Show LIVING UP A TREE Year ago a Louslana planter nptlj named Wltdrson went to establish himself n the llama rltcr In Nlrara Kin where ho raise banana and rubber rub-ber tree with profit A IIr Draw who visited him on business describe hula threestory homo ns literally bull In a treoA sturdy cboelrco sixty three feet from tho ground To got up and down between thl ground nail tbo house an elevator used no constructed with block and tackle that tho person using It raises himself or control lily descent by meant of a rope Thero la I alto a clmlcken house sun pcndcd from n limb Into which the poultry Is I collected at night After a lay of free picking and atrolllng thl I fathered biped coma of tbemselvei to bo raised to their roost I A good snake story goes with the rest Mr Drew NIa A thing thai struck mo curiously was tho sight ota ot-a twehfoot bovconetrlctor glldlni about on the ground nt tho foot oho o-ho tree climbing ocr tho roof oho o-ho labocrs cabins even entering them and In K IIrlll making hlmicl perfectly nt homo on the plantation Kobodyd think of harming him said tho old man to mo when I spoke to him about tho big make lion perfectly barmlcs to any ono and he keeps tho place clear of mica and moles that cat tho root of my young banana and chocolate tree lat chick fOIl Never know him to do such a thing Kllll white theyre little I dont put temptation In his way but keep them In a snaketight ClOp of wirenetting |