Show HEYBURN GETS fiETS SENATE TO ACT No O Objection Raised to Voting on Pure Food Bill February tia 21 S I S l' l DEMOCRAT HAS GRIEVANCE ilc Leads Lemhi Filibuster te Because c of Refusal IC to Print Coal Mci s Petition f Washington Feb 13 r. 1 Mr o of of wore a pleased expression In the senate today to ay It was wag the first for or several cral weeks weck as the senator haul had V 4 been ill III from an att attack of or appendicitis tI He lie hail had so far convalesced as asto to to have the liberty of his loom He took look more more against against the tho advice of his ph physicians and antl and went to the senate yesterday Ho He rounded up his Ills forces cm II the pure 11 food bill which he champ championed cham chant p last session but was denied a vote vot Today TOllay hardly able ahle to stand ill lu hi his place he asked in weak tones q J J that that a aoto vote voto h be taken on tho tim pure food 1001 bill February 21 1 While the senator sea sen ator atol expected opposition he was prepared pre pro pared to fJ fight ht It It was Hot not t 1 u however ho as ns not an objection was raised The request was ras u agreed to He lie sank back In his seat scat f and LIIl the tho smile stole over o his features pale laic from confinement Consider Ship Shill Sab Subsidy The Tho ship subsidy bill occupied the entire time o of the senate after Mr Hale announced that he he was at an early arly dale to call UI up the naval acad- acad 1 emy hazing bill bIll which will vo ve vest l t In Inthe Inthe the secretary of the navy navr the discretion isor Lion tion to demand the resignation of ar i midshipman when he deems the fehlow fel- fel low vs continued presence prejudicial to the welfare of lIf the service Mr Mi n WIs Is Mr 11 iowa va Mr Il Teller Teler Cob Colo Mr MiS Ba Bacon l eon con and Mr 11 Clay Ga opposed tam tain provisions of the Iho subsidy bill Mr Spooner declared that the ha measure meas T. T ure did not act to ral raise ralso o the tho standard ro or UI number of ot uble-ho uble bodied able seamen on f ships If It there had been a decent number of or bodied able men on theT the T Slocum ho declared there thel would have o been beell fewer fewel lives OIl lust lost If all any v He paid ho camo caine front from l with A. f his QUO Olle time He discovered at nt ati i J i that through a n strike all alt the ahl s seamen had boon J lm removed day dur- hiI ho he night at Liverpool Ho lie t It Jt la in Q a shame the t I I for oP o l the Ha f i I tho un n 1 en elv n not t lei o r h. h i 01 N. N 11 r U j from criticism iJ A vote ote will he bo taken upon Ullon it before before lefore be be- le- le fore adjournment tomorrow House Democrats Filibuster A 1 upon tho the part of or Republican t lican H Floor Leader Payne to grant rant unanimous consent to Representative Gillespie Dem Texas to have havo printed print print- ed ell In the tho record a a. petition from the Bituminous Coal Trade League of nr Pennsylvania praying for relief relle against us the Pennsylvania railroad and anti andr r- r the anthracite and 11 soft coal trusts brought on a Democratic filibuster to today tok to- to k day diU which bl bids s fair to continue continuo In- In y It II was as as during luring the tho general g debate on the appropriation bill hill L that tI e Gillespie of the resolution that brought ht from Crom the Interstate tc commerce commission tho the evidence against the Pennsylvania ail i-ail railroad road in III th the Red fled Rock noel Fuel c. c case e. e was wa i recognized for one minute He Ic used his time lit 11 asking permission slon to tc I extend his remarks lemurl to the record so sc sous as us to include the tho petition Representative Representative ReIHe t e Payne objected The request re ye 1 quest was renewed and anti a again anin nin the Ri- Ri floor hoar leader cr said nohen no When hen tho the general beneral clel debate ate was exhausted ex ex- hausted the committee of or the whole arose and Mr Gillespie again asked d I the tho consent of oC tho the house I object shouted Mr 11 Payne Pane Its It I the third time lime Ive I've objected rho Tho Democrats began hegan to filibuster and antl Mr l Gillespie in retaliation it h is hI believed will hereafter object to all al I unanimous con consents until his request t Is granted Commit Combat Adjournment l A motion to adjourn follo followed Mr 11 J I Paynes Payne's final and lasting objection This rids was I by hy the Demo On a rising vote voto It ft was car cm carried A roll cal nod ried and again by tellers t was demanded and secured and foi rOl I r- r ty minutes the Republican 1 r t to got Qt away while many labored lab lah I S- S ored unsuccessfully with Mr MI Pam his hs mind II H in him to change chang n n. n and ind the roll call stood pat lat however howe showed fur for Cur adjournment to G Cl 61 1 against an and the ho house o accordingly ad ad- ad J the Tho 1110 petition which caused causell all trouble makes serious charges charses of illegal nl combines and unfairness against thu railroads and the two coal trUsts The rho petition declares that Senator Gorman Corman of or Maryland Senator Is kins ln I and former formel Senator Davis of West Vest Mi- Mi control the soft coal coul gania anla absolutely output of We West Ost t Virginia and ancl that the Independent operators are arc at their x |