Show J AS fllOSSEI un leA II I I A GERMAN LIEUTENANT MAKES mw UI9COVEHIC9 T ne onnt n llalten Ialil lh < rs of Illi U n I r > llll nd II ten llenarileit hjr M pnlt If u 11lIn J HANDftOMK AND 11lInm gallant oung officer p m offi-cer In the German arm > hai Ju t HiMili a name for I J hlmielf in African rxplnratlon He li I f > e JItde Count Von lolien I 1 n young fellow w hn haa H very large i fortune and n bnundlc amblllnn thing In Ihe world Itnvnily Im completed com-pleted Ihe ihlrteenth ernering of tropical Afrlia from rea to tea and It waa a miwt eventful Journey for he chooe hi rniite nearly half th way through dllrlrtn thmuxli which tin white man had vIMIed and he made tome tni Irlnl and ver > Intrretllng dl coverle He ha trail on the crater wall of the only active ntonnn In At rii u he ha found large lake that were nM r heard nf l > efnre and he lia trnceil al leant me lrn rtHtit river fmm tource to nioulli It I a flue thing far an n plurr lu have a lirgi fortune uf hi onn for then he hat only In put hi hiind In hi pnrket tupply hi need id he nik no fat or of anyliody Moet or the great explorer begin In nn hum hIP I way and tear elape before they < iulre n reputation that bring them I leforr Ihe world and mnlea ll an en y alftr In rat e the mone for large rojel Ueut Vun lollen million I milli-on hoe r t him not n cent leu than 100UK Wh11 IIP left the Indian ixenn III October IM1 nnd Marled Inland he Ia nl the bend of out of Ihe large an1 Muipml riiedltlnn thnt ver nterrd A Trim He iparc < l no mon In make hli rnterprlMi n auecr III l > nrly wa Iho largrnt ever farmed rnr xptorntlon of tropical Africa The f1 Ihal he had very few men on the Ik l < tat > peak volume for the excellence oC hli equipment and > hnw that Ihe xperlence gained by many explorei IBI nt Inil deprlvrtl African explnrn 11011 of mot of lIa danger Hn atarled rom the i > ort of Pnngnnl n little north 01 Xanslbar with 111 pertons In hi urn von of whom 400 were black por er and Ihlrtithiee were oldler Among hi while romrndr were u geol I ogli and a ph slclan and he had made I 0111110 ttlr In all hli work of orgnnltlng hi bill I enterprise that Ihe world hardly knew ho had started U wa only utter I he b gan to end home new of fnshdls cove le that wide attention wa called to him He made I a ninull rxperlmrnt I with Indian elephant ns baggage carrier I car-rier two uf which hn Imported from I oo fi tl India I Wo do I not know why hi experiment ex-periment failed bul at nny rate he I I abandoned hi elephant utter a few f I IIJHT VON OOTZnX da > mai and nt taut account the animal were doing good ervlce carry Inl tlmt > er for Ihe railroad which Ihe lermani are puihlng Inland from the Indian ocean He made hi lint Im IlOrlanl duicovery after truvcling about 100 miles toward Victoria Nyantu when lie luddenly cume upon the large ntt ake Umburr which I one of ne mot touthern of that remirkable ihaln of dead irn exit ndlng hundrvdii of mile north nnd nouth u conildei obln distance eat of Victoria N > nniu Itno I very long wide rill In the urlhwho o drain I ago cannot ncnp to tho tea but eft lies In thrie deprrMloni forming u eric of big and ininll null lake Hi plorer had never hranl of Uike tm burre before although the had pained bolh north nnd nouth of It Over u hundred mile illrrUli welt of Ictorla Nan I Iho large country of Itunnd lying parll In the Congo Ktale nnd partly In Ihe lerinnn ISuit Africa No uumiieaii hn rvrr penetrated penetrat-ed thl region nnd we know nothing of Ituand except tt few ngue fact upplled by Btnnley niuhlrnunn nnd Ilaurnann who tklrtnl rnitern edgr Von Clolien croited Ihli > pulou region re-gion whoie Inhabitant nre a linelook heard of the Ing rnce Hverylody ha terrible cattle plague that u few year ago wiped out the greater part of the herd ncroi tropical Airioa from neu in ea Tho pride of lluunda u ed lo 1 the Innumi ruble lierdi of blif horned catlle that cruppvd It nutrltlou orisso but during the reign of the pliuue they were almoit wholly de itroyed The country vvu nearly rulnwl but llttlo by tittle tho herd ur 1011 I nil ngaln nnd In a few yearn more trey will reach their old proportion The king hRO the title of Klgeil He ha u dozen residence In varlou place atone at-one of which he nave tlm uxplnrer luirty a hoipllnble reception Tho Arab trader have tried In Miln to Kiitlrale thli country They have nlwuy been repulied and not n Ingle Arab did Voi 11 Ootnen meet In thl part of Crl aIn a-In lluandu thn exjlorer taw the only active volcano that ha been dlacovered In Africa nnd there I reason to believe that no other will ever be found We have known > lne 1W1 that them wai I In thl region 1 imoklng mountain for the native further north told lniln I bUrII tl I Iailia and Dr Htuhlmann that there wa a great mountain front which black moke came and that aahea wero tome I time lifted over tho country and when I there wai Ihe most imoke Iho heard a nolw llki the bellowing of many catlle It Val not at all probabla that thes j native could have inventeil tuch H ntorj and It wan quite certain that explorer ex-plorer were nn the eve of finding at 1111 l n volcano In the heart of Africa The prlte 1Ia ronened for Von flotten When Hpeke dlrovered Victoria 1 Nyan EH the native tnhl him of A mountain far wxt of the lake which they called Mount Mfumblrn He placed It on hla map and when the mountain wa tint en three year ago It waa found to be the moot northern of n chain of lx volcanic mountains extending I the nuthea t The mot tnuthern of the I the fire mountain Klrunga rtolten aw It from afar a he approached ap-proached the mountain from the east It name I really a phrBM nf which i Klrunga I the trnwl Important word 0 I ami the whole mean the plant where mcrince am burned U rlien above the plain lo n height of about II IM feel The while men raw It smoke rls I hR gnlly alxive tlm top fnr three day before pushllig through the denae veg rlatlnn they reached the Imee rf the mountain Then the eager punned up the nlrep Inl and at last they stood nixin Ihr edge of Ihe crater wall and looked iliwn upon 1 n ipecttirle that riveted riv-eted evert gnie Our picture give enme Iden nf thli crater It I taken from on dolten ketch juit pul Ililml In I Muiivvinenl Oeograpliln tlft r In llrUMel and we are Indebted In the name periodical fnr the picture I of the young explorer t hn I crater I about n mile In dlamf I l r l II II nnd the I wnll that hem It In I neatly I circular The creel of the cmlr Ilnz wnll I nevernl hundred fret above the bottom of the crater The angle of lopa J dUll II lo Ihe bottom I nlxul eevrnty dtllJ re MI tlrep that It would be dlf llrull of deirrnt and the tieclarle iprrad before the Mnltor on the crater Iwd did not tempt them to make nni effort to reiich II A nenr ni they could t make nut through Meant and yellow niukr Ihe bottom of the crntrr wa n l A TiiiiniATnu t I lake nf mnllen widish lava U looked like marble nf n yellowbrown color nnd the only wa that they could deter mini that It wa liquid or nearly to waa 1 an occasional disturbance nf the tur I fnce lilting alxive the surface of thl ft I bright hued lake Will n large orifice 1 deRcendlng 1 I Intn the bowel nf tlm moun i Iain It vv nver 400 feet In diameter nnd out ofthin Immenie cavity wu pouring n great column of > cllow imok that wa ulmoit Mining when Ih breeie now and then enveloped the explorer I ex-plorer III deiine volume They were then comprllrl In retreat down the si 118 of Ihe mountain get beyond tho reach of the overpowering fume The > mok rolled In dense wave around the bottom bot-tom uf the crater nnd In place poured over tho edge Now and then a puff of unusual enrrg would carry a column of amoke high Intn tho air and clear Iho I crater enough no that the npectalori might I r get tome Idea of the appearance of the bottom The Incessant ebullition ebulli-tion wai accompanied by a loud nolle like the roll of thunder of lumdent volume I vol-ume to drown moit other oundi and tlm visitor bad to talk at the top of thrlr volcrn to make ono another heard rvrlunalely for them nOIOJhlttU Unce II rre ejected during1 Ihrfruvlilt If n Molent eruption had been In i rcsi of course they would not have 101 I tempted lo reach the top r WANTS MANY WIVCO An llhln Mn Mlm llulutel Kr I ait 11 ern tuilnni A rival nf the millan of Turkey hne t lull been dUcnvered In Kail lalllpolli I Ohio He hRI been living there for two I year wllh n wife and nnolhrr woman who net In thnt capacity the happiest relation exIMIiiff between the three Another woman came from West Vlr Hlnu recently and then ho had three A few day ugo another woman came there for refugr nnd then he had four thing went on wlmmlngly be 0 tween taking In washing and gelling help from the township trustee and the pound partlr until the other even IIIR R little 14Jearoil girl appeared at the harem and nought heUcr It Val I given her the bring of comely appearance I appear-ance and Ihe man of Ihe house having n big heart lAtrr tho man told her that I Ihe rule of Iho Institution were Hint every newcomer who waa a female had I to become rer wife Hhe objrctrd Im mrdlalrly and wa told that Ihe would have to live up to Ihe rule or go Hhe 11 went and slaved nit night at a neighbor II neigh-bor The neighbor uri > laid to be I greatly Inceniri nd ure talking uf hickory wllhw < iu binr lur und frath rri etc I |