Show A DOUDLCBWINO UnlUOC Milrl Mrilrlnrr VVIilrh Kill lie Miitril by llnlrlrlly A novelty In brldg construction nnd oH > ratlon will shorllr IK completed lit iI JI Cleveland I The new Columbu utrret j I brldxa will In I a double iwlim brldg I hot Ii I two brIdge operated In one I Cleveland I he n illy of bridge rendered i ne < m ary by lie fart N > many Important I Im-portant slmt minor lie river within Its navlgubln limits The roadway over i Iho combined brldm will bo fit fret I lone The bridge will lie I polwd on I heavy clone plrt will mett above Its center of the river and will look Into She Mime work on illhrr shore One I grral udvantugn about mIte new method I of conilrurtlon III I lie cost TIll cIty enKlneer who detuned lIe bridge or bridge estlmale thn rout ul Ira than I thin npproprlntlon by I IWOOO Tim material ma-terial usnl So I uubcei 1 Thrro will I a minor tunnel In the renter of Ihn river of Hi feel Close lo Ihe nhoru illber side of the river lute Mono abut nut ums have been ruined and they lire cur mounted by steel eIIl hunsUhi toilIng I trio lending lieamn uiwn whlrh Ihn entire Blruclure rOIl llach half of tlm brldKo S olvea UM > II thirtytwo wherl Thin motive Kiner ronilitt of rliclrlc too hums IrKntKl In each turntable The power will be furnlihed by rlrclrle rlI vail ciim inlefl It will be trnnnmlltnl In Ihn motur Ihrouxh cablet Inclined Inn I In-n trench four fiet below Ihn river iuiil l loin lleforo Ihe bridge are wiinir lie safely gale will IM I rent Into poHlllon I und I Iho lock will bo Imxened by mean uf coinpremu air III Is thn firm hurtle of Important In Ihe world In bn oper axed by ilrclrlclly und the Introduction I of comprciurd air Is I slat tirnr I |