Show t ENGLISH RAILROAD CARS 0 er lea ides It 11101 1be In I TrI onlrurllfr Aa much as twenty years ago Pullman Pull-man cars were Introduced Into ling land and hno been run on a few trains on one or two roads ever since but they hat 0 never been popular and have been used mainly by American and other foreigners The Hngllth people peo-ple prefer the single compartment and I will pay much morn lo havo one com i prriment rescrtcd for two or three persons than for seat In n parlor car with all Its comforts of freedom of movement and privilege of smoking and reading rooms The now corridor car retain Ito sertuslvo feature of tho compirtment Iullman dining nnd sleeping car hnvo also been tried but with Indifferent BIICCCM so far as tliu Kngllih travelers arc concerned The wholesale herding together Is I Iho objection One company had n number of ihtrdclOM car built on the American I Ameri-can model but even Iho third class pat cctigtn wouldnt ride In them and they had lo In reconstructed Tho corridor couched differ slightly In constructIon ou dlfferfiit railways They are only used yet on the principal 1 through trains between tho chief cities of tho kingdom as between london and llaigow or Kdlnburgh or on the southern south-ern route for Iho continent The two dame first and third are still retained re-tained nnd are likely lo remain The second claim has been abolished In recent re-cent earl Tho now coaches look almost al-most exactly Ilka ordinary American cars from hue outside They average sixty feet In length run on two bogli truck nnd are connected at the cndi by vestlbuled platforms but Instead of being entirely open Inside with a gangway gang-way down Iho middle they are divided Into compartments and M > passageway runs alongside one side of tho car All lie compartment open Into this corn dor and thus communication Is I obtained ob-tained from each compartment through the length of Iho train Nail firstclass compartment seats four persons two on n side nnd each thirdclans compartment compart-ment Is I made to seat six persons There are III each car one compartment for smoking one reserved for women and children a lavatory for men and ono for women There Is n small comportment com-portment In the mlddlo of some cars Intended for storing Uie hand baggage of passengers The compartments nro accessible from tho exterior of tho car by single doors on well through the corridor which Itself lion doors along Ha length to permit of tpeedy Ingress and cgrra Tho windows of the cord dor ore extra large and afford excellent facilities for seeing the scenery Cars of similar design aro on tie on some continental railways but the Hngllsli newspaper giro full credit lo the American Idea I of their cars They say hat these compartment corridor carriage give all tho safety and convenience con-venience of tho American car with many added comforts ant convcnl races All tho cars ot both classes are handsomely finished and upholstered |