS WOMAN ll Mnth llelntnl In Her 1Ibn tint liof 1 < t h r lor IAI tiinellnnt Tlirr Are fnor nilI Mill NuI to IVuniimlie 118 W U Wll eon the latest addition 1 ad-dition to the InJIe P nf the ctiMnel l I mid in I one of the mUll reining I women In wnohl f Ington Ho < U > I1 I I 6 > hr III llmt mlr I who I Yfl of the women i I V have b lentil In ofllelul llf do her not even know by eight In fact there la nothing rr the wlC ° r markaMe alout Oil for of Ule the new pwtma lrr seneral ha year lived both nummer nnd winter at Ihv family home ni Charlwtown W Va To U eiire thl la I only a two hour tide frum the rapllnl but that hna Iwen ufflilrnt to keep Mr 110011 from any but the rarwl p > er nc III Wanhlngton pwletj Aalde from her naiurallr domecllc ante Mr Wllnon a delicate henlth and he youth of her children hae ton Plred keep her away front the oapl 11 even while congreea wa In iwel Inn Ho dletaXeful ho flu 1 found the gay fe there that ehe never Roe to I Wn h nitton for more than n week or at the outnlde n month nl a time When here lie rrmnln nt the houe nf rel alive or with her father nnd cnn nrelv be lured out to more than n reception re-ception nnd even llmt ho attend only 10 gratify her hunband Ho Illllr known li I ho that when ime iipiwared nt nn nflernoon reception glen b > Mr Tnmiey of 11url wife of Mr llmm cloie n l lant cm he vvn > > nnd meun committee gnnl drmocrallr women hurrleil to get n gllmpe of her to nee what the tariff hili makeiM wU < looked I lilt They ound n lemler woman of medium telght drrewd In bbirk nnd wrnrlrie her dark hnlr wnvr1 nlmut Ihe temple tem-ple Hhe hn very bright dark r > e < n cordial unlle la I qulrlly > eUpn e ed and not only I blerted with a atn > n of Ilm humorou hut among ler friend can give e llrHlon In It Mr WIIon I n daughter of Prof Welllnc prrtldent of Columbian unl cnlty While her children of whom there are four were > oung Mr Wll on u ed part nf her tlrne nt Chnrle town In looking after their education henelf One of the oni I wellknown to every congrriimon aI he hoo been with hi father at thu capital The elder eld-er daughter whl U 17 year old li I at a young ladle nchool In Virginia and Hetty the youngeit ngcd II I with her mother At the Charleitown home Mr U 11 ton lend a iulet life nulled to her lul Kho ad a IIral Iml look I after tho poor In tho neighborhood nnd I a devout churchwoman Mr Wllion I nble to reach hli family with a ahort railroad ride nnd flndi complete ret there for Mr WlUon aa lie ran find plenty of people to worry him nliout politic o when ho come Into tho home we never dlKUu politic I prefer other ubjecl > and he hear enough of It outtlde Idle In Ihe iprlng a e r ago Mr VIInn went to tho capital to taro for her hUFband health and until he could leave Watilpgon Mr Wllion endured great nnnlet natchlng her huiband atmoit throwing hi lire away over the tariff bill They ipcnt part of tho nummfr In Mexico where Mr Wll non nuried htr husbnnd buck to health When he tailed for Hurope rho re turnnl to the country home She ha been In Washington the pait winter more than for > ear prevloutly but hne for ev ral > enon remained In neclu lon Hho would have hn Very khid pernonally to have n her huiband out of unlltlcal aenlce for a time and Mr Wlbon li I not looklnic at the > oil tlon niid dutlc of a cabinet woman with any pleaiur or even grntinca I tlon tlonThe WIlMn are not rich and In accord ac-cord with Mil WllnoiiN Irons dlnllke to entering xiclety the new pontmanttr I genenil houiehold will not make any attempt nt naltty It will not be decided de-cided for dome month aI to whither they will tike a houte or rcilde nt omu hotel 1 It Mr Wllion health continue to Improve during the lummer u It ha aurli g the lant Ria month the will bit b-it > ic to gti through with the moit 1m t > rl nt KUI dutle that fall to the lot f a cabinet woman Mllfl W LWILHON |