Show THE COUNTY NEWS OA7HSBED BY OUR ALURT CON RESPONDENTS t It Ilcat of the M > rl t > Penn iotI EC 1n I aOontI Ilr Tlm lltprrrnltltr II ir t mil lo I thr AlnKt IllM II M KptTT of Park City It tiN doll do-ll I p foier woton work for J A Murchnnt J C lUond o < lltmi nie Wil rr rooD U I hi IVax nml 111 reentn AI tow I ntItt will hi mother Mrr I J Iliiiiiy IloU U EMr Iet Iarl City bar 1ii tint I r nil Mflclnl bn hm till MIC k Mr hturx hll t net tnktm the inntittcf Hilt Nninel Ilnr4en track tottering l Wilt wItIa null ptovlikd hovrWW that sudvntt haven liiaw Int1i hi l torni lean > up May IMj nan aQoimt tIlt young folk < > iijomnl but tie mlii xlll Ulolnnr ndvnntaire in that vegetation will be nil th It the lor the Utotiiii5 kttiinnti they mn tIck another to lar f thck Mn italic hlinlJ Houwly wvW ID lrlsiits nUll f tn ttrekr no on a ri < iit tu frlenAt and luatleml lo MIIOU kninn > In I Clint 1 part uf Ih itoiinlry The xeirttemaii u > wtito lnK honm abut Mat huh I Mm V lllii > a AMuH little 10 Hall 11111001107 1 on edntida 1 > of thin vieik to make a 0 Wt loliw fntlur i > unin C fif uf I nth eitlOHttood wIn In tiHeiing Iron n wvore rlikneo Ula JVIIHU Ithnr Maxnull II M lllfjwnl ait4 Malnb Maxvivll intent i in Vaiwlili urtdiiy taairi l tie ii ev cutlet ijuarterly ronfrrrnrt They rr itt l that tiny had u very niaet4e time The fRHft hero haH nboutull Clot triiln MIVUU thiMi In i ptut Iota lole > ovn nhlcb Hill M tKl up that portion ol tlie prinr wrkJn that dli rlun by IhiMnd oftlilt orllie mlildl net tcxl iIeiO The rain npd tnew norm IJM iKfan r on IIIt1tul ttreknnd Itctthlt utltlnf llU iMMidag loot Iou doixi I and 1 nitld iinlold SV ool to tirm nn1 r I oI yIi1ft1 fnruierln tiMHftHriwl IntOMiilUsi Jjruu Jllld dern I The IVu I vjalU Iberia CniulAlr npiiloii Oura > an ban Ivvleil an atm > 1III1 lot III menlo ult nInti attire crfpnli up itoi k fur he purpMt ut cleanlni unit repirini tbacmial Vurk itll turgiui on 1Iohay I inorninii at S otlork ibnrp Muy Oil Tlw ov it meeting lo eom iunw wurk will Ivtl teach gaUol 0311 l rniial I llii > lne iv l wmeulmt brighter than ulmtlt han bats l In tlie pail 11111 ode biminett wen tire lauklnir fnrnard tom I nor raw in Hale I ami I trade Hut with the kit piieo atfarin product lie I farmer lutllll I left ttlth that tlrut l feeling uf hard tlm < Hi although thu prbipecli 1 are now looking tounrdt titter irlcet tar I Mi urmluili i For II filial anti nmllrhut too Itirt by joting bnallumi Iewti ft I head nni rhiiitlileriiil RUI oilier plaru In the i xmiii No one ban any ohjewloni to I the yomji felUmn balngn goixl 1 time but they ito protuit agaInst thu diHlrnr huh and l iinneroMary exlII thut they urufoiewl tu iinal hay l thin tliirwlntlun nf his youtttg tallow who roam tin rreett ill night only to are uhit und do what they inn to annoy their netglilori II u top 11 I not put to their action niiiiwiiiv U Imiiml to get hurt Duncan t V Marrhant Muni to I ball take Ihli tt uk It 111 VitK IIIILKIUIIT W 1 Ironn it laid up with a pranic ankitf Mr and Mr Itobort fclililonay HIII Kin Itobert with to bait Lake ity on 1rldi of Itt wuek Uur runt tnper > lH > r lint lot n novi bridge In at tlm month of ThreoMlle ranjnn ulilch wen much nutdid Mr Henry IjHimont nml ron Ihivld mailn u trip to Hull tkn l Oily on toil lIon IIIt nick and returned on bnlnr day tact The ltook > ort Irrigation CumpAti held a mretlng Monday April lAHb for the pnrporu III f procuring staler I for Irrigation tune on Tuendny tlm water I nime tom < vl oe Mr Alfred nnd Mlti Katie feeuuioni wont to spring Hollow on Monday a nuriirlie tort given 1 to Win Chaiipel I Jr in honor uf tiln Slit birthday Mitt CIa llwrtln returned MooUis from LoalUlle where the had an nine < tlon preformed on a urge abceat on her neck uy I > r llomnei Mu In > getting along nicely Mr 1 EI Cue thor it tire Oil II tow dyui omit tO 11 a look over thehlllt j 1101 karen Iuay WtJiitlday for 8M11 I r tmnhti Cliv bit fft < It to rrtwi elinrth I teitti A view III fnfier heesiplind hU mnifij pnHMjn her Mr Hllltaet IJ Brave anti Ml I < i Strati I C I iilbtomi MeM itnltr In tin hotly 1 bond ol matrimony on Wednesday I April 24th The ree mony wa ver 1 lonned be Blthnp Al woil of Kms t hinge I > mantcr ol rotation ami trfeml I uirenrnt Tluoyiptmo u inane III II vittaawg wblili MM welt ettsstd MXSMIIr Iktbert tetnlseg I table l la nlionl m The tain toes ha iron ajprat htett tajin ttif firwrr I Robert ynewc returned tn the SOtli fane bl trip to ChUwgo l Th fk ban Mil iviteilrlns tn nt rMry night 4111 ur L ttortng for their euiaesrten Frlila Vht I Mr VN hilr thx rept < eentatl ef the i I firm of < irrroft A ionn Ogden stopped > t he tVanhstn lluatM Wedneo day Tho Manthtp 1I0aoof it I open4 NH > ln 1 I nndir the viaimfvniMit of I Ivier Jetinm who will cater tn rite want uf the puhlie There an n tug 4 war mutch Intro I May lt among thte men mid tny l 0 ol ttuta pUM 1 hkh won qUilt inierr imv III in Ito Theiewai aim 1 a rolling match hntwrvn a wine m tvereaand l mItt I niw Ibtt team vm I The ijaartelynn Irrrnreof tUrtwenlv wood iinornm at evihtnn tea held her Sunday April lath All the I ireelilcnt were pletent Held n ilr a nnmLmrof invinWr Kdward 1 Hteen MII of Sail LakeOn one < if the tlnl leTter prtildentt me Oeeitli ami II4Ih1 the imtlnc und 1 gust t ocr lib dlxvurie Utuu It I the matter with the telephone llw the enltemvnt died oat ilotvrt eungand litooKl Jlirnu wat Miolnl > d M n eomndtlett ken to act in the Intern nf the ame lit l Tile TIKII rut the d tam tier a meet liiLol all chat are Intirwtid in the aMlterand let arh town p MIH 1 a rom atttre to reprertiitthtin In taid meeting meet-ing It toiiiHthlng Iw done at oiuc fTc Tint will make every effart la bring ul utucbn mertlng an4weuld tiketahoohr rom tgayl P II Ihetlvrr n etaiaolJIbI9T imnunef ° mn vrnlrol time for them and at which ilace lintnedlatu attentlmi lieethui tie ilIlo thin eo Tin TIUM ran make the 4iimMnmment in tin lIst Irene I J iiutT itII llnr dittrlet Mbtwl toted on Monday morning llateille > ir Inhl dIn d-In n dnnre burn on Vdnotday night The mtcant ropiou raint are worth hundred of dollar to our farming maui inunltlr on the river Ill I Imlrrxi A blvrtlng II appreelnteil Sulrrelt by the tliuuiand getting really I far the barrt All look hungry Iolton ihould In piirchnteil b une In each town in wliolttMln lull that tlio farmrrt lacy gal It at minted rale Mr Alum hnrgvnt ulio iienjtiipauliMl Hclxr I I hUllliutunn I trip > lx luuntbt I tl ago to ilhern Arltomi nnd Mcilro mm IlIrll1 Oil HiuJjy tact nnd n noled lilmwlf an euolng the trip Ilr i brought litton flinii tillii iitiif unrlent lib tt ry etc lie ban travolud shout 1600 tulle A iioniileiw UIrlH out glvtli Mr rrnnk lllnin hit bit rcliuol on hllal night They hued all gatlinre1 11 tacit at lht > iiieellnghouH and lemalned In the dark While he tuna 1 ° sang with n friend he teas aiked to call In with him for M book Juit in lie entrred lie thought hUN wai mire y liaunled The tent uionienl hue wan tniroundwl by thft holt nlthln The evenIng I 1 potted off w lib a like program nf tonga I rca llngi and recitation by the wliuul i i i and after thonlng thai ret > rvt and en 1 I MIIII for tbeir Wocher by iretoiitlng I him II large book ihoy wiled the remainder re-mainder of the DVenlngby dnnclns ti I tha tluliit of Mr I Ovorga argcntii violin 111111 Jonipk llovr formerly uf Upton Imi fUll retnrneil after nn nbiem of twenty rart und AO wac nol heunl from during that pirlol It 111111 great tnrpriie tn lilt toothier William itiul Ainlli and lilt former friend i Wllllnii Ullllboiiiniui 1 lieurge Morby oCotil > llIe visited Upton on feiindny hat In the Inlerett of the Ildfn jnnriim They were thin tpeakeri nt the uftornoun terrlcei I their UbjNt Ui rig tin diitiei f tlie prUilh < H > r nnd tn ier > p iull ilu f th elJcrvanil M in I r il I i ping rite it 11 The Itab Mirror Company gar an rntertainiiiiiiit in the iHhuolhciuM n fen lii i hti agu nil vihlih ocratlon vlewi on i tmutiif f the early Iyu utftah were hown ID u V ri Ij li iing nuniibr IKotrftaUeamciig tliein wro the run nc of tbf Mi an t tu nA Krt pl t by II hf H i linrer < hHnaiil veer ntl ra liontrain the eitrrintc of JClII tm iirinr Into oat tjile ilteb I Jallumi belt Lake IVBinl w kli gao R ateikiug onreilel tb ffQ at I leTnehit II N itottry shOt 1 J xpli Hand 101 I I tpton htv trmriKd frotn it iimnlv vlirrethet liner lit m 1t ing I too Ih tart llirre okt TIny II I eijrttAj n nirn blorr JiiHn tho htw pfiee ji > l < l < mld not J11 tn ht ttayinv tosr eiiti 1 ef aud I < 01 ihim > eltrf ItlO the f < rltem a rrtortird lo 1Ii homer TbrilinLollhc teaitoiU btouel I alt mi risvaun or alitnl 011011 I II 11 It hIT tIlIht I Mitt Uvma fattrU and MW vui Bund tiny end Imn UN tIe ettk nt 1 04aDf the oomIi 1 THK Tim In i anxlmnly 1 r Ii I 1111 here I nnd 11 U lnuooning 1 11 1 ular a time 1 adrancei Oh tie rain the attitIriuu I How li make mail rejek there in II I t-here ami 1 gueohtdeesqGtO lIlllalU II Mr I lluliert V Empties hat II I loaier I etlai hiuenl to t bit 18m sad u 101 harvard timer hi Iw JL Ht < ten lenrv la rettlrnunt 1 Our how hIavoth I Martial Cltyitew a trained ba eillat Mntgun ilitlnatue day bat wcreapiln defeated1 ran They day Nortn Moreno at I her till Saturday Itny llIdIt A lange fare liae be unl carat I data working Mil the dltlh 01 Ole watir winhl lame len turned If befoie thin If i the rain had lilt com lupt i tone t-one gr inblet aUnil It Mxep rhearlng hat vWHMfAlI at the brpliuii Kirral but liai UtBtlfla ed li h IIIe ilormr If tlwy lntnjMhUn thu Hifiiinjt ulll have totnr dlrron nued tlllafler lambing Jawet Tow lee tmct a nice umre on the ht 01 May Ilu droto ll to Scho tlie day previous and alitmnl lyjlo drink when he icivrnrd It was tilot tick Imiiiwlktely after ant dltil tTTu follow I lligda f l TIotI tenon ueilillng damn lereo Maudty night iilcn I lii utgiori 11 llhe I ovenl ol t tktfltoUjnfWilUVoTSfr Joh Jnnea to Mli Clara Tote and Mr I Cliarltt Toono lu Mitt Claia Jnnei A ery riijojahlu tlmonat hud and their I frlriidi Juln inwltbltii them Joy ati1 kappliiMtln weildedllfe On sindny taut ihe Y MtI I livid lit rifting tettlon for thu ICIMM UItln > i John IakcH gaethr > 0111111 men the privilege uf nilng the time In I thin almrnooii and an Inlerritlny pro IIntlll Ma tendered to n large andlenr frnm n the evening the uung folki met Its I conjoint Mtttlon Tlm program tlm ova givno uvauhI prove to all that iigoui teork hat 1 tee I actuiupllihed the tilt teuron by thin meaitwrt of tIe AlfUCl tlone Ihe otnnri und 11111 conmnt ham done their duty It It I luelnte lion of the yuang ladle to rontlim thrr m > tliiKt 0 iilriiliiyuenlnm The young men time uJjuurned tM untO October MAIIUVTIll A mionntotni of wriml lioun dura lulled nn on Tueeday bumuel Itrbrr nrrhed luro tuuruuug the Mtt cOok with liU lierdi Mu JS 1 Halt but been tick to tevcral I disc bntlt now Improving The Hopkln itote lUll again oiitnvi up fur their uiutomary tprlng hiitlnet Ilr llocker of livatulan Wyo wuea liiid en Wulnetday on u prafettioiia otlt lo Mn CblldH Un C U Swobe of Salt Uko It h her t lay Ing nlth her tnnlber Mn Child who Is I very III Ullllaii fllvlr our uljlit operator baa Iwvu mured lo Kclu Hit pluie II tilled by Louts Korner of Melt take itt utautsrujuoih that William 111111I nnd family uf Cocilvllle lire lo laovu UI hero thli week and make their home on their Yellow click nun It nv father Cnibiiahau of Ogden yae here on 1rlday admlnliterlng the rile of the Catholic ihurchto hIm Child ulm 111111 critical condition Houd bupervltnr IM I I llunn uf 1 cho nan IIITU looking over the rood on Oat urduy Mr I Marie rep < Jrt1I bard tlm liuolliMiin rond tin from tIme ttitui mm nirtTIme The copIous ralnt of tlm pant few day have been good unit only fr the rang which time been greatly benefited limit I alto for the meiijtnf for our creek acre alitwdy getting rather low i UiUol our uldUmtiauiiimerreililent i lh th eimen are again with nt hInt of Ib1II reiort having had an unuttully good winter n iheineep rutigui Their I I theepgeiiimlly are in extra condition I I I A man annHtrlng Iho detcrlpllon at I yeung lIaef turporlrd nf I the 1ellrut 1olnt inurdrrt offenxl to till n horm III DIIII lie laid hecdiaofrom ttiiulu tel had a lejin and wagon Under Vyo via lUullni Wyo A Airll laSleciai toTrlbuno Captuh 1111 Nlckerrtn dltouvered tbli 11I011I 1 lilt a UKly at f oil lloitlng up throiuli the ttmtr of Ilia I lll < Iopaglo rlvnr a fuw ret ahuite I thin Main unit bridge I In thin city The oil In lit upwani patwge throng the water accoiuptnled by gas The hiurtt Itoit lug wills are ulm mile fron here and thIs 0111 U believed to be frou iou nice limin Chetemie Vyo Apill MTh Trab mitt Conuuerilal ConiKUiy of IKramlr made nn uttlgnment latt evening tu O Cruuirlne The firm ha been otieof the largeat luinunlllu IIOUKI III tao state but viaierlouilyerlppl lbi a ftratlx Iheeke ogu by which u Ion of 175000 uat tuflried on III real citato and tlmk oll rn tnerehatuliie Tke llahllltlci if the Ilrm ate itpproxlmalely 7111100 with atieit available and nonatallnblo tlOOOUO I |