Show i t 1In n 5elrla 1arnlnny I I hoe of the IIIOtI InUrettlny marriage rereinonle In Iho history of the Inn I pie of Jottlre cum oil yiHimlay niiirnlnir Iltq II U Maxwell olllclMlmr I Early 1 1 In th mornliiic John Smith and MniyJonet colonel mine In from the I country tr boolusl In I the holy land In tlm praMnea of tbv happy pair snub many dusky sad a few I whit wlliiovt I the following unique ceremony wat i Mrforu d I My 1 rtonJt we ration within I hidowaf tli wells of the blind gal 111 tiolfiiiitlM In UJIIH thu nuptial Ufjiai k1515W present t and I ne bilIelrlisah8Wlnto Iha0crtl enitnbUl Mb may they haw iinwth MlltHi and fair nlndi or this HA nml tiny their hull Lr I tea from the barn atlWflf Ills and never autywtwl lo 11I10111 nor cilia ofhll ahoy AUr the ntn1 qiiutiloiit nnd snewero lilt m riltr coniliiu By the anthorliy vel lil In 11I11 by tIleDOllI of Muklenbiirn known tilt cr dlof liberty ana the common wealth North Carolina called the ir heel Itch of this conlotleratlon 01 salon by the tniaklnc tarkllni anti tbt Utwllnt wnllntMB of our terpenllnt new I by the recolln tlon of Ills fat biked opo um with tide llnod 1 wllh Sit 1 utl potato sod ho cak In say liottilng ol thu mast and luiuloilf twslerallllon i ur the frmi liver bmtu root lhe born of the toot arel tradl Itkin animal which I otter heard fitlOUt the land bv Its IlluElay l arW Mil wll < h he to protluc the tune tjihl lot mid pmmlttd wave of pro I pultlyt i by hits tinj ol the void bug watfpp toni uy U I the dirge of thus poor floHflcmhui < > l troth and mo r plillu r by Ih old flmi bitten oandou lOc biMO profundo it I heard In till mll1 by the rler 1 sad loud nolt of Obi Shanghai chautlclwr In the early MR eolllnit upon l lilt minrailet tlnkv I I > bl lf llhai Hiid by the meimrv the Mcrkltnbiirit IVIupelul me > f ntlllftll and 1111 I Ih pretem ul ihen 5540 I prinmniie yun hiubun I and liable your LtldsChorlolts IN I OUnrver |