Show ACUTE DYSPEPSIA BYMPATHBTIO HEART DIDHA3C OFTEN ATTBND3 IT I The Mfflern Treatment OnnillU In IU i tooling lli Itnte Trem CIr Rapids low publlen Mr V Curley I who haa readied In Clarence Iowa for the past twenty two years lll nn Interesting tory of what site considers rescue from pram turn death Her narrative follow For ten yearn prior to 1131 1 wn a oonatant sufferer from acute stomach trouble I hid nil the manifold artnp torn of aeutw dysp pl nil at tln Bother B-other trouble were present na comptl ration t did not know what It wax in enjoy a meal No matter how careful I might IP as l a the quality quantity and preparation of my food illatre I alwayi followed ratine I wa dun dent and blue Almost to Alto point of Insinlty at times and would have teen rda to die Often and fl linave could not sleep Sympathetic heart trouble net In and limn and again I was obliged to rail a doctor In the night to relieve sudden attacks of surface lion which would com on without a moments warning My troubles Increased as limn wore on and I pent tare turn In doctor Dili being compelled In have rrmllcal attendant Almost constantly During tllOn ri frl 1IIJ and 113 It wn imiioiiilLle I for trio to retain food and water brnahe plagued me I Will reduced to a skeleton skele-ton A consultation of physicians wan unable to determine Juf what did all mo The doctor cave us an their align Ion that the probable trouble was uI ceratlnn of the coal of the stomach and held out no hope of recovery On doctor raid All I can lo to relieve your suffering li I by the use of opium About this Urn a friend of mine Mr nrmantlm Bmltli of Otldden Iowa told me about the emit of Mn Thuriton of Oxford Junction Iowa Thl lady Hid PhO bull been anilctrd much the Same an I had title had consulted con-sulted local physicians without relief and had tone to Davenport for treat merit living up all how of recovery she wan perumled by n friend to lake lilrrn1 JcIMrlo lilrr I tOr Dr William Max Tills Tim result naa almost magical 1 WAN led to try them from her ex twrlence and before many months I felt better than I had for n detects yean I am now almost free from trouble l and If through Nome error of diet I feel badly title splendid remedy eta trio < right again I have regained my atrenglh and am once moro in my usual nh I sleep wrM and can eat without dlslret I havo no dnubt that I owe my recovery to Dr Wllllatna rink nil Dr William rink PHI contain all the etemenla necessary to give 1 new life and richness to tho blood and reitor ahatttred nerve They are for sale l by all I druggist I or may be had by mall from Dr William Squiring I S26oby addronainc I I Dr Will SITE aU bon for ISM |