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Show m ILLE IMES. DEVOTED TO THE HTTEHEsts OF SUMMIT CXJUNTT. FATROMIZE HOME IHOUSTRY. VOL COALVILLE, SUMMIT IV COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, HOTfc!LLE THE COUNTY NEWS' GATHERED BY OUR ALERT RESPONDENTS. Hut Wake up, Farmers! COR- of the , Why do you tarry so long? Several who are endiug milk to , WlsslV.tif lug , Kroui Surly Every Town In Hutumtt County Mb The Tltue.'ii" Representative. Have Found to W er month trom 15 cows. Our standard otexcelb em e, ,,ow evei , i $n(l for this number. hy not let ns distribute 5,10,1 for tin coming tear. Remember tha Hotter pat doe not buy a I ore- m wile , n ji outlawed debit, nor propel i oiir oi.nme; nor mortgaged pat riachmerv , nor mortgaged butter, but it buyes gold at the Crystal. are making rite tliiiul. o tiaci. OUkitt. 1taii, Vug $50 or more (KlaTtl (ItlltnilKl r. InC. t. CO., . tlll.L, ho y V.l.e j tg A EiHfoH Tins Mi- - Jennie 1It.l i.a- - M I w . summoned to the Harry Lambert Tuesday, wag j k KIKKI'llllI 9 KuM (Hr. Utah, She hud a reverence for ure. Aug Is, thing- - Ml. that were good, true and lwaitti c CO IMAGE OF SILVER, IS How Mlnrr. aro AllnOS Giflbrd Pint hoi, special forest agent of the Interior Peptrtiutnt, thus replies to a query if the present regulations got erning t lie snra tided forest reserve? deprives miners of the right to take and develop ilaimr . The regulation issued under the law permit the development ol mines under the same regulations winch exist out-- ) 1 admirei cl returned from Pl.unond' side, w iib the exc'pliun that, where ..f tk, w here he had betn gr.vd- - tnnla-- r does not exist on a claim in ua two months. ; ttcient atuouut to develop it, e.her tim ber may lie tired to the extent of $ltX Btumpuge value wunout cbaige. tot larger am miits a pi runlets required from the of the Interior. Th text of the law t as follows: Nor snail airy tiling herein prohibit a:.v from tntei mg upon such forest on-fall profiet and law ful including that of prospecting, locating and developing aiiner.il resour- - SALOON. i f pur-po-e- s, We uow carry a linei of goods that in quality have never been surpassed in Coalville. rands ot We.b.e-i-.i- v in join the-n- . nice covering such forest The ' WINE S , were inntinieialile. I THE Fun oh Tiwta are very scarce. All'll -- e imoii- - his beenlvllup f r John Mcuehouse il alt Lake i wan.i lev data witn lheumutism. ing friends and relative- - here. t ie I Kevtiold is at Kota port -- pendTnere a iM lie rnoic ap In atnms lor '.nation wi h mg pai l ot next t"...elhaii al the road su) ti r his parent. lust elect ion. numb-naa- Robert '.ddowi,y It is tepoMtd lhat the Justice of the b it .a last u.k the week, among people Peace, Joseph Phillip-- , - wo'king in now all rug h f ngtin. tlie tunnel at die Ontai 10 mine at Paik Ml. and Mr ILL TO NO. 28 or 11 . 1897 ier-so- n returned from Park City. Hawn,: l in full h.a-- t in he meadow tin Braver creek. bishing is hveijNip Uit liter, 1ml li in, e jbed-ld- , 11 FREE Mr. 18, 1897 B Pinkie - Oty Saturday morn tlier'J Crystal Creamery Bk Ctah, Aug. 11 EniloK r.MKn I'i. Tbs Event AUGUST zo ?un'to(y W"m.s reserva-t- t LIQUORS, Another seetb-- is as follows: wanes Cl on such reservations may le lined for domestic, miniuing, milling AND CIGARS and irrigation purpose under the laws of the S ales w herein such forest reer lust received. If you want a v aliens ar- situated, or tin ler the laws noi, ol tfu Cnited States and the rules and good drink or cigar, give us a J call. . reguia ions established thoieunder. City 'I of ne claims validHy existing leturued to Ruck port SIMPSON Si SWAINSON. Uoin.onthc ,;th, Itiu hot', at the v and patients il Inn the is in in North Kama-- . . hou?" of T. liaier. Mr. hraier Mi- -. Win. Havin'1!- no wise atiected, while the settler is sudthink' Iheie is something in being load i given t tie option ol exchsuging his w ith i.l denly Tuesday . damp-- , IC evening 't he t 11.9 mid the mothei supeiw.-oiClaim ol holding for the same area else W.-VXSXCafiei me tame. but became i w here outside a forest reserve, aie do ng very well. w About Mr-- . Alice Malm ua- - cided to Kama c isi to h m, except that he must eom Very liatteung report-- , tome from up1 on Mondav to attend nei daughter. on the the mrr and Holiday Paik at ply with the same conditions which I Vlr. Hattie .tea, wt.o wa very ill. would have been rtquired on hisorigin' lmnui. I will 'in mine in a short time pain Kcur-ioistill pa ' I. rough Ko Tim k : n June 17, 1897, her spirit left thn Kpri-oal clmu. Wagon roads maybe con as behave no secuied enough yet to a t daily, en imite to dniereut place-i- n world or law M s Ll.lora Ilairis is vi'iimg in suuoted under autnority fr .iu the 8 ceol pain. The words-sa- id put 119 up III the Million. wt to spend the hot suilnier iee .losep'-tnare in tldr (ijden f r a few dav. troe nt ary of the Interior, and land may -- be equally Two of Wm. Walker thildien are wtek- v llt'le more plea-an- t. M,,. never willingly caused any for schools and chuiches. thanjse. occupieJ ilr. Mi hereon Uosuierwas professional ert low with the tynoid ieer. they can in their ritv hollies. one to shed a tear, but tears euour; There t no regulation prohibiting the - t Wan-bi- n hundav. last attend19 bii!es the of Ir. William Mr. and sons, while haul- - were shed over Uef iadore the was or of any person upon the has beeu in the uir ingress egress Ihdieit mg physician, iltnlei the diiicUoi. ot mg liav a lew dav ago, hud a load tin awav. ,, lb-- r remains were Vmrud forest n serves for lawful purposes, 'and miDEST-BENTl- ST, CoHiIIIe, OUS.- ' Hr. llosmer o! t oalvnle. ttasihs for seu tal davs over, which shghtiV hurt t?e two Mddo- - the Loauide cemetery. in general the regulations have been so I uf tl e ear e is i.ot al As otti Jn-til,m s and'a Mr. Harwood, who was rt.H'oyot Mergau made a W.hieiMo(WW every possible flee pot forgotten, Katie! i .. . . -. c , thsJmiiae, fl i c J 1. . i il o tl . v 1 .1 v 1 f. ' lieni' lobi cons5ti;nT w ilb' the preset vaUoii'of 0OALVILI.E IiOWsi Mh 28, 1.ff.O.F. , witp' 'Tray wTueef'yM b7icd again';' out at .ich harvet expense. ishavmga Meet every Thursday seph Edgeworth is at present so the fopcsts. ol ltlB j,J(.kEirt i,oy, WPt Ui j YourspcAlees hie lias, like tt.esnoaak evening at 700, s have Wen started by some of, Two j" truit.g in Hiumuiidvillo, Myo, HnniUv u)tnin dnak Bmj t Left a mark, but not a "Ui.. ljM jituturf' IbaslisaWa. J.is-few (lay. 9mmm au.in Muxan'Cltylw Money vil do 'houtefeiyteng but hay eordia..y iovited. v Iockpoit, Aug 18,1897. cause they coldnt gb. What is the F. M. DLVNEO, X. O. brief vi-- it liere on Saturday last. mediceen to cure falter yen hS tem roKt, LISMARCK F.N'YDKR, Fecy, traction there, I wonder here nxet Tl.cie is of talk q threshing ANsIlIl' com to vadu entt goJden rivar. 1iov, 1tah, Aug ll, lv7. W-Air. Artjrnr Vickcrv of this place died This applies to the fall grain W a L Yen a taller cannow sing hae can yen tah, Augt 18, 1897. wur, this i.v 'ruing aoout b ,9, alter several Eiiiiok Timls ftUIlKK, iyi mak noise uuff soni odder vay to F.iiiuoi Ti.tis, eraliy 4 t week of sickiie., tau-e- d by old age and washers from VVyoin-ig- o uak oup foret. vT'r$nk A large -- bower on Tuesday afternoon The 2nd (n.oitim d Elfer he'd t lit ir Law. Attorney drojis., tlx 18th trying tusecure mulea cooled "fT the an somewhat. Keiigioo ea free and yet aye tank patm t" u.g here on tiie lotlr. fer gr lirg. ent mediceen laker vot haf rain-vatat Km N,,i t ..rgotte- Mi- - Com County Attorney l,ie)ds and bberitl' Notary Public. I'en lleton r home again I foika a dollar for von bottle getien rid of he! attended of 1 Svverxl Herder the for a eoa short Lind ,v were Tint h (if Mat. when the On the abet a 8alt or m go monti speiulin l'b, tiniej Land business attended lo. 6ie stake cotiference at Morgan on last atock es que. k es preecher do. la- -l wtek. 'caith was brightened bv Natures sweet- - lavke. ATOfIiee two doors north of Stake Yen a voiuan getten married second Sunday. h m t!i -t that a mme J tint eare There g glide peace-a'birmiior.t, Mr. and Mrs. James lUirow of fait v ust notice she dont vant to mon tern -jut House, Coalville, Utah. If. Who put the fully into the home ofi Mr. and Mrs. Lake now aie flo; mi gare out sjienditig aweek with Mr, Ctmiehua Hunt and Thmuaa It rouii'T solong met courtin. key of tire Lake members both 8a hook in em. lit nrv sVnu.ons al Rocktort. and M -. Josh lendletoo. Aguealarm (hn-k- , gate voinan and UeatAo., were Jjlng buei nes beredur Hut mg the pa-- t lew d i g the mail lias E. HOSMKR, M. D., L! lei s Chai It s 8e more an "Ad lovelier smut ever swept Ditmei tree g He tneals efery dav vil mak any JAMES mg tile week. been more rt g Jar ami on time, ah f The v nt et.icrtal depth- - of spare ; Lewi of Kaiiiaa addreaeed the Saints flour can sack hae ven hae buy Ihyslrlan and Surgeon, h down mi eatthmuie sweetly kept William Kichtns and wife returned mans? winch 19 higl.lv appreciated here lu tlu ir afternoon nvorship met-lnOFFICE AT RESIDENCE. vaut to. mid lifes bewildering race. t lace Her and from last letter since my Ogden 1'iank and II v i um I.urnum, w bo have on the 15th. , Coalville, You tan bury rich man on vast as Mie Edith may he seen daily on per fhr abovt words of Naisbitt oan be been in Southern I ah these man Driest will hold a mist 11 'lhe Office hours as small ftoin 2 a. von, m. m High to grouud you caupoor piece p. hew w heel. and 7 p. m. moons, leturue borne on Monday t en- -' ttuly aid "f Mr. Katie L. Chappell, mg at K ifkporl Saturday, ugust28lii, lienvc--r Dost. of my sketch. vhe soon of CoalDartoili and Messrs tne A II w hocan should observe these hours Copley siit'ject ' ,gat 11 odwk p. lu. All memlie's of that lorew to cln vlluaid. and one spring dav echqq) . Tb progressive ladies of MVlofield as near as possiblq. ' ville were visitors to the The dfliite in vlaruuvnts hall on Mon- to he present aie nque-li-quotum ceased his visits, ha 15 tb, and were sjiiakefsat here IxforeJaCK .ogt f Did., issued a Womens Edition of on the dav evening wa we'l attendeil for tin1 A great deal of danug to was don Went field News, bearing date of lier to thn looked Lapti-was into the the af.ernoon ice services. season of the year, and was pronounced QIl. 17. A. laitDOY, the"W e.ns.iiip ii i ig itmrnbteh during the Latter-Da- y Je-3, 1S9. The paper is filled with liiitof ol Vpnl Cfiimh was ice here this morning, Aag ' the There a euices-- . recent ri. in stoiuis. It wilt co- -t vim-8aiiils. Miewasthe only daughter ill niattey of interest to women, and we W. ii. ou Bt.rii. ling water. Physician and Surgeon. Clialton JacAi of Welier countv llW siderabh be-t notice the following frotn a corretond' input thedi-'- i in order again. i the f.'im.y , and geiuod lieen resticatnig out tins wav lor il.e Office at Cluff Hotel; or leave calls at Rome A pVa-.- il t IMhr t veiling wa td'a- a f tit Mr. enf, which the editors printed, realizing voiid bet 1 he gentleman reA Sons Drug bt ore. pa-- t week or more. John . Mr-batwL a Boyden and tub new attachment tor is IhaFk treat ujOtt a matter of vital imtu (J. WTon ig's. on aog5 and a harsh wold wa severe turned home by the way offalt Lake position tTT heFat Mi-- e of M of back a hono treat t formed curved lor The scrubber sex: heir "The and T.f, plate nine passr piOdt portance jo any time. onMouday. 1 lie 1 w Mattie lo fit in theeud of the tub, with a rough remedy for croup, colds and bronchitis following imr.wLH, ing veai stain bi tight her to oiintn-ps,!r And so another newspaper man hag Iwere pies.-n- t ; Mr. ami Juiumi cioth attached to the sutface in position that I hflve'leeit able to find is Cham hood, wline siie wa NOTARY PUBLIC, had a head put on him, by a for use by the Lather after it has been HueCough remedy. For fau ily j Mvres, Edi Hates, Deter and Mark a the rose, yet Vod"t, Mi-s will Thiskind oi hav j trea-ni- e . I.iv Judd and the Mi?'9 well jsoajieii. thing use jt has no equal. I gladly recoin bully. Henefer, Utah. iu ln-- (pill r liomc; A H iy, Liam I. . and 25 and 50 cenUbottle To assist in carving a fowl or roast a mend it. for Collections ou a- - lie ln'ely tlnows tostop orsrmeouo will die ryih their Yout.g, M Luvl made. promptly boots on. All cowardly, overgrow n Jlcr wcallo ol !pvt. liough fui she roam. Tgylr,Miss Read Mr. and Mrs. (pi, new platter has an upwjiuly piojicting sale by John Boyden & Hon. W. Yoii.i. an i Mi bullies lake adv antage of the child like 'arm at theside, holding acUmp, which M.imniie Young IL.ul wink and caie, addeil to -- her of and nature a good in .Tuihiule Ate idk.vt, It is terrible news' V. - prexaoa the meat luio a ,. simplicity io-lier down delir-ittrnke crriritm accident to be burned or scalded; blit the and paper man ;but the Vvprm will turn, and healih. and in itrtiu keep? turning the pum and agonv platter the fnghtful cmsequi nee she suffered A ItnftrkuMe ' uip of Chronic I when it (loeBsotnethir.g'wlIl pop, tmre! a can be quickly overcome disfiguremei'ts rhom great deal at times, but alwajs in si' For the purpose of assisting a violin without leaving a scar by using David Iluff and Charh i Hayo of OakIn 38o2, when I served niv country a lence, as she thought R enough for herWitch liael Halve, John on to hold hi instrument steady, a arrested were and player Tuesday ley self lo lie miei.iblc wthout making a in CompunvA, lb7lh lVn-- new & Hon, Hoyden private Alvtajsloflie front. of to the chin rest is attached edge brought to Pena and airaigned before others so. Her ambitions ran high tn!nvlva nia Vol.mtecrs, I eontr.u let! of the soft a A. Marchant The board consisting pad yesterday. JustiieJ. the lme of advancement, and by ira.d , Shaving Tickets f i.to for $1.00, dunI,WK. It has g, ven me! , T""1 , t0 ,88Ufn l 'ul cuehll'ne,i chasiie agsinst them is grand larceny, study at the Rockport schools, at home ,KreHj ,i,,ai f have eu.r j it to the violin. the complaint alleging, that they diove ami at the 8ummit Make Aeadenn , stie j ri( a ,0pn different nieduines eed,- W'hen electricity cannot be used to off the range a ster leloiigutg to an-- 1 ac lUlrt.(i a K3,,, ednealioit and tor some ; scvr nt d - tors without p tal PUBLIC - TELEPHONE IN run fan to cool a room a new fan can nother party, killing and appropiinting time taught the Uockpoit stdiooi. Htr niMrent pr.uiiint relief. No' long ago a tuend Ire i tevolved use. own blaies the being by used, County Attorney , fetters and it to their well as her sl,Mt nie a san.plp Little of thamL'rCONNECTION. ' a gear train iaside the hanging case Shields came over to proseuie the ci-life, ?how a reverence for Lr s tCMic Clmlera and Dutrl oes tl'Dugh Two doors south of Resort Saloon. 1 CJ. F. home, Eecotnpanied by Sheriff indsav. ami twotliers. She Remedy, 8nd after that I bought with a drum on the primary shaft, or parent to for the fs wound. cord . who which a defendants, weighted Lyons appeared tjIOOjrilt w(ti) ttie pot.tl and took a 50 cent bottle; and now JOHN SHERHAN, A recently patented bicycle boat, in Proprietor. pleaded not guilty to the charge and I l can I am that cured of earth have little worth. chut say The entuely. uis Ire were bound which has auv waived examination used, Tney To those who find ii t happy hearth. csi.not le thankful enough to yon for1 : : ; Utah.' to the rear Summit Co., over to the District Court in the sum of for this great Remedy, and recommend cog wheel to le attached a sacrifii d e to it pleasure She deemt wheel of the bicycie woich meshes into 500 each. Tte bonds uer furui-h- 'SUMMIT COUNTY it th-isuIering veterans, IfiadoiiM1. smaller wheel on the and accepted by the court, aud '.he de her amusement fur l of her niotner; write me. tropeller shaft A ours gratefully, flemy,. frame Ling provided to hold the she worked for and aided her hrotfeSs fendanta were released. H.R.E.Vier. fvol 1 by John wavs slid cheered her Htenherger, Allettton Da in countle wheel in position. Halt Ltks Herald. Bovden Si Son. of illness. , MarbIe:-:Work- s. Tersons w lio are troubled with indi- father tu liishOnr Tbs Ksely lostltst. j At different times she visited Idaho, gestion will be interested In the exper-enr- e Prof. W.S. Arnold, general rotmed of In central and f Tin examinar iiela-slier(inilftr of W. H. Penn, chief clerk in the an a number of plaies tint) for this season wtUbe held ill the Keeley Institute, Halt Hake, on each and return Dtali. southern from tally sy mail cervice at Des Moines. School house, Coalville, flattemig Prick .''fivtng of the poet who Hoytsville,- - , Utah. It gives me plea-ar- e voued the sentiments the successful tieatment Iowa, who wriies: pionipth at 9 ocksk a. ,n August; tha at his under 23. Applicants will supply themselves t S,,n Riven charge awe; General Dealer in All Kinds of to testifr to the merits of Chamber-lail8titute. Write him lot par-- , with pen and ink. Ail county teachers' Cholic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Wheie inoMieris. oh, the World of lov, will lie i Hculars. Before you send your money required to cerllficate. matter how far our feet may rove; j Remedy. For two years I have suffered No D. H, McCoaxta, County 8npt. V worn constant and wearr tn hen stri!e, out of your county, get' our from n.digeMion, and am fnLjet o Dont thin voir bhwdwiib sassafras Mother and home ate the best of hie. foe-teor aid Home rices ou . Granite and Marble but of he atTacka 'with some for twenty and, poison it pain in frequetil severe M -Her arnetal amusements were not so ouie for fifty years have anffered from f"t ure by using DeWitts Littlefor Early stomach and towel. One or two do' ANDonuments, Headstones, etc con- I have been quickly and Risers, the famous little pills Pe nd thencured those of some Work" guaranteed. Of this remedy never fails to give er grl,"t . , by using DeWitts stipation, bihousness and stomach andLljpmnniiy hindrance; and then. sha. Witch Ilsel Hlv. John I.oy den A l'er troubles. They are purely vbgelectrelief. Drice 25 and 50 cents; soli health C. H. WEST, Prop r. S i i,.,..i..k .t Ron .tahu Hon. k the a motto, Duty before pleas-- , Son Job Hoyden practicel by klleber em uai v 24lh, 1897, she ws mai i iid iy n,g',t about Hi to Thornu Chappell of Coalville In tfee fiumi w as een hv a pus'iby climbing -..ilt 1, il,e rumple, and a hapoieror mote rp d'y o tht ton of a telephutie ole hopeful In nle would be harl to fin, jappo-t'- e his residence. Cm louslv he w as wliv ll)o-- e he ' arte in her new fcphere of liksja-krantics, to w hicb iJHebei t ii i .IS teplied that he wanted with tin deleiminuuoii to still be from O iklev Instantly, lie go aland true. But her continued liapil jtlf, lies seemed di stilled not to lie, for b$- - pi as kmdij advised OSal he would save fore many weeks hud passed ill Iieultp ibiue h, running down Pi ne o!hc3 and tfeinl i lie meage. liiflt he md and came agun and for over two months si v lJ.,0 Hr. lio-mwa here and by sullered agonn a During wither k 7.0 a '"fi ad d tp Mr. i I'inns fuimlv, lie was eyer hopeful, and tried lie- comfi.i t In r dc ir ones by saying I an! ill - u a e . ,il quiet oin'o tin n . be Ivter lam. C. H. W. Kveu while sttfTeritTl . , intei. -- r pain, the looks of Agony and feat UEXEFSK. on her seemed to cause as mul i . Utah, Aug I'I. 1897. iliMttB, as her illness. 8,i' "i 1 u-o- d tti, n , v lio-m- er -p ! v er wa-t.is- -- er , -- f, tin k-- nt A 7? 1 ;c,e,m. 1 kl j - wnin t- -j j VV k BntlUU at . er 1 I f.-- Ste-(dien- r- 1 g 1 j 1 , , J ut i wa-o- sin-itiv- S,w-n- - Ttn-ada- y M.-s- s Its-a- ilr. hlu-tei-i- - r I e d De-Wi- tt Postolllce Store, r- .as e, J , i ,jI. - 0. F. LYONS, c,at py bine-mas- i .. ws s, |