Show llrrriy IHU Tommy Ulngo Hliler had her yount man mil la pee her loft nlghl nnd I I wua peeping through the keyhole look lug ut them when ma came alung and lopiwl me Willie HII 11 = Whl I did oho dot Tummy IhIII 1 took 1 look What Is I tie correct form for Ihe the opening mono of Pnlnl n marriage llcenn when un lolreea capture on I linpoverUhnl nobleman he ak > > d I give It up she rtplled KIIOH all I men by then oeooeh pranenl 1 f > oii my your father was wound In the wurr1 ibid 111 Wee be hut In the luuk4T Nu sir In tuintnltk the 11I1I11Ik ifnveNIb you Ihlnk there I nny I lance of Ihe iletMtlved calchlng thu burglar who look Into lour houir tuateboNu lout much The nnlj hlla u allot olio llatcrlyPhut to I Ill Auitni The burglar left I be hlml him I photoiirnpli of hlmur wlih hi name and iiililraM on It New llaporter At lift I bar written I that the eilltor ten rouutlhlng hi ao apte01 1 Irlrnd What that NW Ittporlrr My rftlKnallon HhnCan ono meUe 1 a hock throunh Ihe tcleplioner ibemt that depend upon who at the other end |